E-Payments Routing Directory Frequently Asked Questions (2025)

Federal Reserve Financial Services is committed to providing the answers and information you need. Answers to many of the most frequently asked questions can be found using the links below.

If your question is not answered by the information provided on the site, the Contact service provides a comprehensive list of service and support contacts who can assist you.

General Information

  1. What is the E-Payments Routing Directory?

    The Federal Reserve Banks’ E-Payments Routing Directory provides basic routing information for Fedwire® Funds Service, Fedwire Securities Service, and FedACH® transactions. This information is synchronized with the Fedwire and FedACH databases daily and is provided to institutions to help them process and settle transactions efficiently. The information contained in the directory may not be sold, relicensed, or otherwise used for commercial gain.

  2. Is access to the E-Payments Routing Directory restricted to users within the United States?

    No, the E-Payments Routing Directory can be accessed by any authorized user in any part of the world. The information contained in the directory may not be sold, relicensed, or otherwise used for commercial gain.

  3. How often is the information in the directory updated?

    Information in the E-Payments Routing Directory is updated daily, generally by 5:00 a.m. (Eastern Time). The effective date of the data is published at the bottom of the search screens.

  4. Is the status of an institution in the directory the same as the status of the institution in the Fedwire and FedACH systems?

    Yes, each institution's status in the directory corresponds directly with its status in the Fedwire and FedACH databases as of the close of business the previous business day. The information in the E-Payments Routing Directory website is derived directly from these databases and reloaded on the website each day.

  5. I want to make changes to my institution's status. How do I do that?

    To change your institution's status with respect to the Fedwire Funds Service or the Fedwire Securities Service, please contact the Wholesale Operations Site for your district. To change FedACH information for your institution, please contact FedACH and Check Services Customer Support.

Downloading the Directory

  1. How do I download the directory?

    Commencing on December 9, 2018, the only way to download the complete E-Payments Routing Directory data file will be via a FedLine® Solution. If you are a financial institution and/or third-party processor with access to FedLine, your End User Authorization Contact (EUAC) or Technical Contact may conduct a manual download or issue a download authorization code for automated downloads. A download can be performed manually, or on an automated basis through the use of a download code.

    Please note that the directory is subject to the terms of use. The information contained in the directory may not be sold, relicensed, or otherwise used for commercial gain.

  2. Is there a fee for downloading the E-Payments Routing Directory?

    There is no fee associated with the manual download of the E-Payments Routing Directory accessible via a FedLine Solution. However, there may be a fee associated with use of a download code to automatically download the directory. The Federal Reserve Banks charge a fee to institutions for the use of a download code via a FedLine Solution.

  3. Why are the Federal Reserve Banks removing the public complete E-Payments Routing Directory data file from FRBservices.org in December 2018?

    Due to increased security concerns in the industry and reported misuse of the directory data, the Federal Reserve Banks have decided to secure this data in our FedLine Solution and remove it from our public website.

  4. I am not a financial institution. How do get this data after December 9, 2018?

    If you are not a banking institution, commencing on December 9, 2018, you can still search the directory but will no longer be able to conduct a manual download of the complete directory. If you need to download the directory for purposes of preparing your payment files for processing, you may contact the financial institution that processes your organization’s ACH or wire payments to discuss available options, which may include a request for an E-Payments Routing Directory download code directly from them. This download code enables your organization to electronically retrieve the complete E-Payments Routing Directory data file on an automated basis subject to certain terms applicable to use of the codes and the E-Payments Routing Directory. Your financial institution is required to obtain your agreement with those terms before it provides you with a code. Download codes can be inserted into an automated script that your technical staff develops that will automatically pull the data into your systems.

    A cover letter (PDF) template is available to assist you with contacting your financial institution to request an E-Payments Routing Directory download code.

  5. How do I contact my financial institution to obtain a download code?

    The Federal Reserve Banks recommend non-banking institutions contact their organization’s finance or accounting department to determine which bank or third-party processes your organization’s ACH and wire payments. From there, you should contact your representative at that institution, or if you don’t have one, you can contact the institution’s department that handles ACH or wire payments.

    A cover letter (PDF) template is available to assist you with contacting your financial institution to request an E-Payments Routing Directory download code.

  6. How big are the downloaded directory files?

    As text files, the directory of Fedwire Funds Service and Fedwire Securities Service participants is approximately 1 megabyte, while the directory of FedACH Participant RDFIs is approximately 3 megabytes.

  7. Can I download the directory file using FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

    There is no FTP capability for downloading the E-Payments Routing Directory. The directory can be downloaded in text format via HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol - Secured), a protocol that encrypts the directory's text file in transit. Commencing on December 9, 2018, only institutions with a Fedline Solution will be able to manually download the complete directory.

Related Information

  1. How do I find the telephone number for a FedACH participant?

    From the E-Payments Routing Directory home page click on "Search for FedACH Participant RDFIs". Enter the FedACH participant name, location or routing number and click on "Search". The FedACH participant information will appear on your screen. Click on the routing number or "More" button to view the telephone number.

    If you are a financial institution and have further questions about the E-Payments Routing Directory, please contact the Customer Contact Center (CCC) at P: (888) 333-7010 or ccc.technical.support@kc.frb.org. Please include your institution's name and routing number.

    If you are not a financial institution, contact the financial institution that processes your organization's ACH or wire payments for questions about the E-Payments Routing Directory.

If you have further questions about the E-Payments Routing Directory, please contact The Customer Contact Center (CCC) at (888) 333-7010 or ccc.technical.support@kc.frb.org.

Please include your institution's name and routing number.

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E-Payments Routing Directory Frequently Asked Questions (2025)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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