Delhi, Wednesday,August 6, 2003 Capital 44 Pages* Invitation Price Rs (2024)

OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ K OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ M OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ C

New Delhi, Wednesday,August 6, Capital 44 pages* Invitation Price Rs. 1.50 International India Times Sport Judge shields Lights out: Jaswant We're ready for Cameron Diaz Singh wants bulbs Aussie sledging, from overexposure removed from House says Ganguly Page 14 Page 10 Page 21


Established 1838 Green study finds Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd.

Because we don’t think about future generations, they will never forget us. — Henrik Tikkanen pesticides in colas NEWS DIGEST TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: In findings hotly Anything official about it? UK hikes students’ visa fee: contested by global giants Indian students planning to extend co*ke and Pepsi the Centre After its bottled water bombshell, CSE has revealed their stay in Britain will now be ex- for Science and Environment that you should drink colas only if your ‘dil mangey pected to pay at least Rs 11,000 per picked up three bottles each head. The spiralling cost of British of 12 soft drink brands from more’ pesticides. visa extension fees, enforced just Delhi and found they con- days ago, are sure to deter Indians CSE says 12 cola brands have pesticide levels tained a ‘‘deadly pesticide from studying in the UK. P15 alarmingly higher than EU norms co*cktail’’ which exceeded Eu- CEC against clubbing polls: ropean norms by around 11 to Chief Election Commissioner J M 70 times. But these do not MIRINDA Lyngdoh on Tuesday rejected breach Indian laws which, co*kE PEPSI Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani’s said the CSE on Tuesday, are LEMON proposal for synchronisation of the weak or non-existent. Lok Sabha and the assembly elec- Rivals co*ke and Pepsi, ac- 70 times 45 times 37 times tions, saying it was not in line with cused of ‘‘double standards’’, the Constitution. came together on Tuesday Cola bosses say BIS, the govt agency, says No trace of temple: A senior evening to challenge CSE’s archaeologist involved in the testing methods. They sought Policemen try to push reporters away from the site of an explosion at J W Marriott Hotel in Jakarta on “That’s bullsh*t.... we “We will apply excavation of the site near Babri an independent scientific in- Tuesday. The powerful blast killed 11 persons and wounded over 100. Another picture on page 15 masjid in Ayodhya has said no quiry into the matter, while follow much higher stricter rules for evidence of a pre-existing temple claiming that their products global standards. botled water and has surfaced so far. P9 were safe and world-class. PM’s assurance: The Prime Min- Our products are tested lo- Our kids drink these water used for ister has assured the domestic me- Terror strikes Jakarta,14 die cally, in accredited labs, and products” soft drinks” dia industry that his government internationally, said co*ke would ensure that the nation’s laws Jakarta: A huge car bomb ripped glass. Australian tourist Simon Le- lamic militants on bomb-related and Pepsi chiefs Sanjeev DANGER CONTENT on foreign investment across all me- through one of the top hotels in In- uning had just arrived in Jakarta charges — including that of Abu Gupta and Rajeev Bakshi re- dia would be complied with in letter donesia’s capital on Tuesday, from Perth and was relaxing in his Bakar Bashir, an influential cleric. spectively. Both companies DDT and metabolites: and spirit. P7 killing 14 people and wounding room at the hotel when the explo- He is accused of leading the Je- claim that they operate with- Affect the nervous system. Rikku’s denial: Rikku Rakesh about 150. sion occurred. maah Islamiah network blamed for in European and American Probable carcinogens Nath, secretary to filmstar Madhuri The city’s governor said a sui- ‘‘The window blew in, blew me a series of attacks on Western tar- norms with ‘‘top-grade test- Lindane: Nerve poison. Dixit, denied on Tuesday being cide bomber was probably respon- across the room,’’ he said. ‘‘I got gets including October’s Bali ing, top-grade products’’. Affects the reproductive questioned by the Delhi Police for sible for the attack on the JW Mar- out of there as fast as I could.’’ The bombings that killed 202 people, co*ke and Pepsi claim they system. Known carcinogen his alleged hawala links with gang- conduct testing at every stage riott Hotel — the second major Indonesian Red Cross said 14 peo- most of them foreign tourists. Can cause ster Dawood Ibrahim. P10 regularly. Even the govern- Chlorophyrifos: blast to hit Indonesia in less than a ple died and 150 were wounded. Police have said a Dutch bank- pneumonia, muscle paralysis, ment’s Prevention of Food Laloo moves SC: Former Bihar year. It was timed as thousands of ‘‘Thirteen bodies have been ing executive was among the dead, even death due to respiratory CM Laloo Prasad Yadav moved the workers poured out of offices for evacuated to hospitals while while two Americans, two Singa- Adulteration (PFA) conducts failure SC on Tuesday seeking release of lunch and mosques called the the last one, a human head poreans, an Australian and a tests, they claim. ‘‘We have a his passport for his proposed visit to faithful to prayer. without body, was just found by a New Zealander among those strong set of regulations Malathion: Affects the Pakistan. The passport was deposit- The blast ripped through the Red Cross team on the fifth floor of wounded. The official Antara news internally and externally,’’ nervous system. High ed as a condition for grant of bail to lobby and set fire to cars and taxis the hotel,’’ a senior Red Cross agency said 111 people were in- said Gupta. exposure can cause respiratory him in the fodder scam cases. P7 out front. Many windows in the 33- official said. jured, many seriously. CSE chief Sunita Narain paralysis and death Gangster’s mother sentenced: storey hotel were blown out. The national police chief, Gener- The Marriott, popular with for- said sample bottles picked up Wreckage from the charred lobby al Da’i Bachtiar, told reporters the eign businessmen, is in the from the US showed no trace Mother of alleged gangster Suresh by 22 times. On the list, all al- Here, there are no norms at Manchekar, Laxmi, was on was strewn over a wide area. car bomb blew up near the lobby, wealthy suburb of Kuningan on a of pesticides. Both the US legedly breaching the norms, all for an industry which is Tuesday sentenced to life imprison- Diners were eating lunch in not the basem*nt as earlier reports major road through the city’s busi- and Europe have set stan- were Fanta, Mirinda Orange, established; it is not a ques- ment by a special court in Mumbai restaurants and cafes in the hotel suggested. He said the blast was ness district. The hotel is close to dards and rules under which Seven Up, Limca, Blue Pepsi, tion of small players.’’ on charges of murdering a builder and in a nearby office tower, when similar to the Bali bombings. the diplomatic area of Menteng citizens can drag companies Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi Rules on arsenic levels in who refused to pay extortion the blast blew out windows and Tuesday’s attack coincided with where many Western embassies to court. and Sprite. soft drinks, charged Narain, money in 2002. showered people with shards of high-profile trials of suspected Is- and consulates are based. Reuters However, CSE found high Prolonged intake of pesti- allow 0.5 ppm (parts per mil- individual pesticide residues cides can lead to cancer, at- lion), the Bureau of Indian Row over Best Bakery: The Op- in the Delhi samples: An av- tack the nervous system, de- Standards (BIS) says it position clashed with BJP members erage of 15 times higher for crease the sperm count and should be 0.25 ppm while the on Tuesday in the Lok Sabha while accusing the ruling party of targeting DDT and metabolites; 21 cause birth defects. limit for bottled water is 0.05 a constitutional body like the NHRC Basu: CPM to I’ll act, Kalam tells times higher for lindane; 42 Narain, aghast that ‘‘global ppm. ‘‘You are legally allowed after it petitioned the Supreme Court times higher for chlorphyri- giants’’ are not setting an ex- 50 times more arsenic in soft for a re-trial of the Best Bakery case support Cong fos; 87 times higher for ample, came down heavily on drinks than in bottled water,’’ outside Gujarat. P9 malathion. the government’s regulatory Narain said. The same, she MiG victim’s parents The mix, claims CSE, saw norms. ‘‘This is worse than alleged, goes for lead, copper YOU SAID IT by Laxman in LS election Pankaj Nangia Mirinda Lemon breaching the bottled water case. At and cadmium. TIMES NEWS NETWORK the European norm by 70 least mandatory certification Cola majors cry foul, say CSE TIMES NEWS NETWORK times, co*ke by 45 times, Pep- is needed for this but there is report lacks fizz: P13 New Delhi: With MiG-21s continu- si by 37 times and Thums Up nothing for this food industry. What’s CSE all about? P13 Kolkata: Communist Party of ing to crash around the country, India-Marxist (CPM) leader President Abdul Kalam on Tuesday Jyoti Basu said on Tuesday assured families of the pilots killed that his party would support in these crashes that he was taking the Congress in the coming ‘‘a personal interest’’ on the issue of Lok Sabha polls and the frequent accidents in the IAF. assembly elections scheduled ‘‘The President also assured us he in five states. shares our grief...he assured us air Basu said the party wanted safety in the IAF was on the ascent,’’ to defeat the BJP-led NDA gov- Kavita Gadgil, mother of a 27-year- ernment at the Centre and for old pilot who died in a MiG-21 crash that it was ready to join hands in September 2001, said after a 30- Anil and Kavita Gadgil, parents of with the Congress. minute meeting with the President. Abhijit Gadgil, who died in a MiG ‘‘The BJP has destroyed the Her husband, Wing Commander crash, speak to the media after country in every sense. Since meeting President Kalam on Tuesday. long we have been trying to (retired) Anil Gadgil, added: ‘‘A oust the party from power. strong message is being sent At the same time, the Gadgils with the President, the supreme Next time you draft my speech That’s why we have decided to emphasised they were not read it out to me first before I take support the Congress in the commander of the armed forces, ‘‘anti-IAF’’, nor did they want all the it to address the gathering. elections,’’ Basu said, while ad- himself taking personal interest in MiG-21s, which constitute around 50 dressing a CPM meeting to the matter.’’ per cent of the IAF combat fleet, to commemorate the 115th birth After being disappointed with the be grounded. ‘‘We just want the anniversary of Communist top IAF brass and defence minister problems with the MiG-21s to be leader Muzzaffar Ahmed. George Fernandes, the Gadgils solved...the safety standards must Basu denied a statement at- have now knocked on the doors of improve,’’ they said. tributed to him that the CPM Rashtrapati Bhavan to ensure ‘‘The President read our petition would join a core committee that ‘‘our own soldiers are not killed very carefully...We are satisfied with formed with the Congress but by our own weapons’’. In the last his assurances. He told us he also POLL not join any Congress-led gov- three years alone, there have been 50 wanted to become a fighter pilot in MiG crashes, with at least 25 pilots his youth, but could not make it,’’ Has Vajpayee jumped the gun in ernment at the Centre. promising a Ram temple in Ayodhya? losing their lives. they added. Yes 66% No 34% VOTE NOW : What should be India’s an- Touch me not: Pointing finger writes swer to sledging in cricket? a) Protest b) Counter-sledge NYT By Teresa Riordan Vote on or SMS ‘Poll’ to 8888 New York: R Douglas McPheters WEATHER recalls his attempt to write a novel a decade ago. ‘‘It was a thriller Max. 35oC/Min. 26oC about a Manhattan loan shark oper- Moonset: Wednesday – 11.53 pm ating in what’s left of the Soviet Moonrise: Thursday – 2.56 pm Union,’’ said McPheters, a former Sunset: Wednesday – 7.08 pm banking and securities lawyer. Sunrise: Thursday – 5.46 am He never did publish the book, but Mainly cloudy sky with rain/thunder- he became fixated on one of his fic- showers in some areas. Maximum titious inventions: A holographic relative humidity on Tuesday 93% and keypad that floats in mid-air. minimum 70%. From fiction to fact, the keypad Douglas McPheters with a holographic keypad. His technology uses lasers has become the basis for his start-up and sensors to create images that can be manipulated in the air. company, HoloTouch. In July, the Book your Classifieds company licensed his patented medical, automotive and manufac- holographic image of a real keypad, 24 hours service: “51-666-888” technology to InfoPerks, which turing sectors. recorded by lasers onto a photo- Times InfoLine “51-68-68-68” is planning to use it to create To help demonstrate his invention graphic film. The ATM of information ‘‘touchless’’ information kiosks that to potential licensees, McPheters This image is mounted on a The Largest Classifieds Site would be placed on sidewalks in has set up his laptop so that he plastic plate, with infra-red sensors New York City and nearby Westch- can give a Powerpoint presentation behind it that can detect when ester County. without touching the computer, the keypad is manipulated. When a McPheters, 60, said his invention by punching his fingers into light behind the plate is activated, * 36 pages with timesascent had drawn interest in a wide range the air. Under his system, a the image appears to hover in front + 8 pages of Delhi Times of fields, including the military, holographic keypad begins with a of it. NYT News Service

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TOID60803/CR3/01/M/1TOID60803/CR3/01/C/1TOID60803/CR3/01/K/1TOID60803/CR3/01/Y/1 CMYK OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ K OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ M OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ C

2 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 DELHI The Times of India, New Delhi Youth run liquor mafia By Maneesh Pandey pared to 322 cases and 350 persons arrested To chat on SMS send 'cchat' to 8888 TIMES NEWS NETWORK in the same period of last year. The liquor “Rumi is the first truly global project on Indian seized was worth over Rs 70 lakhs and that New Delhi: During its current clampdown soils” — MUZAFFAR ALI, Film Director on the illicit liquor mafia, the excise de- included 660 bottles of foreign liquor. partment found that unemployed youths, The excise intelligence bureau has been Q. Why did you take born on Indian soils with inputs aged between 18 and 28 years, are indulging receiving information that illicit liquor a long break from and talents from almost every in selling illicit liquor in parking lots. smuggled by the mafia in Rajasthan and Bollywood?- country of the world. The script is In the last four days, the department has Haryana is pouring into Delhi and is being atomjelly33 now in it's absolute final stages arrested 19 persons and seized seven vehi- sold in parking lots. A: Well if you see which will be presented to stars cles. Excise officials said with assembly Officials said most of the illicit liquor is my website you will like Daniel Day Lewis for Rumi see I have been doing a lot of and Al Pacchino for Shams. It is elections and the festival season round the coming from Rajasthan and is mostly work in films, the last of which about an spiritual relationship be- corner, the clampdown, which was smuggled into Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh, where the excise was Zooni that got a lot of halla tween a master and his people. launched three weeks ago, will continue. in Kashmir because of the insur- Q. Your next movie is rumoured to tax is high. Upto July this year, the department has gency. Besides that I have kept have a multi-crore budget. Is art registered a total of 754 cases and arrested In one such raid in Sarai Rohilla area myself extremely active through going commercial sir?- m22 792 persons for indulging in illicit liquor late on Saturday night, the excise staff smaller films, documentaries, A: Art is going global, art is trying trade. Figures of the first four months of managed to apprehend five persons. music, festivals such as J to bring humanity closer, art is the current financial year show an in- Among them were two known bootleggers ahan-e-Khusrau all of which have trying to achieve the impossible. crease in number of cases and persons ar- of Old Subzi Mandi, Bittoo and Billa. let me to Rumi the 13th century Q. Tell us about your dream rested as compared to last year. A senior excise official said: ‘‘The crack- mystic poet. cast?- caribgyrl8 Officials said 418 cases have been regis- down is to ensure that residents consume Q. Tell us something about your A: My dream cast would be Al tered and 448 persons have been arrested quality tested liquor and the flow does not film Rumi?- caribgyrl8 Pachino, Daniel Day Lewis, between April and July this year as com- make a dent in our revenue collection.’’ A: Rumi is a huge dream, a dra- Robert De Nero, Tabu, Naseerud- ma of mythic proportions. The din, Shabana, Rekha, Dimple, Fa- first truly global project to be rooq Sheikh, Vinod Khanna, Shah Order summoning Rukh, Aamir, Nana and Anupam. For complete chat log on to Reliance officials set 4.30 pm: Zain Verjee Anchor, CNN International aside by high court On the exciting world of news reporting TIMES NEWS NETWORK 6 pm: Preity Zinta • Selectors cast wide net Actress All the members of India’s World New Delhi: The Delhi high court on Tues- On Koi Mil Gaya... Cup squad and India ‘A’ team day set aside an order of the lower court 7 pm: Narain have been included in the 36- summoning the three top Reliance execu- member list of probables for the tives in an Official Secrets Act. Justice J D Karthikeyan upcoming home series against New Zealand. Kapoor sent the case back to the lower Racing Car Driver court and said that the chief metropolitan On his chances of To listen, log on to magistrate (CMM) to hear the accused on making it to F1 the point of limitation and then proceed in accordance with law. The Central Bureau of In- vestigation has charged the Reliance President V Bala- subramaniam, Vice Presi- dent A N Sethuraman and General Manager Shankar Adawal of entering into a criminal conspiracy for re- ceiving and possessing clas- sified documents. The CMM had summoned the three and had permitted the CBI’s plea for condonation of de- lay in filing the complaint. The Reliance executives had challenged the CMM’s order before Additional Ses- sions Judge P K Bhasin say- ing they were summoned without being heard on the point of limitation. Bhasin, however,not only dismissed their revision pe- tition but also asked the CMM to summon Reliance Chairman Mukesh Ambani and Managing Director Anil Ambani as accused. Bhasin had held they were ‘‘statutorily deemed to be guilty’’ of the offences al- legedly committed by the company’s officials. The high court stayed the order against the Ambani brothers on July 17.

TOID60803/CR1/02/M/1TOID60803/CR1/02/C/1TOID60803/CR1/02/K/1TOID60803/CR1/02/Y/1 CMYK OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ K OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ M OID ‰ ‰ † ‰ C

The Times of India, New Delhi DELHI Wednesday,August 6, 2003 3 Accused in 15 murders held New Delhi: The special staff fake currency racket,” said Victim’s family blames in-laws of east district police on Tues- DCP (east) Nuzhat Hassan. TNN day claimed to have arrested a notorious criminal, Laike By Surabhi Upadhyay setting herself afire around just set herself afire. But Prakash Sabarwal. Ahmed, allegedly involved TIMES NEWS NETWORK midnight on Sunday. when we reached there 45 Manju’s elder sister ap- in 15 cases of murder and at- ‘‘There had apparently minutes later, the body was parently spoke to the victim tempt to murder. Muzaffar- New Delhi: A 30-year-old been problems between the already gone cold,’’ she said. woman’s charred body was a day before the incident. nagar police in Uttar couple. The victim possibly Mamta further added that ‘‘She was sounding scared. Pradesh had announced a reportedly found in Gujran- committed suicide due to her sister, married for 13 wala Town late on Sunday She told me that her reward of Rs 25,000 on the these differences,’’ a police years, had been tortured for whereabouts of the accused. night. husband’s family made her official said. dowry right from the sign a blank piece of paper. The incident took a con- The version given by the start. The victim’s family ‘‘He was also involved in a troversial turn with the po- victim’s family, however, is claimed that Manju had Manju told me that she lice registering a case of rather different. Manju’s been very disturbed over would leave a document at a abetment to suicide, even as elder sister Mamta Kapoor the last month. nearby shop for me to the victim’s family insists alleged that the incident ‘‘We thought things pick up, but her in-laws that the girl was burnt to was being brushed under would improve with time, should not get to know of death by her in-laws. The the carpet as a case of sui- but that didn’t happen. it,’’ Mamta said. victim’s husband, Kamal cide. Manju was also being According to a senior po- Sodhi, a businessman has ‘‘We received a call from forced to take anti-depres- lice official, the victim been arrested. Manju’s sister-in-law sant tablets two-three suffered hundred per cent The police said, Manju around one am on Monday. times a day by her in-laws,’’ burns. The autopsy report Sodhi committed suicide by She told us that Manju had said the victim’s father, Om is awaited. 2 held for abducting boy Two women Sanjay Sekhri TIMES NEWS NETWORK rob police New Delhi: Two men, Anil and Sunil, have been arrest- official’s son ed for allegedly kidnapping TIMES NEWS NETWORK their cousin, Deepak (4), and demanding ransom from New Delhi: In a bizarre their uncle who apparently twist of events, the refused to part with his share younger son of the of the ancestral property. crime against women Sunil is married and has a cell joint commissioner year-old son. Vimla Mehra was Investigations revealed robbed by two women that Anil and Sunil were as- on Monday night. They sisted by their three friends. had threatened to im- While two of them, Somvir plicate him in a rape and Manoj, have been arrest- case if he did not com- ed, one is yet to be nabbed. ply with their demands. Deepak was allegedly kid- Kanak Mehra was driv- napped on Monday after- ing back home when noon. The family and police’s the incident took place. quick response led to the Mehra reached the R child’s rescue within seven K Puram police station hours. where staff asked him Deputy commissioner of to report the case to the police (north) Sanjay Baniw- Hauz Khas police. al said the victim’s family Four-year-old Deepak was rescued within seven hours of Mehra was returning was stunned by the incident. being kidnapped on Monday. home from Greater Deepak’s mother, Sadhna tar went to their home in Tul- cycle to Sonepat. Kailash when two Sharma, added: ‘‘Anil had si Nagar. He received the sec- Deepak was kept at their women stopped him come over for lunch on Mon- ond call from the alleged kid- maternal grandmother’s and requested him to day afternoon. At 4.15 pm he napper who without realis- house. ‘‘They called up the drop them at Hyatt Re- forced Deepak to wake up ing that a police officer was family after reaching gency,the report says. and accompany him.’’ listening to the conversation, Sonepat,’’ Baniwal added. While driving Mehra When Deepak was being threatened the family of dire Deepak’s father, Ajay Shar- noticed that the woman taken away, his elder sister, consequences if the police ma, said he was shocked to in the rear seat was Jyoti, saw that Anil was ac- was informed. learn about his nephews’ in- rummaging through companied by an unknown Baniwal said a team was volvement. his bag. person. When he did not re- immediately formed and ‘‘I have always helped the They threatened to turn after sometime, Jyoti they questioned Anil who ad- family whenever they faced tear their clothes and complained to her mother.At mitted to have conspired to financial stress. They have implicate Mehra in a 6.30 pm, the family received a kidnap Deepak with his also borrowed Rs 50,000 from rape case. The two later ransom call for Rs 15 lakh. brother Sunil’s assistance. me as they were under debt escaped from the spot. The family immediately After picking up Deepak, after loosing money in chit- A case of extortion has informed the police following Sunil and one of their associ- fund,’’ said Sharma, who been filed. which sub-inspector Ramav- ates took Deepak on a motor- runs a factory. Investigations into Appu Ghar case intensify

TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: With the autopsy report ruling out cardiac arrest as the cause of victim’s death in the Appu Ghar swing acci- dent, investigations relating to the case have intensified. The police have registered a case under Section 304 (Death due to negligence) and Section 201 (Destruction of evidence) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The autopsy report re- vealed that the victim, Suresh Sehgal, a resident of Farid- abad, had died of multiple in- ternal injuries which could have been possibly caused by falling off the swing. A few members of the Appu Ghar management were questioned by the police on Tuesday. Vice-president of the company, Jasra, general man- ager, SC Malhotra, administra- tor, Colonel Prem Vijeshwar, supervisor, Anupam, and PRO Poonam Lall were quizzed on the course of events on Sunday. ‘‘The management have maintained their stand. The victim had been feeling uneasy even before the ride, but he went on the swing at his son’s insistence,’’ said Appu Ghar’s advocate, Ramesh Gupta. He further added that the swing was stopped soon after the victim complained of un- ease. ‘‘Sehgal himself pried the latch open before the swing came to a halt, because of which he apparently fell down. The victim was given immedi- ate medical aid and subse- quently taken to a nearby hospital,’’ claimed Gupta. According to senior police of- ficials, the autopsy report now has to be connected to the ground circ*mstances, and only then can any further action be taken.

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4 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 DELHI The Times of India, New Delhi

FLIGHTS OUT WEATHER Stamp duty OF DELHI Rainfall lilkely at East: Orissa, Arunachal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, WB, New Delhi: Delhi finance NATIONAL Sikkim, Jharkhand and Bihar; North: Uttaranchal, minister Mahinder Singh Rs 80 lakh down the DTC drain Mumbai: I-A 0700, Haryana, Punjab, HP, J&K, East Rajasthan, UP and West Saathi announced his inten- 0800, 0900, 1200, 1300, Rajasthan. Central: Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Chattisgarh; By Shubhajit Roy 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, tion to write a ‘‘strong note’’ never used. It also continued were prepared by Escorts and Highways. Despite the 2300 Jet Air 0650, Peninsula: Gujarat state, Konkan, Goa, madhya Maharashtra, TIMES NEWS NETWORK Bad planning Marathwada,AP,coastal Karnataka,TN, interior Karnataka and Ker- to Raj Niwas protesting to pay Rs 73,000 to a company since 1981 and store account- facility extended by the 0800, 0935, 1400, 1725, for five years, which meant ing and financial accounting Union ministry, the report 1935, 2030, 2200, ala; Islands: Andaman and nicobar and Lakshadweep. against non-implementation New Delhi: A government • DTC spent Rs 37 lakh Sahara 1700, 0935, INDIA WORLD an additional was being done by observed that, DTC made no 1520, 1800, 2025 of the stamp duty cut pro- report on public undertak- on new computers which Max Min expenditure of National Council effort to develop in-house KOLKATA: I-A 0700, Max Min Max Min posed and passed by the Del- ings has indicted Delhi lay unused for years 1600★★,1700,1945 Delhi 35 26 Dehradun 29 23 Amsterdam 27 16 Rs 43.8 lakh. for Applied Eco- computerisation and contin- hi cabinet. TNN WASTED Jet Air 0600, 1720, Mumbai 30 27 Hyd’bad 29 22 Bahrain 40 27 Transport Corporation of ‘‘The commit- nomic Research. • DTC paid Rs 73,000 ued the payroll work through Sahara 0620,1915 Chennai 35 24 Indore 28 24 Bangkok 33 27 wasting Rs 80 lakh by delay- CHENNAI: I-A Kolkata 33 27 Jaipur 33 25 Beijing 35 21 tee recom- FUNDS The corporation per month for five years Escorts. 0640,0955★★★ Ahm’bad 31 23 Lucknow 34 27 Chicago 26 17 ing in-house computerisa- mends depart- purchased hard- and wasted Rs 43.8 lakh The report states that 1645,1900 Jet Air T’puram 32 23 Geneva 32 18 0645,1900 Patna 35 28 tion of employee payrolls. ment action against officers ware and peripherals at a ‘‘lack of expertise in DTC BANGALORE: Bhopal 30 23 Rajkot 28 24 Hong Kong 33 27 The corporation spent Rs responsible for the acts and cost of Rs 16.48 lakh in 1989 and inexperience of Union I-A 0650, 1645, 1900 B’eshwar 33 25 Shimla 22 17 London 28 16 The DTC board had decid- Jet Air 0635,1715, Pune 28 23 Srinagar 22 17 Los Angeles 27 18 37 lakh for buying computers omissions,’’ the report said. and installed them in one of Road Transport ministry of- Sahara 0725, 1745 Guwahati 35 27 V’patnam — 28 Moscow 28 17 and accessories that were DTC’s employee payrolls the depots in north Delhi. ed to stop computerisation of ficials to develop the in-house HY’BAD:I-A 0630, 1745 payroll from Escorts with ef- GOA: I-A 1200, ‘‘However, none of the appli- computerisation on a large- Sahara 1200 TRAIN RESERVATIONS cation, payroll system, store fect from January 1995. It rec- scale commercial application KULU: Jagson 0630, ★ Earliest date on which berth / seats were available at 2000 hrs. on and financial accounting was ommended that the work be was the main reason, which 0650, 1215 05.08.2003 in important trains leaving various Delhi stations. AHMEDABAD: installed in these comput- carried out by the Union prompted DTC to fall back on I-A 0600,1700★★1845, Train No. Train / Exp / Mail 1 ac 2 ac Ac 3t Sl ers,’’ the report said. ministry of Road Transport Escorts’’. Jet Air 0610 NORTH GUWAHATI—BAGDOGRA: 4033 Jammu Mail 06.08 06.08 11.08 10.08 I-A 0555★★, 1010• ★ Jet Air 1010 4645 Shalimar Exp — 21.08 18.08 10.08 2403 Jammu Exp 10.08 16.08 18.08 25.08 Ph: I-A:140,142. ★ Mon, Wed, Fri, ★★Tue, Thu, Sat, ★★★ EAST Mon-Fri, Sun, Jet Air: (City) 2302 Kolkata Rajdhani 06.08 06.08 06.08 — MCD to have 6853700, (Airport) 25665404 2304 Poorva Exp 06.08 06.08 06.08 13.08 Sahara: (City) 2335901-9, (Airport) 25675234/875, (Tele- 2382 Poorva Exp 11.08 08.08 08.08 18.08 Checkin) 25662600. • Mon, Fri. 2312 Kalka Mail N.A. 07.08 13.08 17.08 INTERNATIONAL 2392 Magadh Exp 06.09 07.09 06.09 07.09 new system of 2402 Shramjeevi Exp — 06.08 06.08 06.08 BANGKOK/TOKYO: 2418 Prayag Raj Exp 07.08 07.08 06.08 06.08 Thai Air 0010 (TG-316), 4056 Brahmputra Mail — N.A. 24.08 21.08 A-I 0050 (IC-855) 5622 North East Exp — 07.08 13.08 22.08 FRANKFURT: Lufthansa 2554 Vaishali Exp 06.08 13.08 11.08 12.08 accounting 0305 (LH-761) AMSTERDAM: 2816 Puri Exp — 06.08 06.08 07.08 KLM 0140 (KL-472) 2802 Purshottam Exp — 15.08 07.08 12.08 TIMES NEWS NETWORK LONDON: British Air 8476 Neelanchal Exp — 15.08 08.08 08.08 0210 (BA-142) 4230 Lucknow Mail 09.08 11.08 12.08 12.08 New Delhi: It fills 9,000 pages and WEST PARIS: Air France runs into 20 volumes. It is the total ac- 0040 (AF-147) 2904 Golden Temple Mail07.08 13.08 07.08 19.08 SINGAPORE: Sin’pore 2926 Paschim Exp 06.08 11.08 15.08 25.08 count of MCD’s assets as computed by Air 2315 (SQ-407), 2952 Mumbai Rajdhani 09.08 07.08 07.08 — the Institute of Chartered Accoun- A-I 0050 (I-855) 2954 AG Kranti Rajdhani 09.08 06.08 07.08 — ABUDHABI: 2474 Sarvodaya Exp — 07.08 07.08 07.08 tants of India (ICAI). But this is only A-I 1810 (AI-765) 1078 Jhelum Exp — 08.08 08.08 26.08 half the story. For the first time in In- MOSCOW: 2916 Ashram Exp 06.08 06.08 06.08 06.08 A-I 1115 (AI-515) SOUTH dia, the ICAI has devised a way of mu- ROME/GENEVA: 2616 G T Exp 06.08 11.08 07.08 06.08 nicipal accounting which would look A-I 0350 (AI-173) 2622 Tamil Nadu Exp 06.08 06.08 19.08 10.08 at transactions as a balance and not AIR INDIA 2432 Trivandrum Raj 12.08 19.08 06.08 — 2626 Kerala Exp — 07.08 06.08 18.08 just a cash payment and collection. AHMEDABAD: 2618 Mangala Exp — 06.08 05.07 06.08 Called the accrual or double entry 0115 (A-I 3112) 2628 Karnataka Exp — 11.08 10.08 10.08 system of accounting, this system has MUMBAI: 2724 A P Exp 08.08 10.08 10.08 07.08 0315 (A-I 722), 0615 2430 Banglore Rajdhani 11.08 19.08 19.08 — been introduced after the Supreme (A-I 142), 0700 7022 Dakshin Express — 06.08 — 06.08 Court opined in November, 2001, that (A-I 802), 2145 (A-I 315) No. of passengers dealt on 04.08.2003 (Delhi Area): 51,154 (N. Rly. Area) all municipal bodies in India should A-I: (City)23736446 /47/48 2,06,127. It does not necessarily mean that reservation is available on all (Air.)25652050, British Air: subsequent dates. For further information regarding reservation: Ph: 131 for follow this system. MCD, which en- (Air.) 25652908, Lufthansa: computerised PNR, for status enquiry contact 1330, 1335, 1345. 23323310, Singapore Airlines (Information supplied by Indian Railways) gaged the ICAI as consultants is the 23356286, Thai Air: 3323638 first to do it. Simply put, this system would not Girl raped: A 14-year-old girl was repeatedly raped after being abducted from Welcome on August 3. The police said the girl left look at the account sheet as expendi- her home after a fight with her sister and went to her uncle’s ture and income, but as a balance of house.‘‘Her uncle asked her to return home. On her way back, profit and loss. For example, if money four persons abducted and raped her,’’ a police officer said. TNN is spent to acquire land, then while ac- counting for that money, the purpose for which it was acquired, and the val- ue to be created would also have to be accounted for. A presentation of this was held on Tuesday, by the ICAI and MCD. Ac- cording to chairman of the ICAI R Bupathy - Accounting Research Foun- dation (ARF), was about making sys- tems work for the common man. According to commissioner MCD, Rakesh Mehta, ‘‘the new accounting system would help in arriving at a cost-benefit analyis of projects.’’ The report was released by the L-G Vijai Kapoor, who called it a first of its kind collaboration between a pro- fessional body like the ICAI-ARF and a local body like the MCD. ‘‘A few years ago when the fifth pay commis- sion was being implemented, MCD was nearly crushed under the burden of payment of arrears to employees, thanfully those days are behind us,’’ he said. He added that this effort was part of a larger plan of municipal re- forms. Baglifter couple held with ammunition TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: The couple in whose posses- sion 480 cartridges of an automatic weapon were found have actually turned out to be bag lifters. The couple had been taken into custody from a Paharganj hotel on Monday. ‘‘Preliminary enquiries have shown that they hail from Baghdogra in West Bengal. They have been identified as Lal- lan Kumar and Anita Dass. They had mar- ried against the wishes of their family and shifted to Delhi,’’ said deputy com- missioner of police (central) Arvind Deep. The DCP said that they had lifted the bag of army personnel at Old Delhi rail- way station. The couple had lifted the bag containing ammunition after allegedly of- fering them tea laced with sedatives. They were on the lookout for cash and jewellery.

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The Times of India, New Delhi DELHI Wednesday,August 6, 2003 5 Gangster arrested ‘Imported’ condoms pose a hazard after encounter TIMES NEWS NETWORK TOI By Rahul Chabbra Fake condoms can be dan- andrology, the science relat- New Delhi: The anti-robbery sec- TIMES NEWS NETWORK gerous for the user and his ed to sexual dysfunction in tion of the crime branch arrested an partner as these may rup- men, at RML Hospital, Ra- New Delhi: Raids conduct- alleged master gangster after a long ture during intercourse. jeev Sood, explained: ‘‘Due ed by Delhi government’s drawn encounter on Sunday. ‘‘This could lead to acciden- to technological advance- health department have re- Rajesh alias ‘Talli’, is report- vealed many imported con- tal fertilisation or transmis- ment, condoms in advanced edly involved in more than doms being sold by chemists sion of sexually transmitted countries are thinner. A 17 cases of murder,extortion in the city could be fakes. diseases,’’ said Khanijoo. thin condom enhances and robbery and had a re- Packed in fancy cartons ‘‘The producer of fake pleasure for both partners ward of about Rs 30,000 on with provocative images on condoms was not only sell- and this is the reason why his head. the cover, chemists pass on ing these in the city but was people want to try imported Having been tipped-off, these condoms to unsuspect- also sending consignments condoms.’’ the police camped in front of ing customers as American to Mumbai, Bangalore, In- The Delhi drug controller Miranda House college on products but these are actu- dore, Ahmedabad and other said he was helpless in Sunday.Rajesh, riding a mo- ally packed in dubious units cities in Andhra Pradesh,’’ checking the sale of import- torcycle, tried to speed up as in Rohini or east Delhi. he said. ed condoms. ‘‘No special li- he approached the police The fake condoms failed cence is required to sell im- picket. He was chased and ‘‘The packs are imitations Flavoured and ‘Xtra sensitive’ imported condoms may in all the tests for single wall ported condoms. Condoms nabbed near Khalsa College. of foreign brands but the sound good, but steer clear. Most such products are fakes. condoms inside are local thickness, bursting pres- are a part of the over-the- The accused reportedly re- and are of inferior quality,’’ sure and water leakage car- Ghazibad, Khanijoo said. world, yet imported brands counter category of medical vealed that he was running a said Delhi drug controller, C ried out at the Central Indi- India is the largest pro- continue to be sought after. products which can be sold six member gang involved in M Khanijoo. an Pharmacopeia Lab in ducer of condoms in the Head of department of by any shopkeeper,’’he said. murder, robbery and extor- tion. State-of-the-art cardio lab at Safdarjung TOI

This cardiology lab is part of the 102-bed National Institute of Cardiothoracic and Vascu- lar Science Centre which is expected to open at Safdarjung Hospital by November. Power project completed By Himanshi Dhawan ‘‘The commissioning of the ances were given only in 2000 TIMES NEWS NETWORK project has gone through sev- by a Supreme Court ruling. eral delays,’’ Maken said. Besides legal wrangles, New Delhi: The 400 KV Man- But, the ring line has had a there were other obstacles to daula-Ballabhgarh ring line stormy run so far. Work on surmount. The project was is finally ready after a delay the double circuit line, set up supposed to be commissioned of over 10 years. The ring line around Delhi to draw power in April but the death of eight connects Dadri-Mandaula- from the Northern Regional labourers pushed the work to Bawana-Bamnauli-Ballabh- Grid, started in 1986. The July. In a section where the garh-Dadri and will provide Dadri to Mandaula and Bal- ring line was supposed to be Delhi with an alternative labhgarh-Dadri part of the laid, the Northern Railways source of power. ring line was completed by were running electric trains The ring line will be in- the National Thermal Power between Garhi and Basai sta- spected on August 8 by the Corporation in 1986-87. tions. Transco paid Rs Central Electricity Authority Most of the line is based in 1,62,000 to the railways to run (CEA) and commissioned by Haryana and Transco had to diesel instead of electric next week. The total cost of go through a series of litiga- trains for few days to finish the project is Rs 120 crore. tion that delayed the project its work. Subsequently, rain According to Delhi power by over three years. There played havoc, inundating the minister Ajay Maken, the were over 13 individual cases sub-stations so that it was ring line will stabilise the of owners of land besides the physically impossible for any system by providing the state’s forest department that one to even approach the much-needed backup power. did not give clearance. Clear- area, let alone carry on work.

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6 Wednesday, August 6, 2003 The Times of India, New Delhi

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The Times of India, New Delhi INDIA Wednesday,August 6, 2003 7 Air link talks in August-end New Delhi: Officials of the directorates-general of civil aviation (DGCA) of India and Pakistan will meet Media group gets Atal’s word this month-end to discuss resumption of air services between the two countries, the Rajya Sabha was in- TIMES NEWS NETWORK through subterfuge, the gov- brand, financial resources, formed on Tuesday. ernment would not hesitate manpower and technology re- New Delhi: The domestic me- Replying to queries by members on when the air in taking strong action. The quired to undertake the cre- dia industry — under the um- services will begin, civil aviation minister Rajiv Prat- finance minister told the dele- ation of content, its transmis- brella of Indian Media Group ap Rudy said technical level talks between the two gation that his ministry sion and revenue generation. (IMG) — met Prime Minister countries will be held on August 27 and 28. would closely examine shell If the content, hardware, Vajpayee on Tuesday to ap- The meeting has been convened following a pro- company operations. distribution and airtime mar- peal to the government to posal by Pakistan for a date for discussion on the There is a general consen- keting companies are sepa- make its media policy guide- restoration of air links. TNN lines more stringent. sus in the group — which in- rate, IMG argued, then each In a statement, IMG said cludes the Times Group, Pun- link in the chain of produc- the PM assured the delega- jab Kesri, Zee, Indian Ex- tion and distribution has to tion that his government press, India Today, The Hin- conform to the same owner- would ensure that the na- du, NDTV, Sabe TV, Eeenadu, ship guidelines. This, IMG tion’s laws on foreign invest- Dainik Bhaskar, Amar Ujala, said, will ensure that no com- among others — that the gov- pany can be used as a decoy ment across all media would Atal Bihari Vajpayee be complied with in letter and ernment should maintain for- for foreign control. in spirit. Later, the 15-member dele- eign investment at 26 per cent. Further, IMG delegation ‘‘Vajpayee gave a patient gation also met deputy PM L However, it should also en- told the ministers the govern- hearing to the group’s appre- K Advani, finance minister sure that a resident Indian is ment should put in place a hensions on a level playing Jaswant Singh, law and com- the single-largest shareholder regulatory authority for strict field for Indian and foreign pany affairs minister Arun with 51 per cent equity. compliance with Indian rules, broadcasters on the taxation Jaitley,and I&B minister Ravi IMG members emphasised regulations and guidelines by regime and proxy foreign edi- Shankar Prasad. that the government should all broadcasters. Broadcast torial control across televi- IMG members said that Ad- maintain that one company members argued that the gov- sion, print, radio and direct- vani assured the group that if (whether it is a news agency, ernment should maintain a to-home (DTH) television,’’ any company was found oper- an Internet company or a pro- level playing field for Indian said the IMG statement. ating a media enterprise duction house) manages the and foreign broadcasters.

BSF officer killed in Kosovo: Unidenti- SC sets up judges’ fied snipers last Sun- day killed BSF deputy commandant Satish Menon while he was panel on TN stir on UN peacekeeping duty in Kosovo, the TIMES NEWS NETWORK firmed had been withdrawn. government said on Terming the concession as Tuesday. TNN New Delhi: The Supreme ‘‘gracious’’, a Bench of Jus- Court on Tuesday set up a tices M B Shah and A R Lak- panel of three retired shmanan directed the state Madras High Court judges to to treat 2,794 secretariat staff look into the representations Laloo Prasad Yadav made by 6,072 employees dis- and government workers missed by the Tamil Nadu holding higher posts as hav- government while on strike. ing been placed under sus- ‘Pak-bound’ The judges would get Rs pension instead of being dis- 50,000 each as monthly remu- missed. Venugopal argued Laloo wants neration. The state govern- that the 6,072 dismissed em- ment had taken back over ployees could not claim a one lakh employees on the in- right to be reinstated as they his passport tervention of the apex court. have grossly violated the TIMES NEWS NETWORK State government’s coun- service rules prohibiting sel K K Venugopal said ad- government servants from New Delhi: Rashtriya ministrative orders with- going on strike. Janata Dal (RJD) chief holding the pensionary bene- The Bench said it will de- and former Bihar chief fit of those retiring after the cide the representations of minister Laloo Prasad Ya- strike day (July 2) till their the dismissed workers ‘‘on dav intends to visit Pak- role in the agitation was af- most equitable grounds’’. istan next week. On Tues- day, he moved the Orissa jailer Supreme Court, seeking suspended: release of his passport, Jailer of an which was deposited in Orissa jail the trial court as a condi- Arun Kumar tion for grant of bail to Routray has him in the fodder scam been sus- cases. pended for Laloo will be part of a negligence of delegation of parliamen- duty resulting tarians visiting Islam- in the escape abad from August 9-11 on of 14 prison- the invitation of the ers. PTI South Asian Federation of Media Associations (SAFMA). Laloo’s counsel B B Singh filed the peti- tion as the two courts in Ranchi, trying fodder scam cases against him, refused to release the passport on the ground that it was the Supreme Court which had directed him to deposit the same. However, the other courts in Patna and Ranchi had allowed the passport to be released, Singh said. He said: ‘‘This is a gross case of injustice as Laloo wants to visit Islamabad only for three days.’’

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8 Wednesday, August 6, 2003 The Times of India, New Delhi

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The Times of India, New Delhi INDIA Wednesday,August 6, 2003 9

Four get death sentence: The Supreme Court has confirmed the death sentence on four men for killing 15 Oppn, BJP clash Threat to boycott people of a marriage party in a village in Amritsar district What lies beneath? 12 years ago. The accused had committed the crime be- Mumbai film fest cause they were humiliated by the bridegroom’s father. A Everything but temple, says archaeologist Bench of Justices K G Balakrishnan and B N Srikrishna TIMES NEWS NETWORK over NHRC move dismissed the petition filed by the four accused. TNN By Akshaya Mukul hya’’, the exercise has not cal leadership with the New Delhi: Over 100 documen- TIMES NEWS NETWORK to the country’s federal struc- TIMES NEWS NETWORK helped the purpose the Alla- progress so far.’’ Refraining tary film-makers have threat- ture’’. He demanded that the habad High Court sought to from making a specific alle- ened to boycott the forthcoming New Delhi: The Lok Sabha party tender an apology to New Delhi: After nearly five address when it ordered the gation, he also said that top witnessed a prolonged and months of digging near the Eighth Mumbai International the commission. dig, the archaeologist said. ASI officials did ‘‘monitor Film Festival (MIFF) to protest noisy clash between the Op- demolished Babri Masjid site Suman was supported by He nevertheless described our excavation to the minut- against the stipulation that the position and the BJP mem- CPM members Rupchand Pal in Ayodhya, an archaeologist the excavation so far as a est detail causing irritation bers on Tuesday. The former Indian entries should have cen- and Basudev Acharia, who involved with the project said ‘‘fascinating journey for the within the team.’’ accused the ruling party of sorship certificates. said that the NHRC was with- no proof of a pre-existing ASI team which got to learn He said, ‘‘the ASI (hierar- The film-makers told re- targeting a constitutional in its rights to seek a fresh temple has surfaced. more and more... Despite chy) went by whatever ap- porters that they will meet the body like the National Hu- trial of the accused outside Speaking to The Times of endless controversies, we peared in the media and bom- concerned information and man Rights Commission Gujarat as the victims were India on condition of have done a professional job barded us with questions. At broadcasting ministry officials (NHRC) after it petitioned not getting justice in the anonymity,the archaeologist and our report will bear this one point, we were excavat- and if there is no redressal, will the Supreme Court for a re- state. stated categorically, ‘‘There out.’’ ing less and answering our meet PM Vajpayee and Deputy trial of the Best Bakery case Responding to the Opposi- is no evidence of a temple. In Though the archaeologist bosses queries more.’’ PM L K Advani. outside Gujarat. tion charges, BJP’s chief fact, as we go deeper, we are denied holding any brief As for the disappointment Agitated BJP members whip V K Malhotra said it seeing more evidence of Is- from the Vajpayee govern- within the government and were on their feet soon after was true that he had con- lamic influence.’’ ment of unearthing a temple BJP leadership, he Samajwadi Party’s Ramjilal demned the NHRC for this Other than ‘‘enriching our at any cost, he admitted there explained, ‘‘They felt archae- Suman raised the matter dur- decision, adding: ‘‘I stand by team’s knowledge about the is a sense of ‘‘loss and disap- ology is a black and white ing Zero Hour, resulting in a it.’’ He said seeking a re-trial material culture of Ayod- pointment among the politi- science. continuous slanging match outside Gujarat amounted to as charges and counter- expressing ‘‘no confidence’’ charges flew thick and fast. in the Gujarat High Court. Suman said ever since the He said, this would set a NHRC moved the SC in the wrong precedent and have an Best Bakery case, in which adverse impact on the coun- all the 21 accused were ac- try’s federal structure. quitted, top BJP leaders had Malhotra said if the Best targeted the commission, Bakery case was tried out- even going to the extent of side, then the Marad riot calling it ‘‘anti-Hindu’’. case, in which eight were Suman said BJP chief killed, should also be trans- Venkaiah Naidu, party ferred outside Kerala. Malho- spokesman V K Malhotra tra also pointed out that the and Gujarat CM Narendra Sikh Forum had asked the Modi had not just attacked a NHRC to take a fresh look at constitutional body, but also the 1984 anti-Sikh riots in said that the NHRC’s petition which several Congress lead- seeking a re-trial outside Gu- ers were allegedly involved, jarat posed ‘‘a serious threat but nothing was done. NGO tells riot-hit how to depose TIMES NEWS NETWORK Ahmedabad: To avoid a repeat of the Best Bak- ery case, which fell apart as witnesses turned hostile, an NGO here has decided to counsel riot victims on what to do when asked to give evidence in courts or before a riot inquiry com- mission. Activists of Action Aid, an NGO work- ing with the riot affected victims in Naroda, Vatwa, Shahpur, Dariapur and other areas, have decided to provide victims support and guidelines while deposing. ‘‘After the Best Bakery case, we realised NGOs have to go beyond relief and rehabilita- tion. We need to provide moral support and guidelines for the victims and witnesses when they depose,’’ said Biraj Swain of Action Aid. Former Miss India and social activist Nafisa Ali, who is the brand ambassador of Action Aid, was here to share her views and oversee rehabilitation work. She said the Best Bakery case should be tried outside Gujarat as it had failed to provide a secure environment for the victims to speak fearlessly.

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10 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 INDIA Bulbs ‘fuse’ Advani comes Jaswant

New Delhi: Finance minister Jaswant Singh down on Oppn on Tuesday sought Ra- TIMES NEWS NETWORK hari Vajpayee — who was not jya Sabha chairman present at the meeting — and New Delhi: The BJP was Bhairon Singh law minister Arun Jaitley clearly in Shekhawat’s interven- came in for praise in Ad- the elec- tion to change the vani’s speech for ‘‘exposing’’ tion mode “blinding” fluoroscent the Opposition’s allegations on Tues- bulbs in the House against the government. day. which, he said, could Advani listed the achieve- First, damage eyes. ments of the NDA govern- Shekhawat quipped Deputy Prime ment, providing MPs with Singh would have to tell talking points. The govern- this to the health minis- Minister L K Advani, ment had already passed the ter. ‘‘historic’’ electoral reforms Singh said: “If we are presiding L K Advani over a legislation intended to check not careful, we will be misuse of money power in exposed to these lights meeting of the party’s parliamentary elections. which can damage our Three other Bills pertain- eyes. We need a better wing, accused the Congress and other Opposition parties ing to electoral reforms were technology”. PTI of raking up Ayodhya since pending: The first which re- they appeared to have no oth- moves the condition of local er issue to raise. residence as well as provides Then, several MPs led by for open voting for Rajya Sab- UP’s Sis Ram Ravi asked the ha elections to ensure that government to act swiftly on legislators are not bought; three items on the BJP’s the second to amend the ex- agenda — Ram temple, uni- isting anti-defection law form civil code and popula- which allows legislators to tion control — but received defect in groups but not indi- no response. vidually; and a third to re- Later, responding to a strict the size of the council query,Advani said a final de- of ministers in states to 10 cision on synchronising the per cent of the strength of Lok Sabha and assembly the assembly. elections would be taken only The non-implementation after the matter was dis- of the Freedom of Informa- cussed within the BJP and tion Act and the refusal of the Union cabinet, as well as many states to accept the au- with Opposition parties, par- thority of the monitoring liamentary party spokesper- and vigilance committees, son V K Malhotra told re- headed by MPs, to oversee porters. implementation of Central Prime Minister Atal Bi- schemes were also raised. Bangkok from Kolkata: Not a sober journey By Subhro Niyogi TIMES NEWS NETWORK Kolkata: Those travelling on the Bangkok-Kolkata sector by the Indian Airlines have witnessed some of the worst incidents of on-board behaviour by a section of inebriated passengers. The notoriety of drunken passengers travelling the Y-class, mostly carriers who bring garments from Bangkok to Kolkata, has led to families and tourists shunning the airline but the manage- ment is unperturbed. ‘‘We are aware that some carriers misbehave with airhostesses and co- passengers after a consuming alcohol but we cannot really do anything,’’ said an IA official. Despite being requested by Air Cor- poration Employees Union and Indian Commercial Pilots’ Association, the airline has refused to stop serving liquor on the route, fearing loss of busi- ness. ‘‘Carriers comprise 40 per cent of the passengers in this sector and we cannot ignore them. Nor can we deprive a ma- jority of the passengers of liquor due to the misbehaviour of some,’’ he said. But the official conceded the IA had stopped serving liquor in flights to Colombo from Chennai a couple of months ago on facing the same prob- lem. It had also stopped serving liquor on the Kolkata-Kathmandu sector a decade ago. Officials, however,argue that with in- tense competition on the Kolkata- Bangkok sector and other carriers of- fering liquor on board, discontinuing it would lead to a commercial disaster. Passenger held back Kolkata: Officers at the Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Airport police station had no option but to arrest a passenger on the Indian Airlines flight from Bangkok following a joint complaint by 80 passengers on the flight. The 80 passengers on flight IC 727 from Bangkok to Kolkata filed a joint complaint against co-passenger Bhaskaran Krishnakutty Nayar, 46, for misbehaving during the flight. TNN No D-link, says Madhuri’s secy

TIMES NEWS NETWORK Mumbai: High-profile secretary to filmstars Rikku Rakesh Nath categorically denied on Tuesday that he was questioned by the Del- hi Police for his alleged hawala links with underworld gangster Dawood Ibrahim. A section of the media had reported that the star secretary was questioned by the spe- cial police cell at Lodhi Colony in New Delhi on August 1, on possible hawala links with the D-gang. ‘‘I am surprised with this ridiculous news item,’’ he told this newspaper on Tuesday.‘‘I don’t know why my name has been dragged into the controversy.But I believe somebody is spreading rumours to malign my name,’’ he said. According to Rikku, he hasn’t even been to Delhi in the recent past. ‘‘I haven’t been called for questioning, but if and when I am called by the police, I will definitely co- operate with them,’’ he said. He said he has never had any dealings with the underworld. ‘‘Except when I have had to field calls on my clients’ behalf from people claiming to be gangsters, he said. Rikku, however, refused to say which of his clients had received threatening calls from the underworld. Rikku represents a host of showbiz personalities including Adnan Sami, Amisha Patel, Namrata Shirodkar and Madhuri Dixit.

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12 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 INDIA The Times of India, New Delhi Orissa’s celluloid CM Helicopter AFP Kumbh: Mother By Sandeep Mishra director, said. done it out of interest. The TIMES NEWS NETWORK Justifying Dhali’s filmi de- role was offered to me and I crash kills of all melting pots but, the film’s co-producer, accepted it.’’ Bhubaneswar: One is used Namita Das, said: ‘‘I knew The film, slated for release to film stars becoming politi- By Abhijit Majumder ‘‘It is the coming together Dhali is interested in acting on August 22, features lead- cians. Orissa cooperatives pilgrims TIMES NEWS NETWORK of the most ridiculously di- and we offered him the role.’’ ing Ollywood stars Sidhant, verse people. The media can minister Arabinda Dhali has The film is on the battle for Mihir Das and Meghna Nashik: A tiny shack near done the reverse. He stepped TIMES NEWS NETWORK pick holes and point out neg- justice of a girl raped by a Mishra. Oriya heroine the old Godavari temple calls ative aspects, but it misses into the cine world on Sun- Srinagar: Five people, in- minister’s son. Aparajita and Bollywood itself Vaishnav hotel. Inside, the celebration, the faith. day evening, donning the ‘‘In the film, I play the role hero Anil Kapoor make guest cluding two women, were Chandrakant, the shabbily- killed and one injured when One can talk about problems robes of an actor for an Oriya of the CM who intervenes to appearances. dressed waiter serves visi- a helicopter ferrying Amar- but only India can pull off movie, Nari Akhire Nian ensure justice for the vic- Dhali is hopeful the film tors. ‘‘Have the alu bhaji with nath pilgrims from the holy such a huge human road- (Fire in a woman’s eye). The tim,” Dhali disclosed. ‘‘This will do well. ‘‘The script ap- the puri. It goes well,’’ he says cave crashed on Tuesday show,’’ marvels Denise John- minister performs the role of is not my first brush with pealed to me and I am confi- in clear English characteris- morning. son, an Afro-American film- a chief minister on reel. acting. During my student dent the movie will be appre- tic of a city-bred. Just 10 minutes before it maker making a six-episode Dhali, 44, put on powder days, I performed in jatras ciated,’’ he told TNN. Chandrakant works in an TV series on the Kumbh. and paint for around four was to land at the Nehru he- export firm in Mumbai. He is and theatre.’’ Does he dream of becom- lipad here, the helicopter ‘‘Just as people have differ- hours and completed his a regular to the Kumbh Mela Dhali, who escaped a bid ing chief minister in real apparently hit a tree on a ent ways of making and ap- four-minute role at one go. on his life by naxalites last life? ‘‘I am happy with what and the only way he can af- preciating a cup of tea, hilltop at 7.30 am in Gan- ford his pilgrimage is by do- ‘‘He has done a wonderful year has not taken any mon- I am now. I am not dreaming darbal, 30 km from here, the Kumbh represents a very dif- job,’’ Sanjay Nayak, the film’s ey for the acting job. ‘‘I have so big.’’ ing odd jobs in small eateries ferent thing to each one who police said. and shops. ‘‘The hotels are so The pilot of the state- comes here,’’ she notes. John- expensive that I cannot af- Salman’s hearing owned six-seater BEL 407, J son has been coming to India ford them,’’ he says. S Kahlon from Chandigarh, since 1991 and is among those Mumbai: The Bombay Chandrakant is just one was designated commis- who consider the mela a vi- High Court on Tuesday face in the staggering human sioner civil aviation by the sual feast. completed the hearing of an mosaic called Kumbh Mela, Jammu and Kashmir gov- On the road from Nashik appeal filed by actor Salman which provides a confluence ernment during the Farooq to Trimbakeshwar, one spots Khan for quashing a lower Abdullah rule. The Mufti of millions of people and the parade of the extraordi- court order holding him pri- government had retained their diverse karma. In what nary. Fierce-looking sadhus ma facie guilty of culpable his appointment as pilot for is a sociologist’s giant labora- marching on with their tribe, homicide not amounting to the state-owned aircraft. tory, saints rub shoulders embellished elephants and murder in last year’s hit- Ajay Bindal of Delhi re- with street-urchins, film- bullock carts adding a time- and-run case and stating ceived multiple fractures makers pan their cameras less grandeur to the proces- that their was enough evi- and has been admitted to a Policemen inspect the wreckage of a state government across body-piercers, junkies sion, horn-blaring jeeps jam- dence to hold a trial against Srinagar hospital. helicopter after it crashed at Ganderbal on Tuesday. and freelance stewards like med with families whizzing him on the charges. TNN Chandrakant. past with saffron flags. Millions flock to Kumbh of the south TIMES NEWS NETWORK Hyderabad: The number of people taking a dip in the Godavari during the ongoing Pushkarams, the Andhra version of the Kumbh Mela, is officially estimated to have gone well over 20 million. On Monday alone, a par- ticularly auspicious day, the statewide estimate of those taking a dip was 60 lakh, with more than a third coming from East Godavari district alone. The district collector there has pleaded to stop the special train arrange- ments to Rajahmundry, saying they can’t handle more crowds — there were pedestrian jams stretch- ing for 20 kms on Monday. Like the Kumbh, the fes- tival is held once every 12 years and the crowds are proportionate. CM Chan- drababu Naidu is monitor- ing the arrangements.

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The Times of India, New Delhi INDIA Wednesday,August 6, 2003 13

PTI What’s CSE all about? Buddhadeb ‘meets’ Bawa New Delhi: Meeting Manjit, a film on artist Manjit TIMES NEWS NETWORK port, seen by Rajiv Gandhi, has campaigned on global ne- Bawa by filmmaker Buddhadeb Das- saw Agarwal making a pres- gotiations and climate New Delhi: The Centre for gupta was adjudged the best biogra- entation to MPs, arguing that change, fought the battle on phical film in the recent national film Science and Environment environment and develop- air pollution and pushed was set up in 1980 as a public awards. The film will also be part of ment must go hand in hand. CNG for Delhi and cam- the Indian panorama section at the interest research institution Today, with 110 people on its paigned on water as a com- next International film festival of In- by a group of engineers, sci- rolls, it has an executive munity resource, promoting dia (IFFI). entists, journalists and envi- board chaired by eminent rainwater harvesting. Meeting Manjit tells the story of the ronmentalists and was head- agriculture scientist M S Since Agarwal, honoured painter’s life through parallel jour- ed by the late Anil Agarwal, Swaminathan, regularly with Padma Bhushan, lost Manjit Bawa neys, the first being Dasgupta’s own an activist with a back- brings out an environmental the battle against cancer last journey through Bawa’s world. ground in engineering from magazine, Down to Earth, year, the CSE is headed by Bawa’s friend Ina Puri scans the change in his style of IIT, Kanpur. and gets funding from for- Sunita Narain, his colleague painting; and then Bawa himself — he is also a musi- Starting with a two-room eign agencies and the gov- for 21 years. In February, cian and a poet — goes back and forth in time, looking at office, it brought out its first ernment. CSE’s expose on bottled wa- his work. The exquisite visuals accompanied by Das- State of the Environment Re- Sometimes viewed as ter quality triggered a review gupta’s own commentary make the documentary a rare port, possibly the first major much too abrasive, its views which has forced the govern- presentation of an artist’s life, his subconscious and its NO PESTICIDES IN MY TEA: PepsiCo India chairman Rajiv Bakshi (left) and president of Coca-Cola study from civil society, two and findings have been chal- ment to come out with new expression on canvas. TNN India Sanjeev Gupta at press conference in New Delhi on Tuesday. years later. The second re- lenged over the years as it norms. Cola majors cry foul, say CSE report lacks fizz TIMES NEWS NETWORK Blanket denial New Delhi: In a rare show of solidarity, arch-rivals co*ke •Cola majors flay CSE and Pepsi jointly attacked a report as baseless and report challenging the quali- incorrect ty of their products. •They question the test- Their India heads flayed ing methods of the CSE the CSE report as ‘baseless and incorrect’, at a press con- •Say their products are ference on Tuesday. They tested in best of the said they might move court global laboratories against CSE, as its report could harm their brands. Indian consumers.’’ ‘‘What brings us together Pepsi added that the cola is the issues raised regarding brands were tested against safety and quality of our around 45 pesticides. And, products, which we adhere to the quality tests happen very strictly across the world, be it frequently and regularly. India or US or Europe,’’ said Gupta said both the com- co*ke India president Sanjiv panies sold same quality of Gupta. products (colas) in India, US Pepsi Foods India chief Ra- and Europe. ‘‘There’s no dou- jiv Bakshi attacked the cre- ble standard here. We are In- dentials of the report and dians. Our kids drink these said that one needed highly products.’’ sophisticated equipment, ac- ‘‘What is their testing credited test labs and experi- method, what are the accred- enced scientists for such itation of laboratories. Our tests. products are tested in best of ‘‘After CSE’s earlier report the global laboratories like on our bottled water brands, Vimta in Hyderabad, TNO of we re-tested our products, the Netherlands,’’ Gupta said source of water for both bot- of CSE. tled water and colas. Our ‘‘Can top 5 scientists look products were found to meet into this episode and say who all the norms, be it American is right,” he added. or Indian. Let an independ- ‘‘Our international teams ent, internationally accredit- come here in India and audit ed agency, with experienced our products. We completely scientists test our products,’’ and fully deny the pesticides he added. claim of the report,’’ said On the report’s claim that Gupta. pesticide limits in colas ex- He added that pesticides in ceeded EU norms, Bakshi ground water is a worldwide said, ‘‘That’s bullsh*t. Forget problem and not an India- legally permissible limits, specific one. we follow much higher ‘‘Our quality norms for global standards. We are here treating pesticides are to offer best quality internationally same,” international products to Gupta said.

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14 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 INTERNATIONAL The Times of India, New Delhi

AROUND THE WORLD Reuters Live in, then live apart? Policemen flunk exams: Forty Chinese police chiefs Washington: Researchers less happy and had more tion and Marital Quality and have been suspended from have found that couples marital conflicts than non- Stability: Change Across Co- duty after they flunked an who live together before mar- cohabiters. Also, in both horts?” has been published exam to test their skills on riage have higher rates of groups, couples who lived to- in the Journal of Marriage the job, state media said troubled unions, divorce and gether before marriage were and the Family. Tuesday. They were among separation. more likely to divorce. Researchers say that living 1,000 heads of police sta- According to a study by “It had been consistently together in an unconvention- tions in southern Guangdong Penn State researchers, more shown in the past that con- al relationship makes people province who returned to than half of the couples to- trary to the popular belief less religious and also en- school to improve their quali- day, live-in before marriage that living together will im- courages them to develop fications, the People’s Daily said on its website. The while only 10 per cent did so prove a person’s ability to problematic relationship course was organized be- 30 years ago. The research choose a marriage partner skills. They may also start cause many officers in team compared data on and stay married, the oppo- spending less time resolving Guangdong “do not have 1,425 people married between site is actually the case,” said problems and providing sup- enough law knowledge and 1964 and 1980, when cohabita- Claire M. Kamp Dush, doc- port to their partners. skills to perform their legal tion was less common, and toral candidate in human de- “A weak commitment to duties,” said Liang Guoju, the between 1981 and 1997, velopment and family stud- life-long marriage and less provincial police chief. The when cohabitation was more ies and first author of the attention to communication 40 police chiefs who failed to common. study. skills during cohabitation pass the test will now have to It was found in both The study titled “The Rela- may carry over into mar- hit the books and pass an- groups that cohabiters were tionship Between Cohabita- riage,’’ say researchers. ANI other exam if they want to get their old jobs back, the Judge saves report said. AFP Alturistic by nature Of sun and icecreams: From suncream to ice lollies Reuters By David Morgan containing blood, British Diaz from zoos were using their imagi- Philadelphia: Zell Kravinsky nation in a bid to protect their gets a kick out of giving things ‘exposure’ animals from sizzling summer away. In fact he gets such a weather, as heat levels here buzz from it that giving away Los Angeles: A judge cov- soared towards what could millions of dollars just wasn’t ered US movie star be a record. At London Zoo, enough for him, so he upped Cameron Diaz’s modesty by ice lollies, which prevent ani- the ante and gave away a kid- ordering that topless pic- mals from becoming dehy- ney. tures of the actress that she drated, were the favourite Kravinsky, 48, made head- is trying to suppress re- dish of the day. Penguins Madonna (right) and Missy Elliott in a ad campaign. lines recently for donating one main sealed, at least until were fed fish lollies, tigers and lions devoured lollies that much TNT. Only 200 more as she was hungry. She of his kidneys to a needy black the case is settled. grams were used in the turned up 45 minutes later woman. But that’s not where Zell Kravinsky The star of Charlie’s An- filled with one of their favourite herbs, rosemary, Lockerbie bombings,” said a and ordered one bowl of his philanthropy began. same as running does, or gels and Something About police expert, referring to the takeaway soup. Naomi’s “be- Mary sued to stop a photog- while bears and monkeys The former Ivy League lec- yoga,” Kravinsky said recent- were given fruit lollies con- 1988 bombing of a airliner ing late” habit is legendary - rapher from releasing the turer on Renaissance litera- ly. “If people understood that taining pieces of apple, pear over Scotland, in which 270 she arrived too late for one of ture gave up teaching in the there are greater pleasures pictures taken of her at 21, and orange. “It takes most of people were killed. Police the hijacked planes on Sep- mid-1990s after losing patience than the flesh, and larger au- before she earned interna- the day for the monkeys to have arrested a 42-year-old tember 11th. Her American with the politics of the aca- diences than one’s own hu- tional renown. lick all the ice and get all the man on suspicion of planning model agency fired her on demic world, borrowed a cou- man vanity,people would seek Diaz, 30, sued last month nuts out,” curator and veteri- robberies with the explo- the grounds that she was un- ple million dollars and began that explosive release,” he to stop photographer John nary manager Wendy Win- sives. He knew the sofa’s bearable and published the previous owner. Reuters following statement, “No buying up real estate. Before said. That may explain why he Rutter from selling the po- stanley said. AFP long, Kravinsky says, he had a dispensed with mere financial tentially embarrassing amount of money or prestige Explosive surprise: A Campbell diva no 1? Ac- could further justify the fortune of well over $15 mil- charitable donations last photographs. German man bought a sec- cording to PeopleNews, the abuse she has imposed on lion. So he did what only month and donated a kidney She claimed that a signa- 5’10’’ beauty, Naomi Camp- ond-hand sofa only to dis- our staff and clients.” ANI seemed right to him and gave to a stranger whom hospital ture in her name appearing cover it was stuffed with bell, was christened La the bulk of it away to charity. officials would identify only on a release form that Rut- three pounds of dynamite, Campbell for acts of out- p*rn king as governor? “It could be that a moral act as a black woman from ter produced as evidence of police said last Friday. The standing diva behaviour. Re- US p*rn mogul and free releases brain opiates the Philadelphia. Reuters his right to sell the pictures man alerted authorities Ha- cently, Naomi called swanky speech activist Larry Flynt on had been forged. gen after finding seven suspi- Beverly Hill restaurant Spago Monday told Californians he Los Angeles superior cious blocks in the sofa’s just as they closed after was ready to be their gover- court judge Alan Haber on armrests. “You can do a lunch and begged them to nor — but only if they can Monday ruled that the pic- great deal of damage with stay open just a few minutes accept a smut merchant as tures taken of Diaz would their leader. Democrat Flynt, be protected by the court 61, said he had gathered until the suit is settled be- enough signatures to chal- lenge embattled governor cause she had a right to pri- Costner not interested in sequels It seems money is not so important in Gray Davis for the top job in vacy of her own body. elections in October, and had He also kept out of the Hollywood star Kevin Costner’s life. The veteran actor has rejected the idea of the name recognition to win. public record a videotape, “I think people wouldn’t mind the contents of which nei- making a sequel to any of his hit films, saying he will never sacrifice his big having a smut peddler who ther side would discuss out- cares as governor,” he said. side the courtroom. screen credibility for the sake of a fat paycheck, according to a report in rate “I may be paralysed from the However, the judge re- the Cinema buffs are not re- waist down but unlike Gray, fused to deny public access ally interested in sequels to movies they I’m not paralysed from the to the rest court file of the Kevin Costner have already seen, according to recent neck up,” said the wheel- suit. research, and Costner, who’s currently busy promoting chair-bound publisher of the The next hearing in the his new Western movie “Open Range, is adamant about hardcore Hustler magazine who was disabled in a 1978 case of celebrity over not making one. ANI exposure is set for shooting attack. AFP September 12. AFP

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The Times of India, New Delhi INTERNATIONAL Wednesday,August 6, 2003 15 AFP Blair aide is Visa fee hike hits Indian students sorry for By Rashmee Z Ahmed New UK ‘tax’ barely 16 months after Tony comes within weeks of TIMES NEWS NETWORK Blair,on a visit to India, told Britain’s planned introduc- Kelly remark Indian students the UK tion of new work-permit London: Indian students •Visa extension fees wanted to see larger num- rules for mature overseas By Rashmee Z Ahmed planning to extend their hiked from Rs 3,000 to bers of them at British edu- students from Common- TIMES NEWS NETWORK Rs 11,000 per head stay in Britain will now cational institutions. wealth countries. have to shell out at least Rs Cambridge varsity V-C Till last month, an Indian Some 5,000 Indian stu- London: Tony Blair’s offi- 11,000 or 150 pounds per • accuses Govt of exploit- planning to study at dents enrolled in British in- cial spin doctor has said sor- head as visa extension fees. ing overseas students Oxbridge or anywhere else stitutions of higher educa- ry for describing the British The spiralling cost of in the UK could expect to tion in 2002, according to es- government’s thorn-in-the- British visa extension fees, •Several universities pay no more than Rs 3,000 in timates. flesh, the dead government newly enforced just days have termed the visa fees. Several British universi- scientist David Kelly as a fic- ago, are expected to deter measure ‘excessive’ Vice-chancellor of Cam- ties and international stu- tional fantasist akin to Wal- large numbers of Indians bridge, Sir Alec Broer has dent help organisations ter Mitty. from applying to study in paper the new fees were vir- publicly accused Blair’s have expressed their dis- The reference to a fictional the UK. tually “a tax” meant to pre- government of seeking to may over the steep rise in character, who had delusions Several angry Indian sci- vent overstaying. “exploit” overseas students. visa-extension fees, brand- of grandeur, has sparked a ence students here told this The new “tax” comes The new fee structure ing them excessive. furore, with press, politi- cians and sections of the public seeing it as part of Powell dismisses Blair’s attempt to “smear” David Kelly’s reputation. UK denies LoC policing plan ‘2nd term’ report David Kelly,a former Iraqi One of the victims injured in the blast at the JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta on Tuesday. By Rashmee Z Ahmed Line of Control being consid- missed the report. weapons inspector who ap- TIMES NEWS NETWORK ered in European capitals.’’ British sources admitted Washington: US Secretary parently committed suicide Bhutto held guilty: A Swiss South Asia watchers said the importance of verifica- of State Colin Powell has dis- in suspicious circ*mstances London: Britain has cate- court has found former Pak- the so-called proposal, tion that infiltration across missed as “nonsense” a re- three weeks ago, had gone gorically denied any plans istan PM Benazir Bhutto and dubbed the Straw Formula in LoC had stopped. But they port that he will not continue anonymously public to the Attack on Indian her husband Asif Zardari guilty for an international helicop- honour of its alleged author cautioned that monitoring in the post even if President BBC about his scepticism of money laundering and or- ter force to police the Line of British foreign secretary along the LoC was a matter George W Bush is re-elected about Gulf War II. dered them to pay more than Control in J&K. Jack Straw,, had emerged as for both India and Pakistan for a second term. David Kelly had apparent- $2 million to Pakistan govern- Reacting to reports in a “I don’t know what they family in New York ment, while sentencing them a a clutch of anonymously- to agree. The original news ly told the BBC that Blair suspended jail term of six Pakistani newspaper, a sourced news stories last report had suggested the G-8 are talking about. The Presi- government had talked up New York: A Sikh family cousin, Lakhvir Singh months. The court ordered British foreign office year. At the time too, British and Nato were on the point of dent and I have not discussed the case for war and insuffi- from India was roughed up Gill, when he was accosted them to return to Pakistan mil- spokesman said on Monday: and Indian diplomats had agreeing a “mechanism” to anything other than my con- cient evidence existed for the by three drunken white by three men, who took lions of dollars deposited ille- “We are not aware of any pooh-poohed it. Indian remove “ambiguity” in infil- tinuing to do my job ,” Powell UK-US to prove Saddam Hus- youth, who mistook them him for an Arab because of gally in Swiss accounts. PTI proposal for monitoring the sources on Monday dis- tration across LoC. told Radio Sawa Monday. PTI sein had WMD ready for use. Arabs in Queens, a suburb his beard and turban. of New York. The attackers taunted But apparently no one them with anti-Arab slurs was seriously hurt in the and shouted “Go back to Sunday night attack as, po- your country, Bin Laden” lice said, they declined and their efforts to explain medical care. that they are Sikhs from According to the police India proved futile. The and witnesses, Surinder family was returning after Singh was walking home picking up dinner from an with his family and a Indian restaurant. PTI


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16 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 The Times of India, New Delhi AIDS Alert Cost of Competition A THOUGHT FOR TODAY In 2002-03, ONGC became the first Indian we’d prefer assets closer to India so that corporate to break the Rs 10,000 crore net freight costs are minimum and there is Adam was the only man who, when he said a good thing, Political Commitment as Antidote profit barrier. Subir Raha, chairman greater flexibility in sourcing those assets in knew that nobody had said it before him. By Oscar Fernandes, Kirit Somaiya & development fund for HIV/AIDS prevention, Rajiv Ranjan Singh care and support. In Maharashtra and Bihar and managing director of the oil and gas times of exigencies. But at the same time, I — Mark Twain major,tells Sanjay Dutta that global am looking at assets which are at greater Today for many politicians like us, too, similar initiatives have been taken. aspirations need cutting-edge technology distances because oil is tradable and gas HIV/AIDS is no more a distant problem. We Thus, the first National Convention of and loads of money: market tradability, in the form of LNG, is have seen the virus strike people that we the Parliamentary Forum on HIV/AIDS coming up in a very big way.To that extent, it Fair Copy know, ordinary people like us. For instance, was held recently in New Delhi. Elected doesn’t really matter whether you own the we have come across ordinary home-makers, representatives comprising MPs, MLAs, You have made a Rs 10,000 crore-plus profit in asset in Asia or Latin America or Australia. ‘Karishma’ wins lawsuit to go most of the time living in purdah, being MLCs, mayors and zila parishad/panchayat 2002-03. That’s a lot of money. What are you on the small screen affected with HIV and the source was obvi- chairpersons participated in this conven- going to do with it? You have taken equity in overseas oilfields. ously their husbands. In another instance, tion. At least 1,000 elected representatives We have been working on monetising our What next? Plagiarists of the world unite — you’ve nothing to lose but from different parts of the country attended your copyright chains. That would seem to be the implicit, the son of a very prominent social worker in assets — oil and gas. We get cash only if we We have the capability of being an Mumbai died of HIV/AIDS leaving behind a the convention organised in collaboration convert them into production. We now have operator. But when you are looking at over- if unintended, message sent out by the court order turning with the ministry of health and family down the writ petition by Barbara Taylor Bradford seeking young wife and a three-month-old child. In another thrust area — ‘assetising’ the money. seas acquisitions, it is not a precondition. At Karnataka, we have come across young men welfare, National AIDS Control Organi- The idea is to convert the excellent financials the same time, we’d certainly like being a stay on the Indian TV serial Karishma on the grounds sation and UNAIDS. that it had been copied from her novel A Woman of who are sons of senior officials getting into profitable investments in India and the operator. The core group for the forum consists of Substance. Earlier the lower court had not only given the affected. Many young people from Udipi in abroad. This year alone we plan to invest Since you will soon be spending huge sums on political leaders from all major national green signal to Karishma, it had also awarded costs to the Karnataka are migrating to Mumbai to work Rs 16,000 crore on exploration and acqui- acquiring technology, how would you ensure and regional political parties. This show of makers of the serial for delays in production resulting in restaurants and increasingly becoming sitions — Rs 10,000 crore-plus in India, and that there is no unfair play or corruption? political will has become possible because from the court proceedings. While the higher court has vulnerable to the disease just as many others Rs 6,000 crore-plus abroad. The answer to that really lies in the all of us now recognise the gravity of the disallowed these damages, it has upheld the right to from different states are. In Maharashtra, What is your thrust area as far as overseas ethics and value systems of an organisation. problem. We have overcome the earlier broadcast the serial. While legal beagles might cry foul HIV/AIDS has affected many lives and in acquisitions are concerned? If somebody is intent on manipulation denial and ostrich-like attitude. Today, we under the banner of TRIPS (Trade-related Aspects of particular of rural people. We have observed and is reasonably smart, he will always realise that the best preventive strategy We are trying to build a strong portfolio. Intellectual Property Rights), the latest court order, in a sharp rise since the ‘80s in the percentage find ways to get around any procedure, how- would be to accept that the problem exists, We are in the global reckoning today but fact, might be seen by pragmatists as making a virtue out of young deaths in the total number of ever intricate. But what’s the point of confront it and ensure that the rights of we are not in the same league as those world of a reality.Since times immemorial, imitation has proved deaths in the state. licence permit raj? people affected by the virus are safeguarded. majors who are consolidating their holdings to be the most successful form of flattery. Creative brand Thus, as the epidemic moves from the conventional high-risk groups to the general Political leadership in combating HIV/ by geography or by other strategic interests. The more restrictions you have the more leaders from Shakespeare down have time and again We are looking at all opportunities without opportunity someone has to exploit them. demonstrated that there is no need to keep reinventing the population, we have to understand the AIDS was the theme of this all-party magnitude of the problem, which is that the meeting. Political leadership from all levels being too choosy We’re trying to be wheel; all that is needed is a new marketing strategy. about the location. very open on job Perhaps no one has put this to better effect than virus is spreading faster than and cutting across party lines we imagined. came together to chart out What about the requirements, quali- Bollywood which has unabashedly derived its inspiration, geopolitical risks Q&A ties, specifications. without due acknowledgement, from foreign sources. But If the spread of HIV/AIDS strategies for HIV/AIDS is not checked and the problem prevention and care. The main that go with overseas The answer to corrup- The second thrust such copycatism is far from being an Indian prerogative. acquisitions? area is to build Indeed, Hollywood has returned the compliment with reversed, it is likely to wipe aim of the convention was tion really lies in the out 20 years of development. to mobilise elected represen- You have risks in ethics and value systems a relationship of knobs on by filching ideas from Bollywood and elsewhere. all businesses. We mutual respect with Double Jeopardy was a double up of Bollywood’s Andha Therefore, urgent action needs tatives. We hope to increase of an organisation. If to be taken. This action need the number of MPs actively go by the advice of somebody is intent on the dealers. Let’s Kanoon. The Amitabh Bachchan starrer Aankhen is the external affairs accept no one is in currently being remade in America as Three Blind Mice. not be dramatic and we are not working on this issue from the manipulation and is here to make tall promises. current 200 or so. We also hope ministry as we don’t reasonably smart, he will business to make Quentin Tarantino’s critically acclaimed Reservoir Dogs have a process in a loss. We are ratio- was taken lock, stock and smoking barrel from the What we need to do is to that the state legislative forum always find ways to get place specifically for around any procedure. nalising procedures, Hong Kong flick City on Fire starring Chow Yun Fat. It impact reality on the ground. on HIV/AIDS, formed in six Udayshankar Thus, the core group mem- states, can be extended to political risk analy- standardising sys- could be argued that such double takes are an inevitable sis. But of course we tems... We have ancillary to the hom*ogenising effect of globalisation. If a bers of the Parliamentary Forum on least 16 states by the end of the year. The HIV/AIDS are interested in motivating Parliamentary Forum feels that although do our due diligence on technical and technical committees which evaluate each transnational free market implies an unfettered flow of financial issues. equipment or technology to find out what is everything from fast foods to financial and other services, elected representatives across party lines. the HIV/AIDS prevention programme is pro- We have already mobilised 240 MPs and are fessionally managed by NACO and its state So you are going to countries like Libya, best suited to our needs. Then the tender can an exclusively local habitation and name be given to a committees are brought in and told about creative concept, be it the plot of a novel or a musical score? hoping that this will filter down to the counterpart, it is essential that the country’s Syria and Sudan which are not perceived, taluka level. As is evident, we want to bring political leadership lend its full support at least by the West, to have a ‘conducive’ our quality requirements — which is what While purists might deplore such give-and-take laissez the specialists want — and asked to negotiate faire, the order of the day seems to be, if you can’t beat ’em, together all the stakeholders and give this to this issue. One of the ways in which political environment. problem a unified thrust. elected representatives could contribute is to the commercial terms. Since we segregate clone ’em. In fact, if the words of comic singer Tom Lehrer Libya has had a stable government for quality assessment by specialists on the are to be taken as gospel, such an arrangement might even In India, we have seen political commit- allocate the funds from special schemes such more than two decades. The same goes ment to HIV/AIDS from the highest as the Member of Parliament Local Area one hand and pricing by the tender commit- have divine sanction: “Why do you think God gave you for Syria. In India, we’ve had our own tee on the other, we are building a basic eyes?/But to plagiarise, plagiarise, plagiarise.’’ And didn’t quarters. Prime minister Vajpayee declared Development Scheme (MPLADS) towards insurgencies for decades. In the last year, HIV the most serious public health problem supporting local initiatives on HIV/AIDS. safeguard. As they say, if you pay peanuts, He do just that when He created us in his image? we lost two officers and several security you get monkeys. We are trying to avoid facing India. At the UN General Assembly There is overwhelming evidence that if personnel in insurgency-related activities. Special Session on HIV/AIDS (New York, the AIDS epidemic needs to be controlled, that situation. We’ve talked to the CVC Advani’s call for joint That doesn’t mean we pull out. But we about this and he has been good enough June 2001), the strength of the national the governments — Centre and states — have take precautions. If we need security, LS & assembly polls commitment to the fight against HIV/AIDS to make it a priority. Investing in an to see our point of view. No one is saying whether in India or elsewhere, we organise you throw money away; that’s wrong, that’s was clearly demonstrated in the speech made effective AIDS response will pay off. Failing things accordingly. VIEW by Sonia Gandhi, leader of the opposition. to do so will undermine every other bad business. But to be there and give The chief ministers of high-prevalence development goal. Is there any particular geographic area that your best, you need quality inputs. And states such as Maharashtra, Karnataka What strikes us as most critical at this you are focusing on? for that you have to be prepared to pay a Sign of Confusion, and Andhra Pradesh have joined forces to juncture is the need to strengthen institu- Well, we have a basic matrix of what you reasonable price. address this issue and are personally in- tional responses to prevent mother-to-child might call ‘country attractiveness’. One There has been some talk of an overseas Not Confidence volved in the state response to the epidemic. transmission of HIV/AIDS. It is equally im- aspect of which has to do with oil and gas listing of ONGC Videsh, your overseas In Karnataka, we contributed Rs 10 lakh perative that along with being able to prevent reserves and the other with diplomatic investment arm. Any news on that? t its national executive meeting in Raipur last for setting up a private blood bank. It was a the transmission from mother-to-child, the relations. On this matrix, we have graded There is no plan at the moment to go Amonth, BJP president Venkaiah Naidu denied very small contribution as the funds came concerns of the mother should be addressed. different countries in terms of preference. for an overseas listing for OVL. We have speculation that the NDA government was toying with from other sources also. While inaugurating (Convenors of the Parliamentary Forum on But we don’t say no to anyone. We look enough money of our own and will raise the idea of early Lok Sabha polls. Since Mr Naidu the blood bank, the governor commended the HIV/AIDS, the authors belong to the Congress, at each opportunity. And if it’s a viable funds as and when required — internally spoke at the end of what was described as the party’s fact that the MP concerned has used his area BJP and Samata Party respectively.) investment proposition, we go for it. Though or from other sources. last great chintan baithak or strategy session before the next big battle, it ought to have put an end to the debate about poll timing. But, as in everything else, nothing that ‘the party with a difference’ ever says is God is in the Gap what it seems. Last Sunday, while making a case for Voters’ Choice fixed-term legislatures and simultaneous Lok Sabha By K Subrahmanyam reached the window after culously.After scrutiny,the and assembly elections, home minister L K Advani two hours in the queue, the person at the window hand- Between Breaths also hinted at early parliamentary polls. Many My wife and I decided to get clerk said that unless she wrote the information in a political observers hailed the move as a great strategic the life-time card — the Power of Faith produced the serial num- register, retained the upper By Swami Chaitanya Keerti master stroke. With the opposition still bitterly electoral identity card, ad- bers in the electoral roll he portions with our personal God is in the breath inside pranayam of yoga, where A man of faith, divided over the issue of Sonia Gandhi’s leadership, vertised as being available could not do anything. So details and gave us the the breath, said Kabir. He you start manipulating the absorbed in faith, his the argument went, it made sense for the BJP to on our sparing a little time. we returned home. lower halves as authori- showed that anyone can breath. You don’t touch the senses controlled, strike sooner rather than later. The first day when we become illumined from breath at all — you allow attains knowledge, and Early polls would not only prevent a Congress-led went there at 2.30 p.m. there We downloaded the rele- sation for photographs. He within. Osho once explained its naturalness, its natural knowledge attained, alliance from coalescing, but also help the party retain was a queue of some vant page of the electoral entered serial numbers on a sutra from Kabir’s song: flow. When it goes out you quickly finds supreme the support of those coalition partners who have felt hundred men and another roll from the Internet. them and asked us to sign ‘‘Student, tell me what is follow it, when it comes in peace. But the ignorant increasingly alienated by its return, post-Gujarat, to shorter one of 15 women Armed with this and photo- the register in acknow- God?’’ he asks. He provides you follow it. man, who is without its core Hindutva agenda. Then there is the added before a single window. copies of our passports, we ledgement of their receipt. the answer: “He is the breath faith, goes doubting to prospect of capitalising on the sudden “feel-good” There was no provision for went the next day. My wife, It was past 5 p.m., the Soon you will become inside the breath.” destruction. For the factor generated by the bountiful monsoon this aged 71, stood eighth in the closing time. We moved in aware that there are two senior citizens who cannot doubting self there is season, particularly in the rural areas. The problem stand for long. One person ladies’ queue. At the end of to be photographed by God is your subjectivity; gaps. In those two gaps is the neither this world, nor with this thesis is that it assumes too much. On the at the window was hand- two hours, the man at the a computerised camera. He is your innerness. door. And in those two gaps the next, nor joy. political front, it’s not so much the idea of early as syn- ling both queues attending, counter accepted the down- Having been out in the open Buddha made it a great you will find that breath chronised polls that will aid the BJP’s cause. But since alternately, to two male loaded page and issued her for three hours on a very technique for meditation, itself is not life — maybe a Bhagavad Gita 4.39-40 simultaneous polls require a rewriting of the Consti- applicants and one female two forms — one for each of muggy day, our photos watching the breath, because food, not life itself. Because ✥ through watching it you tution, which is not possible without Congress sup- applicant. There was only us. In the forms, as in the did not come out well. We when the breathing stops One of the crowd said will come to know the breath port, the idea is a virtual non-starter. As for the mon- one computer and it took electoral roll, our names waited another 15 minutes you are there — you are (to Jesus), ‘‘Teacher, inside the breath. ‘Breath’ soon, historical experience suggests that while bad about three to four minutes were spelled wrongly. The to collect the electoral iden- perfectly conscious. And I brought my son to means life. In Sanskrit it is economic news — from price rise to drought — can of- to get a form filled up. The forms needed two signa- tity cards with spelling mis- the breath has stopped, you, for he has a dumb ten lose a party an election, good economic news does pran or life. In Hebrew, applicants had to provide tures each and had to be takes and hard-to-recognise breathing is no more there, spirit: and whenever it not ensure a win. Recall how Narasimha Rao presided the word for breath means information of the exact handed over at the next photographs. Total time and you are there. And once seizes him, it dashes over what is commonly regarded as the golden era spirit. In all languages, entry in the electoral roll. window along with proof of spent: five and half hours. you continue this watching him down: and he of Indian economy,from 1991 to 1996, with record eco- breath is synonymous with There was no prior inti- identity, in our case copies Cannot a country using of the breath — what Buddha foams and grinds his nomic growth. Yet when he went to the people on the life, spirit or soul. But breath mation about this require- of passport pages. A third electronic voting machines calls Vipassana or Anapana- teeth and becomes back of that economic performance, all he got in is not the soul. ment. When my wife person checked them meti- do better than this? sati — if you go on watching rigid... have pity on us return was a stinging vote of no confidence. In one Try this experiment: sit- it, slowly you will see the gap and help us.’’ And word, BJP’s early poll gambit is a sign of confusion ting silently, just watch your is increasing and becoming Jesus said to him, ‘‘If and nervousness rather than confidence and certitude. CONVERSATIONS WITH READERS breath from the entrance of bigger. Finally it happens you can! All things are the nose. When the breath that for minutes together Delhi Times by Arun Kumar Das titled possible to him who COUNTERVIEW comes in, feel the gap remains. Speed thrills... ‘Official Roadblock’, comparisons have been believes.’’ Immediately the touch of the One breath goes The series of articles about speed limits on made with speed limits in developed the father of the child breath at the in, and the gap... Delhi roads which have been appearing in countries. But there has been no attempt to cried out and said, Another Astute Strategy entrance of the and for minutes Delhi Times, is timely.I fully agree with study the traffic conditions prevalent there. nose — watch it the breath does ‘‘I believe, help the conclusions drawn by the experts Which country in the West has such a there. The touch not go out. All has my unbelief !’’ From the BJP interviewed. It is ridiculous to attribute motley traffic plying on its roads? will be easier to stopped. The The Bible he BJP’s ideology might be open to debate but all accidents caused on the roads to In India, almost all vehicle-owners co*ck watch, breath will world has stop- ✥ there can be no two opinions on the party’s razor speeding. Most of the time they happen T a snook at traffic rules. Which is why,if be too subtle. The ped, time has sharp thinking and its ability to visualise and execute due to reckless driving and disobedience Exhausted after all speed limits are increased, it will result in breath goes in, stopped, thinking a strategy. It’s this extraordinary skill that saw the of traffic rules. effort, to the Lord’s more accidents. and you feel it THE has stopped. Be- utterly marginalised BJP ride on the Ram rath yatra shelter I go. Now that to Some of the speed limits are illogically Also, higher speed limits will benefit going in: watch it. cause when the to the centrestage of politics. Who’d have thought an SPEAKING His shelter I have come, low. For instance, at places like Noida only the ‘elite’, with swanky cars. Aren’t And then follow breath stops, thin- unspectacular Toyota rath would change the course of say I, ‘‘Lord, preserve turning, Gurgaon highway and toll the roads also used by thousands of it, go with it. You TREE king is not possi- India’s destiny? For that matter, who’d have thought a me or ruin me as bridge, where one can easily go up to speeds children and pedestrians, who have to will find there ble. And when the party once dismissed as untouchable would form and may please Thee!’’ like 60-70 km/hr, the limit is only 50 km/hr. cross them without the aid of zebra comes a point where it stops breath stops for minutes sustain the most durable coalition the country has All this unnecessarily increases crossings and subways? — near your navel, for a tiny together, thinking is abso- Adi Granth known? Let’s hand it to Atalji and Advaniji. When they consumption of fuel. — M B Ghosh, New Delhi moment, for a pal. Then lutely impossible — because ✥ see an opportunity, they seize it. Even when they The low speed limit only gives the cops it moves outwards again. the thought process needs don’t see an opportunity, they seize it. Mr Advani’s Your faith is what a chance to fine ‘speeding’ vehicles. Shanta’s Success Follow it — again feel the continuous oxygen, and suggestion that henceforth Lok Sabha and assembly you believe, not — Abhishek, via e-mail As the media spotlight gets focused on the touch, the breath going out of your thought process and elections be held together falls in the latter category. what you know. CEC, J M Lyngdoh, for winning the Ramon the nose. Follow it, go with it your breathing are very The mechanics involved in joint elections are so John L Spalding ...but also kills Magsaysay award this year, Shanta Sinha, outside — again you will deeply related. complex that they fairly rule out immediate ✥ the other winner, remains quietly in the come to a point, the breath implementation. This will require either fixing the With reference to the series of reports in Your breathing goes on background. Very few know about her stops for a very tiny moment. One may not doubt terms of the Lok Sabha and the assemblies or a changing with the moods of Herculean achievements in the field of Then again the cycle starts. that, somehow, good complicated process by which one set of assemblies the mind. The vice versa is From education for underprivileged children in Shall come of water are forced to cut short their terms. Inhalation, gap, exhala- also true — when the breath Andhra Pradesh. She is the founder of and of mud: And, Clearly, the gameplan is more political than legal. tion, gap, inhalation, gap. changes, the moods of the the organisation, M V Foundation, in sure, the reverent This is the BJP’s way of conveying that it is ready for Net Governess That gap is the most mys- mind change. And when Hyderabad. Her mission of eradicating terious phenomenon inside breath stops, mind stops. eye must see the Lok Sabha polls. Indeed, the party has everything With reference to your editorial ‘Order child labour in remote AP villages has been you. When the breath comes In that stopping of the A purpose in liquidity. to gain from advancing the general elections to No. GSR 529(E)’ (Aug 2), the government replicated in other states too. Within the in and stops and there is no mind the whole world coincide with the next set of assembly polls. First, the has once again shown its high-handed- Rupert Brooke span of a decade she has been able to movement, that is the point stops — because the mind vital feel-good factor in the form of a glorious ness, by arbitrarily trying to control the ✥ mobilise the entire rural community in where one can meet God. Or is the world. And in that monsoon; the consequent economic revival and rural Internet. We, as citizens of India, should We only part to meet AP and make it a child labour-free state. when the breath goes out stopping you come to sector spending cannot but boost the BJP’s electoral rise up against this grave injustice. What — Dr Nadeem Mohsin, New Delhi and stops and there is no know for the first time again. Change, fortunes. Second, the complete disarray in opposition is the use of calling ourselves a democra- movement. Remember, you what is the breath inside as ye list, ye winds; ranks. Third, the dominance of Lok Sabha over the cy,if our government insists on behaving Letters to this column should be addressed to Letters c/o Edit page Editor, The Times of India, 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New are not to stop it; it stops on the breath: life inside life. my heart shall be assemblies; the Atal vs Sonia shift in focus will work like its Chinese counterpart? It should be Delhi-110002. email:[emailprotected] The faithful compass entirely to the BJP’s advantage. By floating the trial its own. Otherwise, the doer The liberating experience obvious to the powers that be, that it’s vir- No. 186 Vol. 54. Air charge: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai ,Cochin, Chennai & via that still points to thee. Rs.3, Indore and via 50 paise. National edition: No aircharge.Price in Nepal: NEP Rs 5, except will come in and witnessing makes you aware of balloon of fixed elections, the party has already won tually impossible to censor ‘objectionable’ Sunday: NEP Rs 7. RNI No. 508/57 MADE IN NEW DELHI REGD. NO. DL-25002/92. Published for the proprietors, Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd., by Balraj Arora at Times House, 7, Bahadur Shah will disappear. You are not to God — and God is not a John Gay half the battle: The NDA allies will now think twice material on the Net. Let sanity replace Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110 002 and printed by him at 13, Site IV Industrial Area,Sahibabad (UP), Faizabad Road, Chinhat, Lucknow and MNS Printers Pvt. Ltd., Industrial Area, Phase II, Panchku- change the breath pattern, person but the experience before signing up for a Congress alliance. The parivar paranoia in the corridors of power. la, Haryana. Regd. Office: Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Mumbai - 400 001. Editor (Delhi Market): Bachi Karkaria-responsible for selection of news under PRB Act. Executive Editor: Shekhar Bhatia. © All you are to neither inhale of life itself. too will know better than to mess with Atalji. Amolakh Nath Segal, via e-mail rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Postal Registration No.: TN/Chief PMG/399/2002 nor exhale. It is not like

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The Times of India, New Delhi, Wednesday,August 6, 2003

Business deal Braving the storm Shareholders’ snub Russian President Vladimir Putin Singapore Airlines (SIA) has A shareholder vents his feelings (far left) and Malaysian premier dived into the red for the first during a meeting at the headquarters of Mahathir Mohamad at the Malaysia- time in its history. But the Hanaro Telecom in Ilsan, South Korea. Russian business forum in Kuala skies, clouded by the war in Hanaro's shareholders have rejected a Lumpur. Putin will ink a $900 m deal Iraq and Sars, look to be plan to issue new shares worth $424 m to supply warplanes to Malayasia clearing for the airline proposed by its largest shareholder LG

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MANAGEMENT GURU Firms upbeat Samir Arora leaves Alliance LESTER THUROW TIMES NEWS NETWORK management level quickly and The company reverted its deci- efficiently. We have already as- sion to pull out later. Over Rs 800 Mumbai: Samir Arora, the high- sessed the needs of our organisa- crore worth funds were pulled Tips for the on electoral profile fund manager of Al- tion in both India and Singapore, out by institutional investors af- lianceCapital, has put in his our team-oriented approach, and ter the fund announced its plans papers. the fact that our Asian team is to exit its Indian operations in knowledge age The private sector fund has well resourced, allows us to move January. funding bill roped in Rajnish Narula as the swiftly through a smooth transi- Sources said the fund’s asset uccessful companies must be will- new CEO. Arora is believed to tion.’’ base hinged on Arora’s invest- ing to cannibalise themselves to build wealth. This might sound un- By N Vidyasagar New agenda have joined Rana Talwar-pro- Meanwhile, sources said that ment strategy, adding, Arora’s S TIMES NEWS NETWORK moted Sabre Capital Worldwide the two large corporate investors exit might trigger large scale re- conventional but it’s true. This is the new to anchor its asset management have pulled out around Rs 100 demptions by investors. mantra for corporate success and who New Delhi: The days of •Firms like Bajaj will business which is scheduled to crore worth funds on Tuesday Rajnish Narula, the newly ap- knows it better than the chanakya of the passing election funds un- now get tax rebate start operations within six from the mutual fund firm, fol- pointed CEO of Alliance Capital knowledge economy - Lester Thurow. der the table may soon be •Shareholders nod months. A Sabre Capitalworld- lowing this development. Asset Management, has been The man known for his dead-on fore- over.Corporate India is ex- may be a tricky wide official confirmed the However, this could not be with Standard Chartered Bank casts and strategic planning is all set to cited over a new law, business, if profits dip news. confirmed. as head-investment services, pri- brainstorm corporate India at the India- cleared by parliament, al- Edward Baker, senior vice- Arora, who is based in Singa- ority banking, capital markets & times Strategy Summit in New Delhi on lowing business houses to •Experts say boards president, Alliance Capital said, pore, had recently expressed in- non-resident business. August 20 and Mumbai on August 22. fund political parties on should decide on Samir Arora ‘‘Samir has contributed to our terest in buying out Alliance Narula will report to Ajai Thurow is your guide to the New Econ- record and get tax rebate funding successes in the region but Al- by our bottom-up research ap- Capital’s Indian operations Kaul, Senior vice-president and omy, which is global, chaotic, totally un- on the contributions. liance Capital’s equity portfolio proach and this allows us to when the company had invited head of retail sales for Asia, Al- predictable. In sum, don’t bother picking After the presidential it,’’ said a company official management process is driven adapt to change at the portfolio bids for the same. lainceCapital. a career. assent, the new Election of a large firm. Others dis- AP There are and Other Related Laws agreed however. They said no ca- [Amendment] Bill, 2003 is that it would be difficult to reers. No- expected to be in place be- get shareholders’ approval Profit booking body fore parliamentary elec- for political funding if knows tions, slated early next profits aren’t good. where year. Firms can make con- The law would most ben- hits Sensex the prof- tributions from revenues efit firms like Bajaj Auto, its will and get 100 per cent tax re- which paid Rs 50 lakh to TIMES NEWS NETWORK be. For- bate under, the Con- get about Mumbai/New Delhi: Domestic and for- Section gress party oil, gold, eign institutional investors kicked off a 80GB. for the last land, fac- CORPORATE profit-booking exercise across-the-board on Biggest election and tories Tuesday which dragged down the BSE Sen- business recorded it and all POWER sex 115 points during the trading session, af- groups — on its bal- that oth- ter early gains. The Sensex closed 67 points Reliance, Tata, Bajaj, Birla ance sheet. Now, it would er out- — welcomed the new legis- get tax rebate on that. down to close at 3,765.82. The NSE Nifty in- moded lation. Many of them have ‘‘It has come, finally. ,’’ dex too shed 19.15 points to 1,184.45. stuff that put in place institutional said S Sen, CII’s deputy di- ‘‘Foreign investors are profit-booking in has been mechanisms for funding. rector general. ‘‘This will large-cap stocks which has resulted in Tues- source of success. ‘‘Knowledge is the new ‘‘We have always been in infuse transparency into day’s fall in indices,’’ said a Birla Sunlife basis for wealth’’. favour of an clean and the political funding.’’ fund manager adding that the market fun- So what brings him to India? ‘‘India has transparent electoral sys- During the last elec- damentals are still quite strong. all that it takes to become a knowledge tem. Though we do not tions, CII asked members Large scale selling by FIIs in index heavy- powerhouse of this world,’’ says the support any particular po- to fund parties by cheque weights resulted in several large cap stocks knowledge economy guru and author of litical party we realise the and not by cash, Sen said. ending in the negative zone with RIL down bestsellers The Zero Sum Society and need for transparent polit- Broadly,there was a feel- 1.65 per cent to Rs 349.20, SBI down 2.88 per Head to Head. ical funding,’’ said senior a ing that funding would cent, Telco down 3.23 per cent and Tisco As part of the Summit, Thurow talks Tata group official. help sectors more than in- down 1.58 per cent to Rs 215.10. about the face of tomorrow’s corporates, ‘‘It will be easy to get dividual companies. Ex- Meanwhile, IndianOil Corporation on knowledge control and steps to make an shareholders nod for the perts say political parties Tuesday overtook HLL and climbed a notch international mark with an Indian per- contribution. We will be would be apprised of how to the third position in market-cap charts. spective. He will also be introducing his able to explain to share- reforms in a sector would Brazilian Volkswagen workers on Monday protest a move by the car maker which said it This would take the company to the third recent work, Fortune Favors The Bold: holders why we are doing impact the economy. would transfer them in September, to a new company designed to find them new jobs, when position with a market cap in excess of Winners and Losers in a Global Economy. Volkswagen cuts the firm’s work force by 4,000 positions. Rs 36,550 crore on Monday. Mid-size car makers drop price tags TIMES NEWS NETWORK Rs 5 lakh barrier, luxury car scorching the sales charts been a hot favourite with New Delhi: A slew of new maker Hindustan Motors- and riding high on their nov- buyers, thanks to the low en- launches and skidding sales Mitsubishi has also trimmed elty factor. Even General Mo- try tag. Other car makers in the top-end of the market the tag of top-end offering tors is advertising that its now seem to be using the is forcing some of the older Lancer LE. Corsa range in now available same ploy,’’ an analyst said. manufacturers of mid-sized Market watchers say the from Rs 4.3 onwards. But, Ford managing direc- cars to drop tags and intro- move is aimed at taking The Rs 4.9 lakh Ikon Flair, tor David Friedman said, duce cheaper variants. While head-on increased competi- dealers said, is the latest ini- ‘‘We have achieved localisa- Ford is driving in a new tion from Tata Indigo and the tiative from Ford after offer- tion to 90 per cent and the stripped down variant of its Chevrolet Optra. These two ing cars for ex-showroom savings have been passed on Ikon NXT priced under the new models have been price last month. ‘‘Indigo has to the consumers.’’


J&K Bank’s Rs 1,000 cr NATIONAL Mastercard appoints Nitin Gupta as V-P South investment plan: Jammu Asia: Mastercard International has appointed Nitin and Kashmir Bank plans to BSES declares 10% Q1 Gupta as V-P&GM for South invest Rs 1,000 crore in dividend: BSES Ltd, now Asia. He will be respon- infrastructure projects in the Reliance Energy Ltd, has sible for Master- state over the next 2-3 declared a 10 per cent divi- card’s business in years while targeting a net dend for the quarter ended the South Asia profit of over Rs 500 crore june 2003, making it the first region, which by 2004-05. ‘‘We are listed Indian company to pay comprises targeting about Rs 1,000 a quarterly dividend. The India, Bangla- crore credit to various in board has approved a pro- desh, Bhutan, frastructure projects in the posal to declare dividend of Maldives, next 2-3 years and will cover Re 1 per share for the quarter Nepal and power, rail and road,’’ bank ended June 30, the company Sri Lanka. said on Tuesday. BSES is chairman MY Khan said. PTI the first listed company to Exl bags BPO deal from declare quarterly dividend, US mortgage firm: Exl providing benefit to over Ajit Ninan Service Inc, a third-party BPO 1.2 lakh investors. PTI company, said it has secured Sail targets Rs 800-crore a three-year contract from savings: Continuing its ef- US-based mortgage lender forts to improve bottomline, IndyMac Bank. Exl will handle Steel Authority of India Ltd multiple processes for Indy- (Sail) has set an ambitious Mac Bank including loan target of saving upto Rs collections, new customer 800 crore in the current amount from company’s D Datta is new WAPCOS verification and certain fiscal with the help of lower aggressive efforts to cut CMD: D Datta has taken over aspects of customer servic- interest outgo and cost cost,’’ VS Jain, Sail chairman as the new chairman and es, an EXL release said. This cutting measures. ‘‘Our said. The targeted saving, managing director of the will be executed from EXL’s interest outgo should which is up by Rs 100 crore state-owned Water and four facilities in India and cur- come down by about Rs 400 from the last financial year, power Consultancy Services rently it is in the process of crore in the current financial would help Sail neutralise the (India). Datta was executive recruiting and training agents year as we are continuously impact of rising input prices, director of WAPCOS, which for IndyMac processes. It is reducing our high-cost Jain said, adding that ‘‘we are he joined in 1980 on deputa- targeting recruitment of more debts... We are also determined to turn around by tion from Irrigation and than 1,500 people in 2003 to expecting saving of similar the end of 2003-04.’’ PTI Waterways Department. TNN service all contracts. TNN

ary, was made ‘‘in order to year-over-year due mainly to lion from $72.7 million in the INTERNATIONAL survive amidst today’s global exchange rate fluctuations previous corresponding peri- Camera makers Konica, competition’’, the new com- and the temporary effect of od. The company said its parent Hutchinson Whampoa, Minolta merge: Struggling pany said in a release. AFP model shifts at our North Toyota Q1 group net American plants, Toyota is which owns a 58 per cent Konica and Minolta merged stake, will help it raise $600 profit slips: Japan’s top expanding retail sales in all on Tuesday to form Konica million in extra funding for the auto maker Toyota said its regions,’’ Toyota executive Minolta Holdings Inc., remainder of 2003. AFP group net profit in the first V-P Ryuji Araki said. AFP Japan’s fourth-largest camera Hutchison Telecom H1 and office equipment maker, quarter declined 9.7 per cent losses up 78%: Hutchison ET INSTA POLL a company spokesman said. to 222.5 billion yen ($1.87 bil- Telecom’s plan to pioneer Minolta shares, which were lion dollars), pressured by for- Yesterday’s results: third-generation (3G) mobile Will you invest in delisted in late July, will be eign exchange losses and the phone services in Australia PSU IPOs? exchanged for 0.621 Konica impact of production switch- pushed first half net losses Yes 49% No 46% Can’t say 05% shares, which were to take es in North America. Toyota’s global sales rose 5.6 per cent up 78 per cent and will cost • The poll reflects the opinions of Net users the name of the holding com- who chose to participate, and not necessarily of to 4.09 trillion yen for the an extra $390 million by the pany. Minolta Co Ltd will be the general public. three months to June. Its end of the year, the company dissolved as a company by Today’s question: group pre-tax profit dropped revealed Tuesday. Hutchison Is it good for India Inc. for more October 1. The merger of the 12.1 per cent to 371.2 billion said its Australian operation’s IIT grads to work abroad? camera and office equipment yen. ‘‘While first quarter losses for the six months to To vote, log on to makers, announced in Janu- operating income decreased June widened to $129.4 mil-

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18 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 STOCKS The Times of India, New Delhi

155.45 Atcom Techno 11, 11.03, 10.80, Cosmo Films 94.25, 97.90, 90, 90.70 35.75, 37, 34.20, 34.55 32.50, 34.20, 32.50, 34.20 163, 164.90, 155, 155.60 10.89 94.40, 97.20, 90.50, 91.55 Forbes Gokak 76, 90, 86.85 India Nippon 292, 296, 292 Tata Tea 230, 236.95, 223, 224 11, 11.15, 10.80, 10.90 Creative Eye 14.51, 15.30, 14.40, Fortune Info 25, 21.60, 21.90 295, 305, 290, 290 232, 236.70, 222.25, 224.50 Atlas Copco 274.50, 277, 270, 14.66 Foseco (I) 151.25, 197.50, 181.50 India Polyfi 5.70, 5.90, 5.60 NSE SHARE INDEX BSE SHARE INDEX Sensex loses 67points Tata Telcom 134.95, 138.50, 130.25, 272.05 14.90, 15.50, 14.25, 14.45 194, 196, 180.50, 182.90 Indian Card 66.50, 69, 63, 63.70 131.55 Atlas Cycles 80.15, 82.55, 79.90, 80 Crest Comm. 35.45, 36.95, 33.50, Frontier Inf 3.78, 4.25, 3.80 68.10, 69.80, 62.55, 63.35 134.10, 139, 130.25, 131.20 87.75, 87.75, 77.25, 80.55 33.75 Fulford (I) 177, 187.50, 172.25, Indian Hume 1178.30 1225 4000 Thermax 241, 243, 239, 241.05 Atul 50, 50.30, 48, 48.50 37.50, 37.50, 33.75, 33.90 173.45 1208.40, 1208.40, 1208.40, Mumbai: The Sensex snapped its long nine-session winning 242.50, 245, 240, 240.75 49.05, 50.50, 48.15, 48.55 CRISIL 352.50, 373, 371.50 Futura Poly. 9.05, 9.24, 8.01, 8.76 1208.40 1200 3900 3832.50 Thomas Cook 227.10, 232.75, Auto Axles 162.70, 162.75, 150.05, 360, 372, 357.50, 371.60 Indian Resor 57, 63.25, 59 1203.60 3800 streak and crashed by about 113 points from the day’s high as eq- 226.45, 228.20 154.65 Cybertech Sy 10.50, 9.30, 9.65 G Indian SeamM 18.55, 19, 17.05, 1175 1195.75 231, 233, 227.20, 228.75 164.40, 164.40, 150.35, 153.05 10.45, 10.45, 9.25, 9.55 17.60 1184.45 3815.31 uities dropped sharply on the BSE on Tuesday due to heavy sell-off TISCO 221, 221.25, 213.50, 216.05 Avanti Feeds 32.15, 37, 33.75 Gabriel (I) 148.70, 156.40, 145, Indo Gulf Fe 68, 66.50, 66.95 3700 147.25 3765.62 by domestic financial institutions and a slowdown in FII activity. 219, 221.45, 213.65, 215.70 Avery (I) 31.45, 32.40, 29, 30 D 68, 68.80, 66.95, 67 1150 Titan Inds. 67.65, 68.25, 65.20, Avon Organic 58, 62.45, 54.30, 55 Galaxy Enter 33.35, 30.25, 31.35 Indo Mat.Car 83.05, 87, 85 3600 Daewoo Motor 4.10, 4.20, 3.96, 3.98 Gammon (I) 143, 140, 142 After a firm start at 3845.93, the BSE benchmark 30-share index ral- 65.35 Indo Nationl 350, 348 1125 67.85, 68.10, 65, 65.55 B Dalmia Cemen 221.90, 223.45, 214, 144.50, 145, 140.15, 140.40 349.95, 350, 344, 349.90 3500 lied smartly to the intra-day high at 3878.72. However, late sell-offs 215.15 Gandhi Sp.Tu 25.25, 23.25 TN Newsprint 60.25, 61.70, 58.50, Indo Rama Sy 36, 37.50, 35, 35.40 1100 58.60 Bajaj Auto F 64, 65, 60, 60.15 215, 226, 208.55, 211.35 Garden Silk 34, 34.25, 32.20, 32.65 35.50, 37.20, 35.50, 35.90 3400 by local funds dragged it sharply down to end at 3765.82 as against 60.50, 61.50, 58.50, 58.65 58, 64.75, 56.25, 60.35 Danlaw Tech. 32.45, 34, 29.55, 30.45 32.90, 34, 32.55, 32.90 Indraprast.M 16.30, 16.50, 15.90, Monday’s close of 3832.50, a net fall of 66.68 points or 1.74 per cent. TN Petro 21.80, 22.25, 20.70, 20.90 Bajaj Elec. 28.45, 30, 28.80 Datanet Sys. 5.15, 4.81, 5.15 Garware Poly 34.05, 35, 33.10, 33.40 16.10 1075 3300 21.60, 22, 20.75, 20.80 Bajaj Hindus 136.40, 137.55, 125.10, Datapro Inf. 0.73, 0.61, 0.63 Garware Wall 24.20, 22.10, 22.70 16.25, 16.50, 16.05, 16.15 133.90 DCM 18.05, 19.08, 17.30, 17.75 Gati 46.80, 36.05, 42.25 The broad-based BSE-100 index tumbled by 28.80 points to 1914.42 Torrent Phar 290.15, 299, 270, Indus.Inv.Tr 18.50, 16.75 1050 3200 271.35 136.90, 147, 128, 128.45 17.80, 19.25, 17.15, 17.95 Genesys Intl 41.45, 42, 39.15, 40.30 Indusind Bnk 26.85, 26.90, 25.30, from previous close of 1943.22. Though FIIs had slowed down ac- 290.10, 298.50, 270, 272.50 Bajaj Tempo 269, 274, 245.15, DCM Shr.Con 90, 98.80, 91.95 41, 41.60, 39, 39.15 25.40 August 1 August 4 August 5 August 1 August 4 August 5 tivity,sustained buying support by operators sent the market soar- Trent 215, 219.25, 210.75, 211.85 251.15 90, 91.90, 88.75, 89.85 Geodesic Inf 189, 190, 177.90, 26.50, 27, 25.50, 25.60 209, 220, 209, 211.55 Bal Pharma 26.75, 27.25, 26.50 DCW 23.50, 24.25, 22.10, 22.20 178.85 ING Vysya Bk 469, 479.95, 449, Bal.Law.Vanl 16.55, 16, 16.05 23.10, 24.25, 22.10, 22.25 George Willi 52.70, 54, 52 ing during morning trading. PTI TVS Electron 75, 75.45, 72.40, 72.65 458.55 -1.59% CHANGE OVER PREVIOUS CLOSING -1.74% CHANGE OVER PREVIOUS CLOSING 74.55, 75.30, 72.15, 72.65 Balaji Dist. 7.50, 7.29, 7.42 Deccan Cem. 54.50, 43, 44.10 54, 55, 51.75, 51.90 468, 477, 449, 459.75 TVS Motor Co 635.50, 650, 631, 8.10, 8.10, 7.20, 7.30 Deepak Fert. 25.10, 25.75, 24.60, GIC Housing 21, 21.40, 19.70, 19.80 Innovis.E-Co 0.80, 0.73, 0.79 KEY: The BSE quotations of a scrip are given in the first line while the quotes in ital- Balkrish Ind 147, 150, 138.40 24.80 20.75, 21.50, 19.65, 20 638.55 Insilco 16.50, 16.95, 15.90, 16.15 KSB Pumps 100, 101.50, 96.10, 44, 44.80, 41.30, 41.95 Supreme Inds 149.75, 154, 138.90, ics are those of the NSE.The quotations are in the sequence of the day’s opening, 635, 650, 635, 639.35 Balmer Law.I 44, 44.50, 43, 43.70 25.30, 25.60, 24.80, 25 GIVO 2.55, 3.50, 3 Inter.Travel 35.25, 35.50, 34.50, Balmer Lawri 92, 95.80, 90.20, 91 Deepak Nitr. 62, 67, 60.10, 60.85 Glenmark Pha 320, 323.95, 308.55, 96.95 Phoenix Lamp 19, 19.95, 18.50, 140.75 high, low, and closing. Each time a company’s closing share price falls below its “last United Phosp 287.30, 295.80, 277, 35.20 102, 102, 97.10, 97.15 18.80 139, 153.70, 139, 141.35 278 92.80, 96.50, 90.10, 90.55 Dena Bank 20.50, 20.80, 19.50, 310.15 IOL Broadban 11.99, 12.39, 11.33, offer price” on BSE, the name of the company is underlined. Balrampur Ch 171.80, 185, 180.95 19.65 319.90, 324.70, 308.65, 311.35 Pioneer Embr 32.80, 32.85, 32 Supreme Petr 16.75, 17.70, 16.15, 286.20, 295, 275.30, 277.35 11.42 L Plastiblend 43, 43.80, 42.35, 42.40 16.30 UTI Bank 83.50, 83.55, 77, 78 171.50, 180, 171.50, 177.50 20.70, 20.80, 19.60, 19.75 Global Tr.Bk 24.85, 23, 23.25 Ion Exchange 31.25, 32.20, 29.70, Finolex Cabl 115, 117, 108, 108.35 216.90, 219.30, 206.10, 209.70 Banco Prod. 70.25, 73.25, 69.30, Denso (I) 33, 35.35, 32.50, 33.20 24.95, 24.95, 23, 23.15 PNB Gilts 24, 24.10, 23.80, 23.90 16.20, 17.50, 16.15, 16.30 115.50, 115.75, 107.30, 108.10 L&T 289, 293, 279.10, 280.15 83, 83.25, 77.50, 78.15 29.95 Lakshmi Au.C 100, 93.05, 93.25 23.85, 24.30, 23.80, 23.85 Surana Tele 15, 14.85, 14.90 Videocon Int 31.95, 32.45, 30.85, 69.65 Dewan H.Fin. 25, 23.70, 24.65 GMM Pfaudler 94, 96.60, 96.35 IP Rings 78, 81, 77.50, 78.50 98, 100, 87.10, 94.05 BSE SPECIFIED Finolex Inds 37.25, 39.90, 37.05, 293.40, 293.40, 279.90, 280.70 Bank of Punj 24.80, 25, 22.85, 23 23.50, 26.65, 23.50, 25.40 GMR Techno. 20, 20.60, 18 Polyplex 76, 82, 75, 76.60 15.35, 15.45, 14.40, 14.70 38.65 LIC Hsg.Fin. 130.50, 131.90, 123.55, 31.05 IPCA Lab. 330, 347, 326.50, 329.45 Lakshmi Elec 71.95, 66.70 76.25, 82, 75.90, 76.85 Surat Elec. 115.30, 119, 115, 115.20 & NSE INDEX 31.85, 32.45, 30.85, 31.05 24.55, 25.05, 23, 23.15 DFM Foods 7.15 Goa Carbon 56, 62, 55.10, 55.85 327.80, 346, 327, 328.50 Lakshmi Mach 2706.05 35, 39.95, 35, 38.55 124.25 Bank of Raj. 27.25, 27.50, 26, 26.15 DGP Windsor 7.70, 7.79, 7.05, 7.06 Godavri Fert 91, 93, 92.30 Porrits&Spen 112, 102, 103 Surya Roshni 21, 24.10, 21.25 Gail (I) 122.25, 123, 117.55, 119 129, 131.50, 123.40, 123.95 Vijaya Bank 27.40, 27.45, 25.70, Isibars 8.05, 8.25, 6.80, 7.11 2652, 2652, 2652, 2652 Praj Ind. 65, 68, 62.10, 65.30 20.75, 23.80, 20.55, 21 ABB 383, 386.90, 376.75, 384.90 25.80 27.30, 27.40, 26.10, 26.30 7.50, 7.75, 7.10, 7.10 92.25, 93, 92, 92.05 Ispat Inds. 12.24, 12.25, 11.50, Lanco Inds. 16.49, 16.55, 14.50, 381.95, 386, 376.10, 383.55 122.75, 123, 118, 119.60 LML 39, 39.20, 37.50, 37.65 Bannari Aman 180, 183.95, 171, Dhampur Sugr 20, 21.40, 19.50, Godfrey Phil 370, 374.70, 361, 64.30, 65.80, 61, 62.95 Surylak.Cott 36.40, 37.75, 33.70, GE Shipping 59.60, 62.45, 58.25, 39, 39.40, 37.45, 37.65 27, 27.55, 25.65, 25.85 11.57 14.78 Precision Wr 36, 36.10, 35.30, 35.65 34.20 Abbott (I) 306, 313.95, 304, 305.10 Visual Soft 163.70, 165.95, 155.10, 174.55 19.70 361.50 12, 12.25, 11.40, 11.50 Landmarc Lei 9.01, 10.45, 9, 9.76 ACC 204.75, 207, 192.60, 195.05 58.80 Lupin 380, 404.80, 375.20, 378.60 180, 185, 175, 175.75 20.55, 21.45, 19.50, 19.70 370, 377, 360.30, 360.65 36.50, 37, 35.20, 35.70 36.85, 36.85, 33.40, 33.95 58.10, 62.50, 58.10, 59.15 385.15, 404.60, 375, 380.55 155.70 IT & T 11.55, 12, 11.50, 11.75 LCC Infotech 3.75, 3.90, 3.40, 3.60 Premier Auto 6.73, 5.90, 6 Sutlej Inds. 54.75, 55.55, 53.70 205.55, 206.80, 192.75, 194.75 164.05, 165, 155, 155.75 Bayer (I) 1349, 1350, 1305, 1317.85 Dhanalak.Bnk 22.90, 23, 21.50, Godrej Cons. 119.25, 120, 118.25, 12, 12.10, 11.50, 11.60 LG Balkrish 144, 150, 142, 147.40 Adani Export 185, 188.75, 182.60, Geometric So 340, 348, 333.05, M&M 199, 203.75, 196, 198.15 Bayer ABS 98, 99, 96.30, 96.95 21.65 118.60 Premier Inst 276, 268.80, 269.35 55, 58.45, 53.50, 53.55 335.75 202.95, 204, 196.05, 198.10 VSNL 118.90, 122, 116, 117.80 ITC Hotels 66.50, 69.25, 66, 69.05 133, 147.05, 133, 141 275.10, 280, 266.10, 271.15 Suven Pharma 234, 237, 220, 221.45 183.10 119, 119.90, 116.10, 117.70 97.90, 98, 96.75, 97 Dharamsi Mor 9.32, 9.50, 9.01, 9.22 120, 120.40, 118.15, 119.05 65.25, 69.20, 65.25, 68.90 Liberty Shoe 77, 82, 75.10, 78 182, 188, 182, 184.15 339.70, 348.90, 334, 336.20 Marico Inds 175, 177, 175 Bayer Diagno 235, 230, 233.90 Dhunseri Tea 18.30, 18.75, 18.25, Godrej Inds. 33, 33.85, 32.75, 33.15 Premier Tyre 10.25, 10.28, 9 Swaraj Engin 204, 210 German Remed 367, 370, 350, 175, 177, 173.70, 175.10 Whirlpool 21.90, 23, 20.50, 20.75 IVP 28, 28.05, 26.10 68.80, 82, 68.80, 78.10 Prism Cement 9.99, 10.88, 9.41, 9.50 214, 214, 204.10, 209.40 Adlabs Films 58, 58.60, 56 20.70, 21.50, 20.60, 20.75 Berger Paint 85.50, 83.25, 83.55 18.40 35.70, 35.70, 32.20, 32.90 28.60, 28.60, 26.10, 26.15 Lloyds Steel 5.10, 4.33, 4.40 57.65, 59, 55.50, 56.20 357.90 Maruti Udyog 198.10, 203.50, 81.50, 85, 81.50, 83.25 Divi’s Lab 563.50, 581.90, 554.10, Goetze (I) 46.45, 42.20, 42.50 11, 11.20, 9.45, 9.55 Swaraj Mazda 145, 138.10, 141.70 370, 375, 348.10, 350.95 192.80, 193.90 Wipro 1000, 952.25, 956.90 IVRCL Infras 89.80, 91.50, 82.75, 4.65, 4.75, 4.30, 4.45 Pritish Nand 29.85, 28.35, 28.70 144, 144, 138.40, 142.30 Alstom Proj. 120, 122, 116.30, 992.15, 998.90, 952.10, 958.20 BF Utilities 19.80, 21.50, 20.35 555.30 46.20, 46.20, 41.85, 42.10 83.15 Logix Micro. 19.20, 17.05, 17.40 117.20 Gillette (I) 477.05, 496.95, 481.60 199, 203.45, 192.85, 193.60 Bhagya.Metal 29.05 564, 582, 554.10, 557.20 Goldiam Int. 32.30, 32.90, 32, 32.60 30.50, 30.50, 28.50, 28.90 Syncom Form. 25.35, 23.60 490, 499, 481, 482.30 Mastek 207.10, 220, 208.60 Wockhardt 412.55, 427.35, 408, 89.90, 91, 82.10, 83.60 Loy.Tex Mill 73.95, 71, 72 Priyad.Cemen 18.90, 19.35, 16.70, Synergy Log 8.57, 7.90, 8 121.85, 122.50, 115.50, 117 409.70 Bhansali Eng 57.40, 54, 56.95 Dolat Inv. 4, 3.65, 3.95 Goldstn.Tech 21.50, 21.55, 20.35, Lumax Ind 45.90, 45.95, 42.65, 43.05 Andhra Bank 35.20, 34, 34.05 GlaxoSmith.C 275, 271 217.10, 219.80, 208.20, 208.90 Bharat Bijle 627, 635, 600, 603.35 Dolphin Off. 15.05, 15.90, 15 20.40 17.46 273, 275, 268, 271.40 Max (I) 78, 79.75, 76, 77.75 415, 428, 408, 410.65 J 45.20, 45.70, 43, 43.45 18.80, 19.70, 16.80, 17.65 T 35, 35.10, 33.90, 34.10 Zee Telefilm 114.90, 118.25, 113, Bharat Rasay 35, 35.45, 35, 35 Donear Inds. 151, 139.20, 139.25 21.40, 21.50, 20.10, 20.25 Lyka Labs 32.05, 33, 30.15, 30.50 Apollo Hosp. 141, 144.40, 138, GlaxoSmith.P 405, 410, 400, 403.20 77.95, 78.70, 76, 77.30 Bhartiya Int 30.40, 30.50, 29.50 DSJ Comm. 0.67, 0.76, 0.70 Goldstn.Tele 8.70, 8.80, 8.32, 8.33 Jagatjit Ind 24.45, 25.15, 23.45 Prraneta Ind 4.28 403.50, 410, 400.10, 403.65 Mcdowell Co. 45.95, 46.80, 44.85, 45 113.35 31.80, 33, 30.30, 30.60 PSI Data Sys 75, 71, 71.50 T Spiritual 191.75, 191.50, 192 138.40 115.10, 118.35, 113, 113.65 30, 32, 29.50, 29.50 0.70, 0.75, 0.70, 0.70 8.50, 9, 8.25, 8.35 Jagsonpal Ph 104, 101, 101.05 Taj GVK Hotl 58, 63.50, 60.70 141.25, 143.80, 138.05, 139.20 GNFC 37, 38, 35.55, 35.80 45.90, 46.70, 44.75, 44.85 Bhushan Stl. 64.95, 61.05, 61.55 Duphar-Inter 146, 147.90, 142.60, Gonter Peip 8.10, 8.25, 6.90, 6.93 109, 109, 100.10, 101 M 73.45, 73.45, 70.25, 70.95 37, 37.80, 35.75, 35.85 Merck 300.05, 311, 297, 297.90 Zensar Tech. 82.10, 82.70, 79.40, PSL 63, 63.50, 60, 60.35 60, 65, 58.50, 61.85 Apollo Tyres 166, 166.10, 158.55, BI 111.05 143 Goodlass Ner 262, 266, 258, 258.05 Jai Corp 70.80, 76.90, 70, 75.10 Tanfac Ind. 18.45, 19, 18.10, 18.20 Grasim Inds. 578, 580, 555, 560.25 318, 318, 295, 298.95 79.75 Maars Soft 10.85, 10.10, 10.17 57.15, 63.50, 57.15, 60.60 159.15 82.30, 82.80, 79.25, 79.90 Bihar Caustc 24.25, 25.35, 23.70, 256, 263.50, 256, 259.50 Jain Irrig. 78.20, 82.85, 75, 75.60 TASC Pharma. 13.90, 14, 13 165.95, 168.35, 158.55, 158.85 574, 650, 555.05, 559.80 MIRC Electr. 421, 460.75, 431.35 23.95 E Goodricke 38.90, 40, 37.30, 38.30 81.90, 83, 75.20, 75.70 10.65, 10.65, 10.05, 10.10 Pudumjee Pul 25.50, 27.65, 26.30 GSFC 25.70, 25.80, 24.10, 24.25 447, 460, 429, 433.35 27, 27, 25.55, 25.90 11.10, 11.10, 11.10, 11.10 Arvind Mills 44.85, 45.50, 43.05, B1 - GROUP Bimetal Bear 138, 133.50 Goodyear (I) 39.35, 39.40, 37.10, Jain Studios 16.20, 16.90, 16.05, Macmillan (I 220.90, 222.90, 213, Tata Coffee 114.40, 119.75, 112.60, 24.70, 25.50, 24.05, 24.45 Moser-Baer 333, 256.30, 257.15 Binani Inds. 24, 25.35, 23.50, 23.75 Eicher 46.50, 45, 45.25 37.65 16.10 218.05 Pun.Alkali 9.16, 9.40, 8.90, 9.04 43.40 46.35, 47, 44.65, 44.85 113.20 45.90, 45.90, 43.10, 43.60 GTL 81, 81.65, 77.25, 77.65 320, 321, 253.20, 256.05 Biopac (I) 8.95, 9, 7.65, 7.95 Grabal Al.Im 26.50, 25.40 17, 17.30, 16.25, 16.35 221.90, 224, 214, 218.45 Pun.Chemical 128.80, 129.95, 81.50, 81.65, 77.15, 77.75 Mphasis BFL 358, 370, 355, 358 Eicher Motor 157, 161, 153, 157.75 121.30, 122.15 114, 119, 111.75, 113.70 Ashok Leylan 146, 149.85, 144.35, 3 Birla Corp. 39.65, 41.25, 36.55, 37 Graphite Ind 50.90, 52.50, 50.45, Jaipan Inds. 8.40, 8.50, 8.11, 8.12 Madhav Marb. 22.20, 22.40, 21.90, Tata Finance 55.55, 61.50, 52, 52.50 Guj.Amb.Cem. 240, 220.70, 223.45 352.90, 368, 352.90, 359.80 39.70, 41.15, 36.60, 37.05 151, 160.95, 151, 155.10 51.20 Jay Bh.Marut 50, 51.80, 46.25 22.05 Pun.Communi. 60, 51.05, 51.15 148.50 3M India 344, 332.50, 333.05 EID Parry 127, 118.40, 119 55.95, 61.90, 52.10, 52.75 146.75, 149.50, 145.50, 148.05 236.55, 237.90, 220.70, 223.65 MRF 1500, 1550, 1431.50, 1437.80 Birla Eric. 15.90, 17.90, 16.51 54.50, 54.50, 50.10, 51.25 52, 52, 46.10, 46.60 Madhucon Prj 68.60 Pun.Nat.Bank 164.85, 168.20, Guj.Gas Co. 460, 463, 456, 460.10 1480, 1530, 1430.25, 1441.75 342, 342, 332, 334.70 121.50, 127.50, 119, 120.50 154.60, 155.15 Tata Honeywl 272.50, 273, 265, Asian Paints 410, 412, 402.10, 15.55, 17.65, 15.55, 16.20 Grauer & Wei 31, 31.85, 29.70, 30.60 Jayant Agro 42, 46.35, 45.85 Madras Alum 121, 126.30, 118, 267.60 402.70 458, 464.75, 445, 455.15 MTNL 125, 128, 120.20, 120.90 Birla Glob.F 34.85, 36.75, Gravity (I) 19, 19.10, 17.35 40, 44.65, 40, 44.65 121.50 165.40, 168.25, 155.10, 155.85 Guj.Mineral 98.50, 103.40, 98, 99.15 125, 127.95, 120.35, 121.05 A 279, 279, 267, 267.90 415, 415, 403.25, 404.65 30.80, 31.40 Greaves 23.20, 23.85, 22, Jaypee Hotel 12, 11.55, 11.61 Madras Cem. 6200, 6400, 5911, R Tata Infomed 154.60, 144, 144.20 Aurobindo Ph 408, 417, 393, 397.05 98.05, 103.50, 97.25, 99.45 Mukta Arts 55, 55.40, 53.05, 53.25 A Sarabhai 5.88, 5.53, 5.54 35.40, 36.90, 30.40, 31.25 22.10 Jayshree Tea 44.25, 45.80, 44, 44.85 5971.20 HCL Infosys. 163.70, 165, 154.10, 54.50, 55.50, 52.50, 53.10 148, 149.95, 142.55, 143.35 407, 417, 393, 396.45 Aarti Drugs 43.20, 43.90, 42, 42.05 Birla Yamaha 22.05, 24.90, Grind Norton 138, 144, 136.75, 45.50, 46, 44.30, 44.60 6175, 6350, 5891, 5905 Rain Calcing 23.45, 23.80, 21.50, Tata Infotec 245.70, 254, 233, 234.45 Aventis Phar 448, 452, 430, 433.45 155.25 National Alu 122, 113.60, 113.85 Aarti Inds. 103, 106, 98, 98.85 21.50, 23.75 137.85 JBF Inds. 16, 16.70, 15.75, 16.15 Madras Fert. 21.35, 21.50, 19.90, 162.90, 164.70, 155, 155.65 120.15, 121.10, 113.70, 114.20 21.60 Tata Invest. 160, 163, 151, 151.90 445, 453.90, 430, 430.40 104.80, 106, 99.05, 99.45 BITS 0.62, 0.72, 0.60, 0.68 Gruh Finance 25, 25.25, 24 JBM Tools 54.70, 49.80, 50.45 20.30 23.40, 23.90, 21.65, 21.90 162, 163.50, 151.70, 153.90 Aztec Soft. 22.85, 24, 22, 22.10 HCL Techno. 176.40, 180.90, 171.10, Nestle (I) 574, 575.50, 560.05, Aarvee Denim 22.50, 22.90, 22, BLB 8.65, 8 GTC Inds. 19, 16.75, 17.10 54.90, 55, 50.10, 51.15 21.70, 21.80, 20.10, 20.40 172.85 566.10 Raj.Spg.&Wvg 24.80, 25.10, 24, Tata Metalik 59.05, 61.60, 57, 57.60 23, 23.90, 22.10, 22.35 22.15 8.50, 8.50, 7.70, 7.85 18.45, 18.75, 16.90, 17 JCT 7.25, 6.70, 6.75 Mah.Scooter 95, 88, 91 24.75 59.50, 61.85, 57.15, 57.90 Bajaj Auto 663, 635.25, 637.65 176.55, 180.90, 171.30, 172.85 Neyveli Lign 37, 37.70, 35.60, 35.70 Aban Loyd 306.05, 308, 296.50, Blow Plast 19.95, 20.05, 17, GTN Textiles 33.50, 33.80, Jenson&Nicho 6.80, 6.16, 6.30 89, 93.50, 88.85, 90.20 HDFC 436, 441.80, 430, 430.55 36.75, 37.40, 35.55, 35.80 27, 27, 24.30, 24.55 Tata Sponge 63.20, 64.40, 59.10, 645.10, 665, 636, 640 297.35 17.11 32.20, 32.45 6.55, 6.70, 6.30, 6.35 Mah.Seamless 158.65, 161.90, Rajesh Exp 100.85, 100.25, 101.25 60.05 Balaji Tele. 73.60, 74, 70.05, 70.25 440, 442.50, 430, 432.90 Nicholas Pir 339, 340, 334, 335.05 305.30, 314, 295.85, 298.10 Blue Dart Ex 82.25, 84, 82, 32.80, 33.50, 32.10, 32.25 JIK Inds. 20.80, 21, 19.10 157.50 HDFC Bank 270, 282.90, 280.60 336, 340.95, 334.60, 336.05 100.50, 101.15, 100.25, 101.15 64.70, 64.70, 59.50, 60.10 73.60, 73.90, 69.90, 70.20 ABC Bearings 19.40, 17.85 82.40 Gufic Bio Sc 28.80, 29, 27.10 21.35, 21.45, 19.60, 20.45 160, 161.50, 157.55, 158.40 Rajshree Sug 24.20, 25, 22.60, 23 Tata Teleser 12.14, 13.50, 12.10, Ballarpur In 60.35, 61.50, 57, 57.25 271.40, 282, 268, 279.65 NIIT 128.40, 131.25, 123, 123.80 ABG Heavy In 22.60, 23.80, 20.95, 81.70, 84.50, 81.70, 82.60 Guj.Alkalies 36.50, 37.50, Jindal Drill 156.90, 161, 160.75 Mahavir Spg. 91, 92, 85.10, 86.05 Hero Honda 273, 280.60, 267, 129.30, 131.15, 123.10, 123.65 24.50, 25, 22.55, 22.75 12.54 60, 61.40, 57, 57.30 21.05 Blue Star 97, 98.25, 94.50, 97 35.50, 35.85 Jindal Iron 119.60, 121.90, 116.30, 92, 93, 85.90, 86.40 Rallis India 75.80, 72, 72.10 12.25, 13.50, 12.20, 12.50 Bank of Baro 131.40, 132.90, 268.65 Nirma 326.50, 330, 322.50, 327.25 Abhishek Ind 9.50, 9.85, 9.25, 9.38 98, 99.50, 96.20, 96.50 36.25, 37.50, 35.35, 35.95 117.85 Mahind.Gesco 18, 19.65, 18.35 273, 280.55, 266, 269.90 330.10, 330.10, 321.15, 321.15 75.70, 76, 71.75, 72.15 Tele Data In 38, 38.80, 36.20, 36.90 118.60, 119.20 9.60, 9.85, 9.30, 9.30 Blue Star In 139.70, 141, 135, Guj.Amb.Exp. 18, 18.10, 17.25, 119, 121.65, 116.05, 117.75 18, 19.95, 18, 18.20 Rama Newspri 6.30, 6.45, 5.75, 5.89 Texmaco Ltd. 68, 70, 66, 66.45 132, 132.75, 119.20, 120.10 Hexaware Tec 155.35, 158.65, Novartis (I) 248, 254, 245.30, 247.30 Adam Comsof 5.85, 5.10, 5.45 135.55 17.60 Jindal Photo 54.70, 58.95, 54.65, Mahindra Ugi 12.85, 12.05, 12.55 144.70, 145.65 ONGC 486.35, 491, 473.20, 475.10 6.40, 6.55, 5.85, 5.90 Themis Medic 48.95, 49.25, 45.25 Bank of Ind. 49.35, 49.40, 46.85, 47 Addi Inds. 23.90, 25.85, 23.50, 25.35 140, 140, 135, 135.40 18, 18.25, 17.55, 17.75 55.65 12.80, 13.40, 12.40, 12.45 Ramco Inds. 236, 236.55, 222.10, Thiru A.Sug. 33.75, 33.95, 28.50, 48.70, 49.25, 46.80, 47.05 155.70, 158.50, 144, 146.25 488, 490.90, 473.45, 475.20 Advani Oerli 37.25, 38, 35.15 BOC 43, 45.30, 42.85, 44 Guj.Apollo E 58.10, 58.75, 55, 58.80, 54.10, 55.55 Majestic Aut 31.60, 33, 32.50 Him.Fut.Comm 32.25, 32.50, 30.10, Oriental Bnk 170, 170.80, 157.10, 223.50 30.30 BASF 120, 124.50, 121.05 37, 37, 35.20, 35.55 43, 45.70, 42.85, 44.10 58.65 Jindal Poly. 135.70, 132.55 Malwa Cotton 36, 34.70 234.40, 234.45, 222.50, 225 33.90, 34.05, 29.40, 30.80 121.70, 124.40, 119.55, 120.90 30.30 157.80 Advik Lab. 14.55, 14.50 Bombay Burma 38.50, 42.40, Guj.Flouroch 80.50, 78.25, 135.50, 135.50, 133.25, 133.65 36, 36.55, 34.15, 34.35 32.20, 32.45, 30.10, 30.40 169.80, 170.60, 157.15, 158.15 Ramco Systm 282, 289, 265.50, Thirumalai 72, 73, 69, 69.20 Bata (I) 40, 41.40, 38, 38.50 Aegis Logis. 13.50, 12.50, 12.70 37.65, 39.75 78.50 Jindal Strip 245.60, 245.65, 235.10, Man Inds.(I) 75.90, 66.15, 68.90 268.15 78, 78, 68.55, 68.95 40, 41.45, 38.05, 38.50 Hind Lever C 194.25, 203.50, 197.30 P&G Hygiene 490, 495, 474.10, 12.95, 13.50, 12.55, 12.65 Bongaigaon R 53.85, 54.70, 51, 80.05, 80.80, 78, 79 236.10 Mangalam Cem 13.80, 14, 12.70 194.10, 202, 194.05, 195.85 474.90 282.70, 290, 265.10, 268.30 Tide Water O 1172, 1075, 1075.40 Bayer Cropsc 192, 199.70, 195.70 AFT Inds. 54.90, 55.50, 54, 55.05 51.40 Guj.H.Chem 24.30, 26.40, 244, 246.90, 234.50, 235.85 13, 14, 12.60, 12.70 Rane Brake 194, 175, 176 TIL 15.10, 16.50, 15, 16.20 191, 198, 191, 192.90 Hind.Oil Exp 36.50, 36.75, 33.55, Padmalaya Te 97.25, 98.25, 94.30, Aftek Infosy 307.70, 325.25, 310.55 53.50, 54.60, 51.15, 51.45 26.05 JJ Exporters 37.20, 33.50 Manglr.Chem 6.10, 6.55, 6, 6.09 33.90 95.60 Rane Madras 70, 71.50, 65.05, 65.25 16.30, 16.70, 16, 16.60 Bh.Earth Mov 82.30, 83.50, 79, 79.30 309, 324.50, 306, 311.40 BPL 42.15, 42.60, 40.10, 40.30 24.70, 26.35, 24.40, 25.95 JK Corpn. 14.90, 15, 13.25, 13.49 Manugraph In 30, 30.15, 30.10 71, 72, 66, 67 Timex Watch 13, 14.45, 12.30, 13.34 81.90, 83.50, 79.70, 79.95 36.80, 37.65, 33.50, 33.95 97.50, 98.60, 94.15, 95.70 Agro Dutch I 20, 21.05 42.20, 42.50, 40, 40.30 Guj.Ind.Pow. 28.80, 29.35, JK Inds. 41, 42.40, 37.60, 38.05 Maral Overs 18.30, 18.85, 18, 18.10 Hind.Zinc 50.15, 51.30, 48, 48.80 Pentamedia G 8.60, 8.89, 8.26, 8.32 Ravalgaon Su 2300, 2345, 2150, Timken India 40, 41.40, 39.50, 39.85 Bharat Elect 365.50, 371, 352.65, 21.20, 21.35, 20.30, 21.20 BPL Engg. 6.26, 6.60, 6.25 27.20, 27.50 JK Synthetic 5.73, 5.85, 5.51, 5.54 19.10, 19.10, 18, 18.10 2198.10 Tinplate Co. 25.85, 27, 25.15, 25.30 Hindalco 848, 883.40, 851.45 8.85, 8.90, 8.25, 8.35 6.90, 6.90, 6.10, 6.20 EIH Asso.Hot 16.50, 14.75, 14.85 28, 29, 27.20, 27.50 JL Morison 139, 130, 132 Mascon Globl 10.61, 9.85, 9.92 353.75 Agro Tech Fd 46.75, 47.05, 46.05, Eimco Elecon 58.50, 59 Rayban Sun O 51.75, 52, 50.10, Tips Indus. 47.60, 48, 44.05, 44.10 366, 371.25, 352, 355.15 856.30, 881, 845.05, 851.40 Pfizer 411.15, 416.15, 405, 407.05 46.50 BSEL Inform. 16, 16.20, 16 Guj.Sidh.Cem 6.88, 7.30, 6.68, 6.70 JMC Projects 24, 24.40, 22.45, 23.05 Matrix Lab. 622, 639, 614.25, 630.55 Hinduja TMT 225.80, 214.50, 215.50 410, 416, 405, 406.05 57.30, 58, 57.30, 58 50.20 48, 48, 44, 44.10 Bharat Forge 405, 414, 392, 400.80 46, 47.30, 46, 46.55 16.20, 17, 16.10, 17 7.20, 7.35, 6.60, 6.70 Jog Engg. 13.06, 11.20, 11.50 Matsush.Tele 8.48, 7.11, 7.15 Reg.Ceramic 31.90, 33.25, 31.25, TN Telecom 13.20, 11.25, 11.60 224.75, 225.70, 214.40, 215.20 Philips (I) 98.55, 99.50, 98, 98.15 BSL 34.15, 35.40, 34.25 Elder Pharma 72, 75.60, 70, 70.20 Gulf Oil Cor 87.05, 88.55, 83.60 Jubilant Org 250, 253.70, 245 8.50, 8.50, 7.10, 7.30 406.45, 415, 396, 399.25 Ahmed.Elect. 71.90, 73.50, 67.50, 70.50, 75.35, 70, 70.35 31.50 11.50, 12.45, 11.50, 11.50 Bharti TeleV 53, 56.25, 52.90, 54.55 HLL 169, 169.70, 162.10, 162.75 Pidilite Ind 281, 272.25, 272.35 67.75 34, 35.10, 34, 34.50 252, 255, 244.10, 244.95 Matsush*ta L 50.60, 51, 50, 50.40 168.50, 169.50, 162, 163 282, 299.80, 271.15, 273.05 Elecon Engg. 18.20, 18.70, 17.35, 28, 33, 28, 31.30 Todays Writi 42, 38.70, 39.55 52.60, 56.70, 52.60, 54.30 72.50, 73.50, 67.50, 68 Burrough Wel 482.85, 490, 463, H Jupiter BioS 92.25, 95.25, 86.10, Mefcom Capit 5.49, 4.17, 4.50 Rel.Ind.Infr 49, 44.35, 45.25 40.25, 40.90, 38.75, 38.95 HMT 19.80, 20, 19.35 Polaris Soft 118.50, 120.35, 111.35, 467.75 18.40 90.10 Mega Corpn. 4.25, 4.20 BHEL 271.05, 278.25, 272.30 Ahmednagar F 59.40, 57.10, 57.55 Elect.Kelvin 8, 8.10, 7.99, 8.04 Harr.Malayal 19.20, 21.82, 19, 19.64 47.45, 48.60, 44.30, 44.65 Torrent Guja 15.90, 16.95, 15.50, 274.40, 278.30, 271, 272.55 20.35, 20.35, 19.20, 19.25 111.95 59.20, 59.20, 56.90, 5 Jyoti Struct 48.15, 49, 44.35, 44.55 Melstar Info 17.40, 16.05, 16.20 HPCL 330, 332.45, 322.15, 323 119, 120.40, 111.35, 112.15 Electro.Cast 303.10, 307, 295, 19, 21.75, 18.90, 19.85 Relaxo Footw 24, 25, 23.50, 24 16.85 Bombay Dyein 63.45, 69, 66.45 Ajanta Pharm 45, 45.80, 42.05, 42.20 C 47.90, 49, 44, 44.70 17, 17.50, 16.30, 16.50 Revathi Equ. 126.15, 126.20, 121, Tourism Fina 11.05, 11.65, 10.80 329, 332.50, 322.55, 323.45 Pun.Tractors 143, 139.15, 139.30 296.15 Hathway Bhaw 15, 13.99, 14 Mercator Lin 122.40, 123, 111.15, 63.50, 69.25, 63.50, 66.50 44.10, 46.45, 42.50, 42.70 Camlin 66.50, 67, 64.50, 64.70 305.30, 309, 295.25, 296.70 Havell’s (I) 161.40, 162, 150.30, 122.35 11.80, 11.80, 10.90, 10.95 BPCL 277.50, 280, 268.05, 269.65 Hughes Soft. 320, 321.90, 307.20, 142.35, 142.90, 139.15, 139.75 Aksh Optifib 22.90, 24.85, 23.60 K 113.80 308 Ranbaxy Lab. 789.30, 808, 775.10, Camph.& All 31.50, 30.15, 30.70 Elgi Equip 44.90, 46, 42, 42.90 152.80 Rico Auto 240, 209, 209.80 Toyo Rolls 51.90, 53.50, 49.50, 49.55 279.40, 279.70, 269, 270.05 22.95, 24.85, 22.80, 23.65 Metroche.Ind 24.25, 24.70, 22.55 218, 220, 210, 210.50 Transnat.Sec 25.05, 25.25 321, 321, 306.55, 308.10 781.90 Canara Bank 109.25, 110.40, 45.70, 45.85, 42, 42.80 150.25, 161, 150.25, 151.70 Kaashyap Rad 1.60, 1.80, 1.47, 1.49 MICO 6398, 6550, 6350, 6505.10 Britannia 550, 543.20, 545 Albert David 40.40, 37.20, 37.70 101.75, 102.30 Elgitread (I 225 Hawkins Cook 17.55, 19.25, 19.20 Kabra Extr 64.75, 66, 61.90 RPG Cables 13.20, 13.50, 12.90, Transpek Ind 25, 23.75, 24.35 558, 558, 544, 544.70 IBP 610, 650, 635.35 800.10, 808.40, 775.05, 780.15 Albright & W 205, 195, 204.95 6412, 6550, 6412, 6499.85 601, 648.90, 582.10, 635.20 Raymond 132.90, 136, 127, 127.90 108.80, 110.50, 102, 102.80 227, 227, 216.90, 217 Hazoor Media 14.75, 15, 13.06, 64.20, 67, 61.25, 62.10 12.96 Transport Co 29, 28.50, 30 BSES 298.95, 303, 287.15, 288.60 Alembic 280, 282.50, 263.60, 265.25 Mid-Day Mul. 19, 19.15, 18, 18.30 13.60, 13.85, 13, 13.05 30, 30.90, 30, 30 ICI (I) 135, 135.95, 128.20, 128.95 132.90, 135.80, 128.05, 128.70 Canfin Homes 39.60, 39.75, 38, Elpro Inter 23.55, 24.50, 21.25, 22 13.10 Kajaria Cer 37.45, 37.50, 36.45, 18.85, 19.35, 18.25, 18.40 301, 301.90, 288, 289.35 281.95, 284, 264, 266.70 38.15 Emco 43, 47.45, 42.50, 43.60 HBL Nife Pow 47, 50.15, 44.25, 36.75 RPG Life Sci 31, 32, 29.65, 29.95 TRF 39.10, 40, 39.75 Cadila Healt 251.90, 256, 236.20, 135, 135, 128.55, 129.60 RCF 35.30, 35.80, 32.65, 32.80 Alfa Laval 377, 385, 380.45 Mindteck 16.90, 15.90, 15.95 ICICI Bank 157.90, 158, 150.50, 35, 35.45, 32.75, 32.90 39.25, 40.15, 37.50, 38.20 Encore Soft 16.40, 14, 14.35 44.95 35.10, 37.45, 35.10, 36.90 33.90, 33.90, 29.70, 29.85 Trigyn Tech. 20.90, 22.50, 20.80, 238.75 374.90, 383.70, 374.90, 381.05 Mirza Tanner 38, 38.50, 36.90, 37 RPG Transmi. 10.95, 11, 9.80, 9.89 21.05 151.40 Rel Capital 76.75, 78.50, 73.50, Caprihans(I) 23.50, 25, 24.65 Eonour Tech. 3.55, 3.60, 3.37, 3.39 HEG 51.90, 52.40, 51.15, 51.70 Kakatiya Cem 53.40, 47, 47.25 37.05, 38, 36.55, 36.70 252, 255, 236.20, 238.20 Alka (I) 1.25, 1.27, 1.18, 1.26 Carborundum 148, 142.75, 145.05 Epic Enzymes 13.05, 13.75, 13, 51.80, 52.55, 51.10, 51.25 50.70, 53, 45.65, 47.45 10.50, 11.05, 9.90, 10 16.80, 22.50, 16.80, 21.10 Castrol (I) 201, 206.40, 200, 204.40 155.30, 157.75, 151.05, 151.75 73.70 Alkyl Amines 20.50, 22, 19.90, 20.25 MM Forgings 129, 130.80, 126.05, IDBI 46.50, 48.70, 43.50, 44.25 77.05, 78.50, 73.55, 73.80 148.50, 149, 144.10, 144.80 13.10 Helios & Mat 20.50, 19, 19.20 Kale Consul. 41, 41.80, 39, 39.15 RS Software 24.20, 24.65, 23.65 TTK Healthca 28.50, 26.05, 26.10 Century Enka 94.25, 97, 92, 92.50 Allahabad Bk 19, 19.20, 18.50, 18.70 126.50 24.30, 24.60, 23.45, 23.60 TTK Prestige 10.75, 10.90, 10.01, 45.55, 48.80, 43.45, 44.20 Reliance Ind 357, 363.90, 344.25, CCL Products 21.90, 21.40 Esab (I) 43, 44.45, 42.20, 42.35 Henkel Spic 20.70, 21.50, 20.50, 32.80, 41.75, 32.80, 39.25 Mobile Tele 8.85, 9, 8.40, 8.44 96, 97.75, 92.10, 93.35 19.25, 19.25, 18.50, 18.55 Ceat 43.50, 43.80, 41.90, 42.10 43.30, 44.45, 42.25, 42.45 20.55 Kalpa.Power 43.60, 44.25, 42.50 Ruchi Soya 46.50, 46.95, 44 10.21 Century Text 104, 109.45, 101, IDBI Bank 31.20, 32.90, 31.10, 31.25 346.70 Alok Inds. 28.80, 29.35, 27, 27.10 Modipon 21.35, 20.45, 21.40 32.15, 32.85, 31.20, 31.35 355.60, 364, 344.65, 347.95 42.70, 44, 42, 42.20 ESI 31.50, 33.50, 31.70 Heritage Fds 70.10, 72.25, 70 44.50, 45, 43, 43.05 47.25, 47.25, 43.95, 44.25 10.75, 11.25, 10.05, 10.45 106.45 29, 29.35, 27, 27.20 Monalisa Inf 0.48, 0.50, 0.37 Tube Invest. 134.50, 138.80, 128.20, IGate Global 172.80, 177, 161.90, Rolta (I) 72.80, 74, 69.25, 69.55 Centur. Bank 15, 15.50, 14.60, 14.74 32.15, 34, 31.05, 32.50 69, 71.90, 69, 70 Kalyani Brak 359.90, 365 Monnet Ispat 52, 52.75, 48.75, 49.75 106.50, 109.50, 100.80, 106.25 Alps Inds. 26.50, 27.60, 27.10 14.95, 15.70, 14.65, 14.85 Eskay K’N’It 4.75, 4.85, 4.51, 4.55 HFCL Infotel 24.10, 21.60, 21.75 341, 341, 341, 341 S 129.35 Chambal Fert 14.95, 15.15, 14.70, 163.45 73.25, 73.40, 69.10, 69.55 27.75, 27.75, 26, 26.70 Monsanto (I) 954, 957, 930, 940.95 171.75, 176, 161, 163.80 SAIL 24.30, 24.55, 23.50, 23.65 Cerebra Inte 5.30, 5.47, 5.25, 5.40 Essar Oil 11.25, 11.30, 9.50, 9.80 Hi-Tech Gear 159, 153, 162.50 Kalyani Shrp 7.50, 8, 6, 6.80 135, 137, 128.50, 129 14.75 Alstom 41, 43, 39.50, 39.90 950, 967, 930, 940.15 S Kumars Nat 7.80, 7.10, 7.38 Tudor India 19.10, 20.50, 19.80 India Cement 29.40, 31.10, 27.75, 24.40, 24.55, 23.50, 23.60 CESC 50.45, 52.10, 47.30, 47.80 Essar Ship. 13.60, 14.25, 13.25, 154, 159.55, 153.75, 153.75 Kalyani Stel 45.70, 42.75, 42.95 Morarjee Goc 15.90, 16.25, 16 8.45, 8.45, 6.75, 7 14.95, 15.35, 14.75, 14.80 Amara Raja B 65.95, 66.30, 64.65, 51, 52.20, 47.50, 47.80 13.35 Hikal 297, 298, 284.60, 286.35 Kanoria Chem 40, 40.05 Tuticorin.Al 4.60, 5, 4.65 Chennai Pet. 64, 67.50, 62.15, 63.20 28.05 Satyam Comp 213, 214.80, 204.55, 64.75 15.70, 16.35, 15.60, 15.75 S.I.Bank 54.85, 55.35, 52.60, 52.80 30, 31.10, 27.65, 27.95 205.15 CG Igarshi M 54.60, 53.95, 61.80 Essar Steel 19.20, 17.80, 17.90 350, 350, 282.10, 288.95 40, 40, 40, 40 TV 18 115.50, 116.40, 108, 108.50 64.50, 67.85, 62.20, 63.25 65.15, 66.75, 64.60, 64.85 Morepen Lab 9.50, 9.83, 9.45, 9.54 55, 55.40, 52.50, 52.65 115.75, 117, 108.30, 109.25 Indian Alumi 141, 147.75, 135.30, 212.50, 214.80, 204.30, 205.50 53.50, 62.55, 53.15, 62.55 19.20, 19.20, 17.80, 17.90 Himat. Seide 145, 140.65, 141.95 Karnatak Bnk 84.90, 86.35, 81.90, 9.60, 9.85, 9.50, 9.55 S.I.C.Agency 13.65, 12.25, 12.35 Cipla 810, 872, 800, 863.90 Ambica Agarb 44.50, 38.90, 41.50 Chemfab Alk. 29.35, 32.35 ETC Networks 59, 61.50, 57.30, 143.50, 145, 141, 141 82.25 TVS Autolec 139, 142.90, 130.10, 790, 874.90, 735, 861.80 138 Saw Pipes 164.50, 168, 158, 158.95 Ambuja Cem.R 6.96, 7.39, 6.10, 6.40 Morgan Stan 11.07, 11.30, 10.85, 12.90, 13.50, 12.10, 12.20 144.90, 147.90, 136.10, 139.10 164, 168, 158.35, 159.35 Chemplast Sa 27.05, 29.35, 27, 57.80 Hind.Constn. 85.45, 87, 82.10, 82.25 85.20, 86.40, 82.15, 82.55 131.50 CMC 462, 465, 442, 445.95 7.15, 7.50, 6.10, 6.30 10.86 Sabero Org. 15.45, 13.40 TVS Srichakr 56.50, 60.50, 58.10 Indian Hotel 263, 269, 255, 256.60 SBI 429.95, 430, 413, 414.70 27.40 60.40, 61.05, 57.05, 57.15 85.80, 87.50, 82.15, 82.90 Karur Vysya 245, 247, 232.10, 10.05, 11.25, 10.05, 10.85 14.90, 15.25, 13.45, 13.45 464, 464, 442, 445.45 Amex Info. 21.95, 22.50, 19.10, 29.90, 29.90, 27.05, 27.10 Eurotex Inds 15, 14.88 Hind.Inks&Re 275, 268.05, 269.95 233.05 Colgate 150, 152, 146.75, 149.85 264, 267.50, 255, 256.05 429.75, 429.90, 413.50, 415.30 19.50 Motherson SS 198, 201.90, 192.55, Saint-Gobain 16.40, 17.15, 16.05, U Indian Oil C 472.50, 486.75, 467.50, Shipp.Corpn. 76.40, 77.40, 73, 73.20 Chettinad Ce 84, 86, 77, 78.95 15.95, 15.95, 14.75, 14.75 271.50, 275, 268, 269.60 243.90, 247.85, 231.90, 234.15 193.05 16.25 150.25, 152.50, 146.60, 149.70 Amforge Inds 51.95, 52.10 Cheviot Co. 168.90, 173.90, 165, Eveready Ind 27.40, 27.50, 25.25, Hind.Motors 13.50, 14.04, 13.25, KDL Biotech 19.20, 17.60 Container Co 390, 374, 379.50 471.25 76.40, 77.30, 73, 73.25 Amrutanjan 85.95, 88.50, 82.50, 195, 204, 194, 194.60 Sakthi Sugar 20.80, 23.25, 20, 20.50 UB Holdings 24.60, 25.10, 24, 24.25 477, 487.50, 470, 472.35 Shyam Teleco 51.25, 51.70, 47.50, 167.30 25.35 13.68 18.30, 18.75, 17.65, 17.80 Moving Pictu 7, 6.50 22.50, 23.50, 20, 20.60 Ucal Fuel 243, 244, 230.15, 231.70 392, 392, 375, 380 84.10 Chola.Inv&Fi 54.95, 55, 51.70, 52 26.50, 27, 25.05, 25.20 13.75, 14, 13.25, 13.60 KEC Inter. 24.30, 25.95, 23.50, 23.80 Corpn. Bank 194.40, 195.40, 180, Indian Ov.Bk 26, 26.10, 25.05, 25.20 48 Amtek 75.95, 76.70, 70.10, 70.70 Mro-Tek 14.80, 15, 13.85, 13.91 Salora Int. 45, 45.70, 44.50, 45 210.10, 244.90, 210.10, 231.15 25.75, 26.10, 25, 25.15 51.40, 51.75, 47.50, 48 55.30, 55.70, 52.20, 52.55 Everest Inds 99.70, 103, 94.15, Hind.Org.Chm 23.60, 23.80, 22.45, 24, 25.90, 23.50, 23.65 14.60, 14.90, 13.80, 13.85 46, 46, 44.85, 44.90 Ugar Sugar 59.95, 62, 59.05, 60.30 181.30 Amtek Auto 215, 225, 217.55 Chowgule Stm 7.64, 8, 7, 7.15 94.75 22.60 Kerala Ayurv 13.40, 14, 13, 13.15 191.95, 191.95, 180.80, 182.45 Indian Rayon 164.35, 169.50, Siemens 373, 385, 370, 376.40 214, 224, 214, 219.05 MRPL 24.70, 24.90, 23.45, 23.50 Samkrg Pist. 55, 55.90, 51.50, 51.80 Ultramarine 78, 81, 78.45 162.20, 167.80 373.50, 379.50, 370, 370.75 Ciba Sp.Chem 117, 121, 116.35, 102, 103, 94, 96.30 23.85, 24.15, 22.50, 22.65 Kerala Chem. 29.50, 29.60, 25.90 24.10, 24.90, 22.75, 23.55 Samtel Color 28.60, 28.05, 28.85 Unichem Lab 214, 218, 210.10, Crompton Gr. 77, 79.60, 75.50, 75.90 Andrew Yule 14.99, 15.15, 13.60, 116.95 Excel Inds. 109.90, 112, 104, 104.85 Hind.Power 40.10, 37.10, 37.15 Kesoram Inds 47.90, 50.35, 45.10, 76.90, 79.60, 75.75, 76.05 165, 169.70, 162.20, 167.60 Silverline T 6.55, 6.94, 6.50, 6.54 13.80 Mukand 26.80, 27, 24.10, 24.25 29, 29, 28.10, 28.20 211.15 Infosys Tech 3739, 3810, 3695.25, SKF Bearing 72.30, 73.10, 68.50, Cinevistaas 29.75, 30.90, 29, 29.10 107.25, 111.80, 103.15, 104.55 Hind.Sanitar 80, 83.10, 75.20, 75.30 45.50 26.10, 26.10, 24.35, 24.70 Sandesh Ltd. 121.50, 123.90, 120 212, 218.95, 212, 212.55 Cummins (I) 79.25, 75.70, 76.40 Ankur Drugs 20.80, 21.25, 19.50, 30.50, 31.50, 29, 29.50 80.90, 86, 75.50, 77.20 47.90, 50.35, 45, 45.45 78, 79, 75.15, 75.95 3732.15 68.90 20.25 Mukand Engrs 10.62, 12.15, 11.46 120, 123, 118.60, 119 Uniflex Cabl 5.75, 6.40, 6.20 3752.35, 3797.70, 3694.60, 72, 73.30, 68.90, 69.10 City Union B 63.30, 65, 60.50, 60.95 F Hind.Spg &Wg 12.85, 12.45 KG Denim 23.60, 24, 21.50, 21.60 11.55, 12, 11.45, 11.45 Sangam (I) 27.75, 28.70, 26.60, Union Bank 41.75, 42.40, 40, 40.35 D-Link (I) 77, 82.30, 74.30, 75.65 Ansal Prop. 14, 14.84, 14 66, 66, 60, 60.45 Hitachi Home 22.55, 22.50, 22.55 Khandwala Se 10.20, 11 78, 82.50, 74.05, 75.60 3727.25 Sonata Soft. 13.50, 12.65, 12.85 AP Paper 98.25, 99.65, 93.50, 94.60 fa*g Bearings 83.50, 84, 78, 79.60 Munjal Auto 56, 57, 53.60, 56 26.85 42.25, 42.50, 40, 40.10 Infotech En. 105.45, 106.50, 102.50, 13.35, 13.45, 12.65, 12.80 Clariant (I) 161, 162, 160, 160.80 22.70, 22.90, 22.70, 22.80 10.70, 11.70, 10.70, 11.25 Munjal Showa 175, 166.55, 168.95 28.90, 28.90, 26.50, 27 Unitech 57.10, 55.05, 55.20 Dabur (I) 61.20, 61.75, 58, 58.15 Apcotex Lat. 29.20, 32, 30.70 160, 163.20, 160, 161 83.25, 83.40, 78.15, 79.05 Honda SIEL P 124.80, 126.10, 118, Khoday (I) 14, 15, 14.75 60.10, 61.75, 57.85, 58.20 102.80 SPICE 38, 38.10, 35.60, 35.91 30, 32.45, 30, 30.65 Fairfield At 15.90, 17.13 172.90, 174.90, 166.20, 167.30 Sanwaria Agr 25.95, 26, 24.80, 25.70 55.05, 57.25, 55, 55.90 105, 106.40, 102.10, 102.90 SSI 99.65, 101.90, 96.50, 97 Classic Diam 49.90, 52, 47.55, 47.90 123.75 Kinetic Eng. 81.10, 82.50, 70.15, Murd.Ceram 20.90, 19.80 Saregama (I) 56, 56.25, 53 United Brew. 105, 105.25, 102.50, Digital Glob 492, 493, 465.10, 466.95 Aplab 32.95, 35.60, 29, 33 Clutch.Auto 12.95, 14, 12.75, 12.96 FCGL Inds. 5.10, 4.26, 4.32 124, 125, 123, 123.90 70.95 489.80, 490, 464.60, 468.15 Ingersoll R 240.30, 249, 245 98.75, 102, 96.15, 96.90 Aptech 59.05, 60.45, 56, 56.75 FCI OEN Con. 124, 113.20, 115.55 Mys.Cement 12.15, 13, 11.34, 11.47 55.50, 55.70, 53.20, 53.50 103 245, 250, 241.40, 245.15 STC India 98.55, 99.80, 98 Coates (I) 108.30, 113.45, 109.50 Hotel Leela. 25.90, 24.50 Kinetic Moto 34.20, 31.15, 31.25 12.25, 13.20, 11.30, 11.45 SAT Invest. 15.50, 13.70 United We.Bk 27.80, 26.75, 26.80 Dr.Reddy’s 1009, 1044, 994, 1000.50 59.75, 60.70, 56.50, 57.10 117.75, 117.75, 108, 108.10 117.90, 121, 115.10, 116.05 25.25, 25.70, 24.60, 24.75 Kirloskar Br 136.10, 140, 131 1060, 1060, 993.30, 1000.05 IPCL 123.40, 126.60, 121.05, 122.65 98.50, 101.50, 98, 99.90 Archies 61.70, 59.90 FCL Techno. 26.75, 21 Satnam Over. 48.50, 48.95, 44, 48.20 28.40, 28.40, 26.70, 26.85 123.55, 126.55, 121.05, 122.55 Sterl.Biotec 50.40, 50.45, 48.10, Cochin Minrl 18.90, 15, 15.90 Kirloskar Oi 173, 177, 172.50, 173.95 N 46.95, 47, 42.50, 45.80 Univer.Cable 14.01, 14.85, 14.05 Dredging Cor 325, 355, 343 60.50, 61, 59, 59.30 Color Chips 7.55, 8.50, 7.30, 7.73 24.90, 24.90, 22.65, 22.90 I 172, 177, 172, 173.55 E-Serve Intl 642, 635, 641.15 ITC 730, 752, 728.60, 730.55 48.95 Arvind Rem. 5.68, 5.99, 5.60, 5.70 FDC 50.15, 51, 48, 48.80 Satvah.Ispat 16, 16.25, 14.50, 14.55 14, 14.35, 14, 14.30 738, 749.90, 728, 731.75 50.90, 50.90, 48, 49.20 7.75, 8.50, 7.40, 7.90 Kit-Ply Ind. 5.84, 5.95, 5.50, 5.64 Nagar.Agrich 17, 17.05, 16.50 Saurash.Cem. 12.99, 11.90, 12.49 Upper Ganges 26, 27.30, 22.60, 638, 645, 635.05, 639.30 5.70, 6, 5.55, 5.60 Colour Chem 241, 234.10 50.90, 51, 48, 48.30 I-flex Solu 1168, 1180, 1125, 5.90, 6, 5.30, 5.40 Nagar.Const. 69, 71.40, 68.70, 69.45 EIH 186, 187.80, 185, 185.20 ITI 21.50, 18, 18.05 Sterl.Optica 51, 53, 50.40, 50.55 Asahi (I) Gl 83.90, 86, 79, 80.25 Fert.&Chem-T 31.25, 28.50, 29.20 1131.80 Savita Chem. 102.10, 104.80, 95, 23.10 18.30, 18.65, 18, 18.05 51.20, 53, 50.30, 50.60 235.60, 240, 235.05, 236.30 KLG Systel 39.60, 42, 36.50, 36.75 Nagar.Fertil 7.49, 7.65, 7.07, 7.17 96.35 25.90, 27.80, 22.30, 23.20 186.90, 188, 185, 185.40 83.80, 86.40, 80.50, 81.10 Compucom Sof 28.30, 29, 25.50, 30.30, 30.50, 28.05, 28.35 1168.90, 1168.90, 1124, 1131.05 40.50, 42.50, 36.35, 36.65 7.50, 7.65, 7.05, 7.10 Engineers (I 295, 296.85, 282.15, J&K Bank 221, 222.80, 212, 212.55 Sun Pharma. 424.30, 459, 420, Ashapura Min 94.95, 95, 94.95 Finan.Techno 26.90, 27.50, 21.40, IFCI 9.50, 9.54, 8.65, 8.81 103.60, 103.60, 95, 96.45 Usha Martin 36.35, 36.55, 35.35, 220, 222.70, 212.50, 213.30 452.70 27.15 Kopran 47.50, 49.55, 46, 46.20 Nahar Export 26.60, 28, 26.05, 26.25 SBI Home Fin 15.20, 15.25, 14.15, 35.50 284.60 93, 94, 90.50, 93.85 Compudyne Wi 14.65, 15, 14.25 22.20 9.55, 9.60, 8.75, 8.85 48.65, 49.75, 45.50, 46.40 27.40, 27.60, 26.10, 26.25 295, 298.50, 283.20, 284.95 Jaiprakash I 57.85, 63, 56.75, 57.35 427.90, 458.40, 420, 453.45 Ashima 20, 21.20, 18, 19 First Leasin 23.95, 24, 22.65, 23.05 IL&FS Invt.M 23.70, 24.65, 23, 23.20 14.20 36.70, 36.70, 35, 35.10 58, 63, 56.65, 57.30 Syndicate Bn 26.70, 27, 26, 26.05 15, 15.10, 14.15, 14.30 Kothari Prod 177, 180, 177 Nahar Indl.E 16.20, 15.50 15.35, 15.45, 14.10, 14.35 Usha Mat.Inf 5, 4.76, 4.92 Escorts 51.65, 54, 52.10 19.70, 20.25, 19.70, 19.75 Computech In 6.38, 6.40, 6.10, 6.11 23.05, 23.80, 22.50, 22.70 24.40, 24.50, 22.65, 23.05 180, 180.50, 176.10, 178.70 Nahar Intl. 9.05, 9.11, 7.90, 8.50 52.95, 54, 52, 52.15 JB Chemical 237.80, 242.50, 222, 27.05, 27.05, 26, 26.05 Ashok Ley.Fn 55.25, 56.90, 53, 53.05 Flat Product 118.40, 120.20, 113.50, Ind.Swift 83, 88, 87.55 Schenec.Beck 72.30, 73.55 5, 5, 4.65, 4.80 223.15 Syngenta (I) 129.45, 124, 125.05 6.25, 6.70, 6.10, 6.15 KPIT Cum.Inf 184.15, 187, 173.05, 9, 9.10, 8.45, 8.50 Schenec.Herd 35, 37.95, 35.35 Uttam Galva. 16.30, 16.40, 15.30, Essel Propac 201.50, 204.75, 191, 57.25, 57.90, 53.25, 53.50 Cont.Const. 15.15, 16, 15, 15.10 113.85 Ind.Swift La 27, 29, 26.85 174.90 Nahar Spg. 107.80, 109.80, 98.50, 192 235, 243, 221, 222.75 Tata Chem 84.40, 86.35, 82, 82.50 Asian Elect. 85.85, 78, 79.30 Flex Enginer 18.10, 19, 17.25, 17.40 27.40, 28.95, 26.65, 26.80 35.05, 35.05, 35.05, 35.05 15.40 Jindal Steel 535, 546, 520, 526.35 84.90, 86.40, 82.05, 82.55 Control Prnt 29.75, 30.05, 28.25, 183, 188.10, 175, 175.80 99.35 Seagull Leaf 9 16.35, 16.45, 15.55, 15.60 201.90, 204.90, 190, 191.65 84.40, 84.40, 78, 79.55 29.20 17.50, 18.50, 17.10, 17.30 India Foils 9.80, 10, 9.60 KRBL 52.90, 48.20 104.25, 105.90, 98.80, 99.30 Exide Inds. 92, 95, 90, 90.90 539, 546, 521.50, 528.30 Tata Elxsi 84.50, 85.95, 81.05, 81.35 Asian Hotels 106, 98, 101 Flex Foods 11.40, 11.50, 10.20, 10.45, 10.50, 9.50, 9.60 Search Chem. 20.75, 21.80, 20.50 Kochi Refin. 109, 113.50, 101.75, 84.70, 86, 81.15, 81.55 Core Health. 6.70, 6.85, 6.32, 6.41 50.05, 52, 48.25, 48.25 Narmada C.Pe 16.25, 16.70, 16.10 21, 21.90, 19, 20.10 V 92.45, 93.50, 90, 90.25 97.05, 103.50, 97.05, 100.50 6.70, 6.70, 6.10, 6.30 10.34 India Gelat. 18.80, 17.95, 18.45 Krebs Bioche 176.50, 178, 165.60, 16.30, 16.75, 16.10, 16.20 Federal Bank 175, 175.50, 165, 102.65 Tata Motors 240.90, 243, 232.25, Assam Co. 18.85, 19.10, 16, 17.55 Flex Inds. 33.60, 31.10, 31.40 India Glycol 46.70, 46.85, 45.50, Selan Explor 15.06, 15.10, 15 111, 113.70, 102.10, 103.10 233.35 Corom. Fert. 71, 72.40, 69 166.10 Nat.Steel &A 12.79, 13.90, 12.30, Sesa Goa 168.80, 172, 160, 161.30 Vaibhav Gems 28.20, 28.50, 27, 166.85 Astrazen.Ph. 357.50 71.50, 71.50, 70, 70.10 33, 33.80, 31.15, 31.45 46.05 Krishna Life 2.36, 2.26 13.18 27.30 174, 175.50, 165.50, 166.65 Kotak Mah.Bk 211.40, 218, 206, 243, 243.40, 232.55, 233.55 385.90, 385.90, 379.90, 379.90 Floatglass 35.15, 36.50, 34.05 India Gypsum 33.30, 34.75 169.40, 172, 160.10, 161 210.35 Tata Power 162.80, 163.80, 155, Cosmo Ferr. 9.25, 9.30, 8.75, 8.91 Krone Comm 104.80, 108, 92, 92.80 13, 13.90, 12.10, 13.15 Sesha.Paper 69.55, 64.25, 65.55 Vanavil Dyes 45.50, 45.80, 45.05, Natco Pharma 93, 96, 86, 86.40 66, 68.50, 63.10, 64.20 45.10 91, 96, 85.55, 86.80 Sh.Cements 105.10, 107.90, 95, Vardhman Pol 51, 51.70, 50.10, Nath Seeds 10.70, 11, 10.30, 10.33 97.10 50.40 Name NAVs Prices (Rs) Name NAVs Prices (Rs) Name NAVs Prices (Rs) Name NAVs Prices (Rs) 10.60, 11, 10.20, 10.30 105.90, 108.50, 95, 95.85 49.60, 51.50, 49.60, 50.05 MUTUAL FUNDS National Fer 61.80, 61.90, 58.50, Sh.Digv.Cem. 43.60, 37.10, 41 Vardhman Spg 88.50, 98.90, 86, (Rs) Sales Purchase (Rs) Sales Purchase (Rs) Sales Purchase (Rs) Sales Purchase 58.65 Sh.Rama Mult 8.60, 8.95, 8.50, 8.59 87.55 Open-ended Schemes National Per 1275, 1275.75, 1200, 8.50, 8.80, 8.20, 8.25 90.50, 93, 86.40, 87.20 1220 Varun Ship. 15.99, 16.50, 15.57, Gilt Plus-Reg.-(AD) 11.92 11.92 11.92 Floating(D) 10.03 10.03 10.03 T G Sec Tr (D) 10.61 10.61 10.61 Bond (D-Q’ly) 10.65 10.65 10.65 Shah Alloys 84.40, 73.30, 73.95 Nava Bh.Ferr 97.55, 98.90, 92.65, Shalimar Pai 47, 40, 40.25 15.64 Gilt Plus-Reg.-(BG) 20.11 20.11 20.11 Floating(WD) 10.01 10.01 10.01 T G Sec Tr (G) 11.67 11.67 11.67 Bond (D-Y’ly) 12.00 12.00 12.00 93.05 15.90, 16.50, 15.60, 15.75 Gilt Plus-Regular-(C-AD) 20.11 20.11 20.11 Govt.Sec. (A-D) 11.97 11.97 11.97 T IBA (D) 11.37 11.37 11.37 Bond (G) 16.54 16.54 16.54 Shamken Mult 10.50, 12.25, 9.85, 11 Name NAVs Prices (Rs) INDEX (Div) 12.53 12.53 12.53 99, 99.90, 94.15, 94.80 12, 12, 9.55, 10.25 Vashisti Det 13.75, 14.18, 13.15, Govt.Sec. (A-G) 20.31 20.31 20.31 T IBA (G) 22.46 22.46 22.46 Bond Fund-Inst.(AD) 10.05 10.05 10.05 Navneet Pub. 135, 144.30, 142.50 13.18 (Rs) Sales Purchase INDEX (G) 12.53 12.53 12.53 Govt.Sec. (B-D) 10.74 10.74 10.74 T IBA (H-Y’ly) 15.14 15.14 15.14 Bond Short Term (D) 10.08 10.08 10.08 Shamken Spin 5.90, 5.45, 5.46 IT Plan A (Div Payout) 12.26 12.51 12.26 Govt.Sec. (B-G) 14.21 14.21 14.21 T IBA (Instl Plan) 11.37 11.37 11.37 Bond Short Term (G) 11.24 11.24 11.24 142.45, 144.50, 137.40, 142.60 Shanti Gear 136, 126.60, 127 13.25, 14.25, 13.05, 13.20 IT Plan A (Div Reinv) 12.26 12.51 12.26 Liquidity (D) 12.41 12.41 12.41 T IBA (M’ ly) 14.99 14.99 14.99 Bond Short Term-Inst.(D) 10.08 10.08 10.08 NCL Inds. 9.90, 8.62, 8.70 136, 141, 127.80, 128.40 Venky’s (I) 54, 54.50, 53.30, 53.50 As on 04/08/2003 IT Plan B (G) 14.23 14.51 14.23 Liquidity (DD) 10.01 10.01 10.01 T IBA (M’ly B) 19.83 19.83 19.83 E-Com (D) 2.81 2.87 2.81 Nelco 34.45, 34.50, 32.15, 32.30 Shasun Chem. 249.80, 254, 244.25, 54, 54.50, 53.05, 53.80 Alliance Capital Mutual Fund Income Plus Inst. A(D) 26.82 26.82 26.82 Liquidity (G) 15.00 15.00 15.00 T IBA (Q’y) 14.88 14.88 14.88 Gilt Long Term (D) 10.91 10.91 10.91 40.05, 40.05, 32.05, 32.25 250.25 Veronica Lab 8.10, 8.15, 7.50, 7.55 95 (D) 32.11 32.75 32.11 Income Plus Inst. B(G) 27.09 27.09 27.09 Opportunities 11.88 12.12 11.88 T India Growth 18.10 18.46 18.10 Gilt Long Term (G) 13.10 13.10 13.10 Neuland Lab. 121.60, 124.80, 231.60, 254.45, 231.60, 248.90 Vesuvius (I) 97.25, 102, 96.05, 96.15 95 (G) 57.94 59.10 57.94 Income Plus Plan A(D) 10.69 10.69 10.69 Savings Plus 10.70 10.70 10.70 T Liquid (D - D’ly) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Gilt Short Term (D) 10.77 10.77 10.77 108.55, 111.05 Shaw Wallace 52.50, 53, 49, 50.20 98, 101.75, 96.50, 96.85 Basic Inds.(D) 17.43 17.78 17.43 Income Plus Plan B(G) 26.98 26.98 26.98 Savings Plus (MD) 10.33 10.33 10.33 T Liquid (D) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Gilt Short Term (G) 12.20 12.20 12.20 NHN Corpn. 11.98, 11.40 Shirpur Gold 25, 28.90, 28.50 Viceroy Hot. 11.15, 12 Basic Inds.(G) 17.44 17.79 17.44 MIDCAP (Div) 11.39 11.62 11.39 Savings Plus (QD) 10.47 10.47 10.47 T Liquid (G) 15.26 15.26 15.26 Growth & Value (D-Y’ly) 12.60 12.85 12.60 Nilkamal Pls 40.10, 37, 37.50 28.50, 28.90, 28, 28 Videocon Apl 11.55, 11.95, 11.40, Buy India (D) 5.86 5.98 5.86 MIDCAP (G) 14.27 14.56 14.27 Short Term (G) 10.70 10.70 10.70 T Liquid Plus 11.47 11.47 11.47 Growth & Value (G) 16.41 16.74 16.41 36.85, 38.30, 36.85, 37.75 Shiv Vani Un 24, 21.15, 21.30 11.41 Buy India (G) 5.87 5.99 5.87 MIP Plan A (D) 10.78 10.78 10.78 Short Term (WD) 10.03 10.03 10.03 T Liquid Plus (D) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Growth & Value(D-Hf Y’ly) 13.00 13.26 13.00 Noble Explo. 7.20, 7.50, 7, 7.05 Shrenuj & Co 34.20, 33, 33.65 11.45, 12, 11.40, 11.50 Capital Tax Relief’96 70.62 71.33 70.62 MIP Plan B (Payment/G) 14.05 14.05 14.05 Short Term(D) 10.19 10.19 10.19 T MMA 1.00 1.00 1.00 LISTE-Com (G) 2.81 2.87 2.81 NOCIL 10.20, 10.44, 10, 10.06 Videocon Fin 19.05, 20.76 Cash Manager (D) 10.01 10.01 10.01 34.80, 34.80, 33, 33.35 MIP Plan C (Payment/G) 14.05 14.05 14.05 Technology.Com 4.89 4.99 4.89 T Monthly Income (G) 14.35 14.35 14.35 Liquid Account Call 10.79 10.79 10.79 10.20, 10.50, 10, 10.05 Shriram Inv 18.55, 19, 17.30, 18 19, 21.45, 19, 21.45 Cash Manager (G) 15.11 15.11 15.11 MNC Plan A (Div Payout) 28.86 29.44 28.86 Top 100 (G) 13.50 13.77 13.50 T Monthly Income (H-Y’ly) 11.10 11.10 11.10 Liquid Inst. (D) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Noida Toll 7, 7.19, 7.01 Vidhi Dyestu 15.20, 15.25, 14.50, Cash Manager Instnl (D) 10.01 10.01 10.01 MNC Plan A (Div Reinv) 28.86 29.44 28.86 Shriram Tran 16.50, 17.20, 16.85 Top 100(D) 12.61 12.86 12.61 T Monthly Income (M’ly) 10.34 10.34 10.34 Liquid Inst. (G) 11.43 11.43 11.43 7.35, 7.50, 7.20, 7.25 16.75, 17.40, 16.75, 17.10 14.56 Cash Manager Instnl (G) 10.17 10.17 10.17 MNC Plan B (Gr) 36.15 36.87 36.15 Escorts Mutual Fund T Monthly Income (Q’ly) 10.30 10.30 10.30 Lq. A/c (D) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Nova Petro. 37, 38.75 Vikrant Tyre 17.25, 15.27, 15.37 Cash Manager Instnl. (DD) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Sweep Plan (D) 10.23 10.23 10.23 Balanced (D) 13.34 13.50 13.34 T Pension Plan (D) 13.24 13.44 13.24 Lq. A/c (G) 11.43 11.43 11.43 Siemens VDO 71.30, 72.40, 70.25, 38, 38, 36.05, 38 72.15 Vinati Org. 23.10, 18.10, 18.65 Equity (D) 18.87 19.25 18.87 Sweep Plan (G) 10.44 10.44 10.44 Balanced (G) 14.81 15.00 14.81 T Pension Plan (G) 22.95 23.29 22.95 ING Mutual Fund Novopan Inds 33.15, 35, 34.90 Vindhya Tele 31, 33, 29.55, 29.85 Equity (G) 34.09 34.77 34.09 BOB Mutual Fund Gilt (D) 12.32 12.32 12.32 T ST Income (G) 1127.02 1127.02 1127.02 Balanced Portfolio (D) 7.27 7.38 7.27 Siltap Che. 66.60, 74, 69.10 35.35, 35.35, 34.10, 34.10 65.65, 75, 65.60, 69.05 31.25, 33, 30, 30.25 Frontline Eq(D) 12.79 13.05 12.79 Elss 96 13.45 13.79 13.45 Gilt (G) 13.48 13.48 13.48 T ST Income (M’ly) 1023.16 1023.16 1023.16 Balanced Portfolio (G) 7.27 7.38 7.27 NRB Bearings 95.10, 98, 93, 94 Vintage Card 8.07, 8.55, 8.06, 8.20 Frontline Eq(G) 12.80 13.06 12.80 Gilt (D) 10.37 10.37 10.32 Growth (G) 14.33 14.54 14.33 T ST Income (Q’ly) 1022.21 1022.21 1022.21 Capital Portfolio 11.09 11.09 11.09 Simbh.Sugar 14.10, 15, 13.05, 13.47 96.30, 98.35, 92, 94 Simplex Conc 70, 71, 65.50, 65.65 8.50, 8.60, 8.25, 8.35 G-Sec Long Term (D) 11.86 11.86 11.86 Gilt (G) 10.37 10.37 10.32 Growth (D) 13.09 13.28 13.09 T ST Income (W’ly B) 1048.82 1048.82 1048.82 Gilt Portfolio 10.59 10.59 10.59 NRC 16.20, 17.50, 15.60, 16.63 Vinyl Chem. 10.65, 11.10, 10.86 G-Sec Long Term (G) 17.63 17.63 17.63 Income (D) 10.82 10.82 10.77 Income (D) 10.54 10.54 10.54 T ST Income (W’ly) 1090.17 1090.17 1090.17 Growth Portfolio (D) 5.87 5.99 5.87 Sintex Inds. 54.80, 55, 51.85, 52.05 G-Sec Short Term (D) 10.19 10.19 10.19 15.95, 17.40, 15.80, 16.70 53.25, 56.75, 51.05, 52 10.75, 11.25, 10.40, 10.90 Income (G) 10.82 10.82 10.77 Income (G) 18.90 18.90 18.90 T TMA (G) 1533.79 1533.79 1533.79 Growth Portfolio (G) 7.01 7.15 7.01 Nucleus Soft 67.30, 68, 66, 66.25 VIP Indus. 26.20, 27.60, 25.05, 25.20 G-Sec Short Term (G) 14.09 14.09 14.09 Liquid (D) 10.90 10.90 10.90 Income Bond (D) 10.31 10.31 10.31 T TMA (W’ly) 1244.44 1244.44 1244.44 Income Port.-Inst.(G) 16.16 16.16 16.16 Sirpur Paper 60.15, 63.70, 61.15 Income (D) 11.28 11.28 11.28 66.70, 68.75, 65.10, 65.50 61.85, 64, 60.60, 60.85 26, 27.70, 25.05, 25.45 Liquid (G) 11.02 11.02 11.02 Income Bond (G) 12.25 12.25 12.25 T TMA (Wkly B) 1403.28 1403.28 1403.28 Income Portfolio (G) 16.12 16.12 16.12 Visaka Ind. 37.25, 38.20, 36, 36.85 Income (G) 22.11 22.11 22.11 Canbank Mutual Fund Opportunities (D) 11.32 11.32 11.32 T TMA (Y’ly) 1165.93 1165.93 1165.93 Income Portfolio (I) 10.60 10.60 10.60 O Siyaram Silk 52.40, 52.50, 50 Income 54EA (D) 11.29 11.29 11.29 Canbonus 9.28 9.45 9.28 Opportunities (G) 13.55 13.55 13.55 Vista (D) 4.43 4.43 4.43 Income Portfolio-Inst.(D) 10.65 10.65 10.65 Skanska Ceme 242, 235.50 36.55, 37.90, 36.10, 36.60 Visesh Info 6.50, 6.25, 6.69 Income 54EA (G) 22.10 22.10 22.10 Cancigo 11.03 11.03 11.03 Tax (D) 11.89 11.89 — Vista (G) 5.97 5.97 5.97 Income Short Term 10.73 10.73 10.73 OCL (I) 164.95, 168.95, 153, 155.25 237, 237, 236, 236 Income 54EB (D) 11.30 11.30 11.30 Cancigo (G) 12.47 12.47 12.47 Tax (G) 11.89 11.89 — GIC Mutual Fund Invst. Portfolio 10.37 10.58 10.37 Snowcem (I) 20.80, 21.40, 19.60, 6.15, 6.85, 6.15, 6.40 Odyssey Tech 16.45, 18.75, 15.75, Vision Organ 2.10, 2.20, 2, 2.01 Income 54EB (G) 21.96 21.96 21.96 Canequity Tax Saver 11.14 11.22 11.14 First India Mutual Fund Balanced 12.04 12.28 11.92 Treas.Portfolio(Daily Div 10.76 10.76 10.76 17.88 19.90 Income Q’ly (D) 10.42 10.42 10.42 Canexpo 13.06 13.30 13.06 Gilt 11.19 11.19 11.19 D’Mat 9.39 9.58 9.39 Treasury Portfolio (D) 10.77 10.77 10.77 20.90, 21.30, 19.55, 19.85 2, 2.10, 1.95, 2 Oil Country 14.10, 14.50, 13.25, VJIL Consult 9.10, 8.30, 8.72 Monthly Income (G) 17.83 17.83 17.83 Canexpo (G) 15.06 15.34 15.06 Growth 12.95 13.21 12.95 Debt (G) 10.60 10.60 10.60 Treasury Portfolio (G) 13.06 13.06 13.06 13.48 Soffia Soft. 18.10, 18.60, 18 Monthly Income (M’ly) 10.60 10.60 10.60 Cangilt PGS (D) 10.19 10.19 10.19 Income 11.16 11.16 11.16 Fortune 94 9.50 9.69 9.50 UTI Mutual Fund 16.30, 18.45, 16.30, 18.05 Voltas 88, 94.50, 86.05, 86.85 14.05, 14.50, 13.25, 13.35 89, 94.90, 86.15, 87.35 Monthly Income (Q’ly) 10.66 10.66 10.66 Cangilt PGS (G) 16.68 16.68 16.68 Income Fund (D) 10.48 10.48 10.48 G Plus II 12.47 12.72 12.35 Bond (G) 18.09 18.09 18.00 Omax Autos. 58.75, 53.50, 54.10 Softsol (I) 14.05, 14.10, 13.10, 13.59 New Millennium (D) 4.28 4.37 4.28 Canglobal 5.88 5.99 5.88 Liquid (D) 10.21 10.21 10.21 Gilt (G) 10.54 10.54 10.54 Bond (I) 10.96 10.96 10.91 Software Tec 11.56, 11 VST Indus. 158, 161, 155, 156.75 New Millennium (G) 4.29 4.38 4.29 57.35, 58.50, 54, 54.40 155, 162, 154.10, 155.45 Canliquid (D) 10.06 10.06 10.06 Liquid (G) 11.00 11.00 11.00 Liquid (D-Reinv) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Brand Value 8.81 8.81 8.63 Onward Techn 26, 26.90, 25.20, 11.35, 12, 11.10, 11.75 Short Term (D) 10.02 10.02 10.02 Canliquid (G) 11.14 11.14 11.14 Short Term 10.73 10.73 10.73 Liquid (G) 10.88 10.88 10.88 CCP 12.87 12.87 12.36 Solectron Ce 52.65, 48, 50.20 VST Tillers 36, 33.25, 33.65 Short Term (G) 10.97 10.97 10.97 25.40 VXL Instrum. 31, 33.90, 30.95, 31.10 Canpremium 13.81 14.05 13.81 Short Term (D) 10.27 10.27 10.27 HDFC Mutual Fund CRTS 95.09 95.09 92.24 30.45, 30.45, 24.80, 25 Solvay Pharm 177.55, 166.10, Short Term Fund Instnl(D) 10.02 10.02 10.02 Canpremium (G) 15.66 15.93 15.66 Tax Gain 43.62 44.49 43.62 Balanced 12.41 12.60 12.41 Equity Tax Savings 12.39 12.39 12.27 Short Term Fund Instnl(G) 10.10 10.10 10.10 Opto Circuit 53.60, 54.35, 52.50, 167.10 W Cantriple 22.93 23.33 22.93 Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Childrens Gift-Invst. 13.77 13.90 13.77 G-Sec (G) 17.12 17.12 17.12 Sona Koyo St 148.50, 150.90, 141, Birla Sunlife Insurance Chola Mutual Fund FT Balanced (G) 11.48 11.65 11.48 Childrens Gift-Savings 13.57 13.70 13.57 G-Sec (I) 11.01 11.01 11.01 53.80 Group Fixed Interest 11.08 — — FMP Y’ly (D) 10.21 10.21 10.00 FT Gilt Invst (G) 13.65 13.65 13.65 Gilt Long Term (D) 10.60 10.60 10.60 Grandmaster 93 11.56 11.56 11.33 Orbit Multi 0.47, 0.43 141.40 Walchandngr 43, 45.70, 42 Group Growth 13.80 — — Freedom Tech.(Cum) 8.51 8.68 8.51 FT Gilt Invst (M’ly B) 12.41 12.41 12.41 Gilt Long Term (G) 14.48 14.48 14.48 Index Select Eq. 14.58 14.87 14.58 Orchid Chem 165.90, 169.35, 158.50, Spel Semicon 3.81, 4.20, 3.80, 3.81 43.50, 44, 42, 42.50 Group Secure 13.59 — — Freedom Tech.(Reg) 5.51 5.62 5.51 FT Gilt Invst (Q’ly) 11.47 11.47 11.47 Gilt Short Term (D) 10.17 10.17 10.17 Mahila Unit Scheme 13.59 13.59 13.19 160 SPIC 8.61, 8.85, 8.25, 8.27 Warren Tea 46.05, 46.50, 45.15, Group Stable 15.09 — — Gilt Invst.(Cum) 16.38 16.38 16.38 FT Gilt Liquid (G) 11.42 11.42 11.42 Gilt Short Term (G) 11.85 11.85 11.85 Master Growth-1993 16.94 16.94 16.60 164.60, 168.95, 158.50, 160.40 9.25, 9.25, 8.20, 8.25 45.25 Indiv.Pension Pol.Enrich 10.49 — — Gilt Invst.(Reg) 10.21 10.21 10.21 FT Gilt Liquid (M’ly) 10.32 10.32 10.32 Growth 11.73 11.97 11.73 Master Index 11.86 11.86 11.80 Orient Info. 36.20, 36.65, 34.50, SPL 25.60, 24.45 Wartsila (I) 118, 117.90, 118 Indiv.Pension Pol.Growth 10.50 — — Gilt Series (Cum) 13.37 13.63 13.23 FT Index - BSE 11.24 11.35 11.24 Idx-Nifty(FV 10.33) 12.19 12.19 12.06 Master Value Unit 1998 21.13 21.13 20.71 34.80 25, 25.65, 24.55, 24.55 121.85, 121.85, 116.80, 116.80 Indiv.Pension Pol.Nourish 10.51 — — Gilt Series (Reg) 13.37 13.63 13.23 FT Index - Nifty 11.90 12.02 11.90 Idx-Sensex(FV 32.16) 38.74 38.74 38.36 Mastergain 92 12.37 12.37 12.12 37.90, 37.90, 34.50, 34.60 SQL Star Int 8.40, 7.81, 7.91 Wellwin Ind. 15, 12.80, 12.89 Individual Builder 13.30 — — Growth (Cum) 16.32 16.65 16.32 FT Monthly Income (G) 14.22 14.22 14.22 Idx-SensexPl(FV 32.16) 39.82 39.82 39.42 Masterplus 91 19.77 19.77 19.37 Orient Paper 32.20, 27.25, 27.65 SREI Int.Fin 12.50, 12.90, 11.21 13.35, 13.50, 12.90, 13 Individual Enhancer 14.27 — — Growth (Reg) 11.49 11.72 11.49 FT Monthly Income (M’ly B 12.89 12.89 12.89 Income (D) 10.88 10.88 10.88 Money Market (G) 17.28 17.28 17.28 29.10, 30.85, 27.80, 28 12.80, 12.80, 11.40, 11.80 Welspun (I) 43.10, 40.55 Individual Protector 12.58 — — Liq.-Cum.-Inst Cum 12.42 12.42 12.42 FT Monthly Income (M) 11.11 11.11 11.11 Income (G) 15.09 15.09 15.09 Money Market (In) 17.07 17.07 17.07 Oriental Con 32, 33.85, 28.25, 28.50 SRF 25.50, 25.75, 25, 25.15 Welspun Guj. 24.40, 25.25, 23.05, Benchmark Mutual Fund Liquid Instl. Div.Pay 11.00 11.00 11.00 FT Monthly Income (Q) 11.19 11.19 11.19 Liquid (D) 10.06 10.06 10.06 Nifty Index 7.48 7.48 7.44 Oriental Hot 83.95, 85 25.05, 25.75, 25, 25.10 23.30 Liquid BeES 1000.00 — — Liquid-Reg.-Inst.Plus 11.37 11.37 11.37 FT PE Ratio 10.68 10.84 10.68 Liquid (G) 12.23 12.23 12.23 PEF 15.30 15.61 15.30 84, 85, 80.30, 84.25 SRF Polymers 23.40, 23.90, 23, Wendt (I) 430, 432, 421 Nifty BeES 122.99 — — Lq. (Cum) 12.40 12.40 12.40 Franklin Balanced(D) 12.52 12.71 12.52 Short Term (D) 10.11 10.11 10.08 Petro 16.38 16.38 16.05 Oswal Chem. 6, 5.50, 5.75 23.45 West Coast P 180, 186, 179, 181.10 Nifty Junior BeES 205.08 — — Lq. (Reg) 11.36 11.36 11.36 Franklin Balanced(G) 13.04 13.24 13.04 Short Term (G) 11.17 11.17 11.14 Pharma & Healthcare 12.59 12.59 12.34 5.65, 5.95, 5.65, 5.85 SRG Infotech 0.86, 1, 0.85, 0.94 181.95, 188.75, 179.25, 182.05 Birla Sunlife Mutual Fund Lq.Sr. Apr-06 (Reg) 12.17 12.17 12.17 Franklin Bluechip (D) 13.85 14.12 13.85 Tax 2000 (D) 15.71 16.02 15.71 RBP 1994 19.59 19.98 18.61 0.90, 1, 0.85, 0.90 Widia (I) 117.50, 121, 116, 118.70 Advantage (A) 31.81 32.13 31.81 Triple Ace (B) 12.17 12.17 12.17 Franklin Bluechip (G) 31.24 31.87 31.24 Tax 2000 (G) 19.40 19.79 19.40 Service 17.28 17.28 16.93 P Sri Adhikari 73, 68.25, 68.55 Wim Plast 44, 44.25, 42.10, 43.75 Advantage (B) 31.81 32.13 31.81 Triple Ace (Cum) 21.91 21.91 21.91 Franklin FMCG 12.14 12.39 12.14 HSBC Mutual Fund Software 7.22 7.22 7.08 72.40, 73.40, 68.30, 69 Wimco 28.15, 28.60, 27.85, 27.90 Balance (D) 11.09 11.20 11.09 Triple Ace (Reg) 11.02 11.02 11.02 Franklin Growth 7.26 7.41 7.26 Cash Fund 10.38 10.38 10.38 UGS 10000 12.08 12.32 12.08 Panacea Biot 38.90, 36.40, 36.70 Star Paper 22, 22.05, 19.50, 19.90 29, 29, 27.75, 27.85 Balance (G) 11.09 11.20 11.09 Triple Ace Inst Cum 21.96 21.96 21.96 Franklin Index 9.26 9.26 9.26 Cash Fund -(D) 10.19 10.19 10.19 ULIP 12.89 12.89 12.70 36.60, 38.50, 36.25, 36.65 20.60, 22.35, 19.90, 20.30 Wockhardt Lf 30.50, 30.80, 28, 28.05 Bond Index Fund (Div) 10.26 10.26 10.26 Triple Ace-Inst Reg 11.04 11.04 11.04 Franklin Index Tax 9.48 9.58 9.48 Equity 15.03 15.33 15.03 US 95 (G) 22.71 22.71 22.26 Pantaloon Re 122.50, 133.45, 126.05 State Bnk Bi 1333.80, 1206.80 29.90, 30.90, 28, 28.15 Bond Index Fund (G) 10.26 10.26 10.26 Deutsche Mutual Fund Franklin Infotech (D) 8.86 9.03 8.86 Equity - (D) 13.79 14.07 13.79 US 95 (I) 13.39 13.39 13.12 124, 134.50, 124, 125.40 State Bnk My 1537.40, 1391, 1399 Bond Plus Inst.(G) 11.39 11.39 11.39 Wyeth 364, 375, 338.10, 340.55 Alpha Equity 12.12 12.31 12.12 Franklin Infotech (G) 12.95 13.21 12.95 Income-Invest. 10.77 10.77 10.77 JM Mutual Fund Paper Prod. 132, 128.60 State Bnk Tr 1224.75, 1108.15 364.75, 378, 335.15, 338.60 Bond Plus Retail (D) 11.20 11.20 11.20 Insta CP-Reg.(D) 10.14 10.14 10.14 Franklin Internet Opp 5.49 5.60 5.49 Income-Invest. (D) 10.34 10.34 10.34 Balanced (D) 11.08 11.30 11.08 118, 131.05, 118, 128.75 Std.Indust. 6.25, 7.10, 6.10, 6.59 Bond plus Inst.(D) 10.46 10.46 10.46 Insta CP-Weekly(D) 10.13 10.13 10.13 Franklin Intl. 9.50 9.50 9.50 Income-Short 10.44 10.44 10.44 Balanced (G) 19.32 19.71 19.32 Paramount Co 8.25, 8.30, 7.75, 7.83 6.20, 7.05, 6.05, 6.40 Y Bond plus Retail (G) 11.38 11.38 11.38 Insta Cash Plus 10.30 10.30 10.30 Franklin Pharma 11.56 11.79 11.56 Income-Short Term (D) 10.09 10.09 10.09 Basic 14.82 15.12 14.82 Parekh Plati 9.05, 9.40, 8.68 Cash Plus Inst.(G) 16.60 16.60 16.60 Sterl.Inds. 364, 389.90, 368.10 Insta Cash Plus-(DD) 10.29 10.29 10.29 Franklin Prima (D) 21.11 21.53 21.11 Inst. Income Invst. (D) 10.43 10.43 10.43 Equity (D) 10.07 10.27 10.07 9.05, 9.35, 8.65, 8.70 Sterl.Tools 66.90, 68, 64.35, 65.25 Yokogawa Blu 67, 70, 66.20, 66.85 Cash Plus Inst.(MDP) 10.01 10.01 10.01 Premier Bond (Reg) 10.54 10.54 10.48 Franklin Prima (G) 46.72 47.66 46.72 Inst. Income-Invst. 10.83 10.83 10.83 Equity (G) 9.54 9.73 9.54 Parry Agro 88, 88.50, 84, 88 65.70, 67.50, 65.70, 67.50 Cash Plus Retail (D) 16.35 16.35 16.35 Premier Bond Instt. 10.58 10.58 10.58 Stl.Strips W 18, 16, 16.18 Franklin Prima Plus (D) 17.64 17.99 17.64 Inst. Income-STP 10.47 10.47 10.47 Floater Fund - Long (D) 10.04 10.04 10.04 Parry’s Conf 130 Su-raj Diamn 15.60, 16.45, 15.70 Cash Plus Retail (G) 16.59 16.59 16.59 Premier Bond-Inst(MD) 10.39 10.39 10.39 Franklin Prima Plus (G) 32.35 33.00 32.35 Inst.Income Short Term(D) 10.24 10.24 10.24 Floater Fund - Long (G 10.04 10.04 10.04 122.25, 140.75, 122, 128.65 Z Cash Plus-Inst.(D) 10.79 10.79 10.79 Premier Bond-Inst.(QD) 10.41 10.41 10.41 Franklin T TMA (Dly) 1511.96 1511.96 1511.96 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Floater Fund-Short (D) 10.05 10.05 10.05 15.75, 16.50, 15.50, 15.60 Patel Engg. 165, 167, 163, 163.25 Suashish Dia 22.25 D Yield Plus(Div) 11.12 11.34 11.12 Premier Bond-Reg.(MD) 10.36 10.36 10.30 Franklin Taxshield (D) 15.30 15.61 15.30 L.Link Balancer 13.50 — — Floater Fund-Short (G) 10.05 10.05 10.05 Patspin (I) 13.50, 13.70, 12.86, 12.99 Zandu Pharm 1850, 1816, 1825 D Yield Plus(G) 13.92 14.20 13.92 Premier Bond-Reg>(QD) 10.37 10.37 10.32 Franklin Taxshield (G) 32.56 33.21 32.56 L.Link Maximiser(G) 13.77 — — G-Sec (D-Reg) 10.35 10.35 10.35 Subex System 156.50, 159, 147.30, 1825, 1826, 1820, 1826 12.55, 14, 12.55, 12.85 148.90 Equity Plan 18.59 18.59 18.59 Short Maturity Fund 10.38 10.38 10.38 IBA (Instl Plan)-(Qtrly) 10.76 10.76 10.76 L.Link Pension Balancer 12.54 — — G-Sec (G-Reg) 18.57 18.57 18.57 PCS Inds. 25, 26.05, 24.20, 24.50 Zenith Comp. 13, 13.30, 12.60, 12.63 FMP Quarterly Group 1 (D) 11.09 11.09 11.09 Short Maturity MD 10.20 10.20 10.20 Maxima (D) 11.27 11.27 11.27 L.Link Pension Max.(G) 13.55 — — G-Sec PF 17.56 17.56 17.56 Subhash Proj 31.05, 30.20 12.65, 12.90, 12.25, 12.55 FMP Quarterly Group 1 (G) 11.32 11.32 11.32 Pennar Alum. 4, 4.12, 3.82, 3.90 30.05, 30.60, 29.55, 30.50 Short Maturity Weekly (D) 10.23 10.23 10.23 Maxima (G) 17.95 17.95 17.95 L.Link Pension Protec.(I) 11.79 — — G-Sec PF Plan-(G) 19.17 19.17 19.17 Pentagon Glo 1.91, 2.14, 1.98 Zenith Exp. 47.75, 41 Float.Rate Long Term(D) 10.09 10.09 10.09 DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund SIP 04-Apr-04 10.49 10.49 10.49 L.Link Protector (I) 13.17 — — G-Sec Reg (GB) 10.44 10.44 10.44 Subros 74.90, 77.50, 71.90, 72.60 44.95, 44.95, 42.10, 42.10 Float.Rate Long Term(G) 10.09 10.09 10.09 Pentasoft Te 6.80, 6.41, 6.49 Sulzer (I) 150, 150.05, 144.50 Balanced (D) 11.70 11.70 11.52 SIP 25-Apr-05 10.22 10.22 10.22 L.Time Balancer 13.50 — — High Liq.Growth - Bonus 10.67 10.67 10.67 7.05, 7.05, 6.45, 6.50 Zenith Info. 12.53, 13 Float.Rate Short Term(D) 10.08 10.08 10.08 Balanced (G) 13.08 13.08 12.88 T Children’s Asset 18.62 18.62 18.62 L.Time Maximiser (G) 13.77 — — High Liquidity Daily Div. 10.00 10.00 10.00 Sundaram Cla 345, 330, 331.05 12.75, 13.50, 12.50, 12.55 Float.Rate Short Term(G) 10.08 10.08 10.08 Bond (D) 11.04 11.04 11.04 T Floating Rate In LT (D) 10.24 10.24 10.24 L.Time Pension Balancer 12.54 — — High Lq. (D) 12.01 12.01 12.01 Pharmacia He 100.80, 106.80, 350, 350, 332.50, 333 103.30 ZF Steering 119.40, 124.85, 118.30, Gilt Plus-Liquid-(A)(D) 10.63 10.63 10.63 Bond (G) 21.96 21.96 21.96 T Floating Rate In LT (G) 11.07 11.07 11.07 L.Time Pension Max.(G) 13.55 — — High Lq. (D-D’ly) 10.41 10.41 10.41 Sundaram Fst 510, 524, 492.25, 120 Gilt Plus-Liquid-(B)(G) 15.18 15.18 15.18 Bond Fund - Instl.(D) 10.24 10.24 10.24 T Floating Rate In ST (D) 10.00 10.00 10.00 L.Time Pension Prot.(I) 11.79 — — High Lq. (G) 17.06 17.06 17.06 100.10, 105, 100.10, 102.20 499.15 PHIL Corpn. 6.50, 7, 6.75 Zicom Electn 35.50, 33.50, 33.60 Gilt Plus-Liquid-(C-AD) 15.18 15.18 15.18 Bond Fund Inst. 10.58 10.58 10.58 T Floating Rate In ST (G) 11.05 11.05 11.05 L.Time Protector (I) 13.17 — — High Lq. Inst.(G) 10.19 10.19 10.19 505, 515, 487.05, 496.45 Zigma Soft. 3.41, 4.20, 4.15 Gilt Plus-PF Plan-(A)(D) 11.57 11.57 11.57 Equity 18.04 18.40 18.04 T G Sec (D) 11.82 11.82 11.82 IL&FS Mutual Fund High Lq.Inst.(D) 10.02 10.02 10.02 7, 7.10, 6.70, 6.70 Sunflag Iron 8.70, 9, 8.25, 8.29 Phillip Carb 44.50, 41, 41.05 Zodiac Cloth 128, 122 Gilt Plus-PF Plan-(B)(G) 18.29 18.29 18.29 Floating Rate Fund 10.12 10.12 10.12 T G Sec (G) 21.30 21.30 21.30 Bond (B) 11.03 11.03 11.03 Income (D) 10.37 10.37 10.37 Super Spin. 88.25, 89.70, 88 127, 130, 125, 125.50 Gilt Plus-PF-(C-AD) 18.29 18.29 18.29

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The Times of India, New Delhi, Wednesday,August 6, 2003

Ferreira upbeat Bid for Veron Committed transition Armed with a surprise win at Los Manchester United have told Chelsea David Beckham has adapted quickly to Angeles, veteran Wayne Ferreira starts to increase their $23 m offer for Juan Real Madrid and is now fully as an unseeded dangerman at the Sebastian Veron if they are serious committed to the club. The England Montreal Masters. The event boasts about securing the Argentinian. captain is now keen to beat his of the likes of Andre Agassi and Chelsea are hoping to wrap up a deal former club Manchester Juan Carlos Ferrero by the middle of this week United if pitted against them

Anand manages a win at Dortmund

CRICKET BITS Sledging is a minor issue which should not be blown cern by resting firebrand out of proportion. Dravid sees fast bowler Brett Lee for Four newcomers edge in Wednesday’s series-ending — Indian captain Scots through limited-overs international Sourav ganguly TIMES NEWS NETWORK camp from September 1 to 6 also in Ban- at Darwin. galore. ‘‘Since this is the off-season we London: A day after his ef- Lee will be replaced by Mumbai: Mumbai allrounder Ramesh NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK SPORTS DIGEST wanted those playing in the Challenger forts ended on losing note, pace spearhead Jason Powar, Delhi batsman Mithun Manhas, AFP also to benefit from training, hence the Rahul Dravid saw his for- Gillespie. Brad Williams Gujarat mediumpacer Siddharth Trive- RAMESH POWAR: Stockily built useful allrounder from high number of 36 for the camp,’’ the tune turn for the better as will start for this first time di and Karnataka keeper Thilak Naidu Mumbai. He hits the ball a long way and bowls more secretary said. Scotland scored a stunning in the series while Darren are the new faces in the list of 36 proba- than useful off-spin too. He’s renowned for his back- Rahul Dravid, Md Kaif and Yuvraj six-wicket win over Sussex Lehmann gets a rest. bles picked on Monday for the new to-the wall innings. Singh, playing English county cricket, in a Division Two match of Australian lineup: Adam Gilchrist, cricket season. have been allowed to miss the first camp MITHUN MANHAS: Elegant right-hand batsman, the National League at Matthew Hayden, Ricky Ponting (cap- The selectors picked all the World tain), Damien Martyn, Michael Bevan,An- but have to report for the September 1 known for his flowing drives. If need be, he can also Hove. Chasing a target of drew Symonds, Ian Harvey, Brad Hogg, Cup players barring Srinath and the en- camp and Challenger series. Asked if 271 in 45 overs, Scotland Andrew Bichel, Jason Gillespie, Brad tire India A team which had a success- graft in tight situations besides bowling off-spin.At 25, other probables playing in the cruised to victory with Williams. Brett Lee 12th man. ful tour of England. The BCCI secretary, he has a sharp cricketing mind too. U.K.leagues which reach their climax more than an over to spare. S.K. Nair, said Srinath made himself this month would also be allowed to stay SIDDHARTH TRIVEDI: Lanky fast bowler from Gujarat Dravid anchored the Inzi recalled unavailable because of injury during back, the secretary said: ‘‘No one has is known to make theball deviate off the wicket. With Scotland innings with a 79- his county stint with Durham, Islamabad: Pakistan’s asked us. If they do we shall consider.’’ his height he can trouble the batsman with discon- ball 69 while Jon Kent The players to make the squad over certing bounce as well. struck an unbeaten 115 to Cricket Board recalled and above these are Mumbai allrounder The new trainer, King, will be there at middle-order batsman In- the camp. guide the visitors to a Sairaj Bahutule, Reetinder Singh Sodhi, THILAK NAIDU: He already has the stamp of India memorable victory. The zamam-ul-Haq on Tuesday Sarandeep Singh, Ajay Ratra and Jai veteran Syed Kirmani who was Karnataka’s Ranji Sussex innings revolved while naming 20 probable Prakash Yadav.These players have been Srinath doubtful Trophy coach as well, Naidu’s domestic team. Besides, around a 140-run fourth players for this month’s Mary Pierce hits a backhand to in and out of India sides for recent in- he can bat as well. wicket stand between for- Test match against Tamarine Tanasugarn of Thailand ternational tours. Mumbai: India’s pace spearhead Java- mer Zimbabwe Test star Bangladesh. The squad led during the JPMorgan Chase Open One player ruled out because of fit- gal Srinath on Tuesday excused himself Murray Goodwin and by Rashid Latif will begin in Carson, California, on Monday. ness problems is Akash Chopra, the Del- from a pre-season training camp, rais- The probables Chris Adams. training starting August 9. hi opener. If he regains fitness he might ing fears the veteran may not play in- S Ganguly, S Tendulkar, A Kumble, V Sehwag, D Mongia, P Patel, Zaheer Probables: Mohammad Hafeez, Taufeeq Cricket board meeting: The still be picked. ternational cricket again. Khan,Ashish Nehra,Ajit Agarkar, Harbhajan Singh, Sanjay Bangar, Shiv Sun- Umer, Yasir Hameed, Inzamam-ul-haq, Cricket Board’s Working Committee Yousuf Youhana, Misbah-ul-haq, Farhan The probables will attend the camp in Srinath, who turns 34 later this der Das, Gautam Gambhir, Wasim Jaffer, Satyajit Parab, Hemang Badani, S Lee rested will meet at Chennai on August 21 Adil, Hasan Raza, Rashid Latif, Shoaib Bangalore from August 14 to 26 and play month, was excluded at his own request Sriram, Rohan Gavaskar, Vijay Bharadwaj, Murli Kartik, Amit Mishra, L Bal- Malik, Abdul Razzaq, Umer Gul, Shoaib and 22. Board secretary S K Nair aji,Aavishkar Salvi, Irfan Pathan (Jr), Mithun Manhas,A Ratra,Thilak Naidu, Darwin: Australian selec- the Challenger series to be held in Ban- from a list of 36 probables who will take Akhtar, Shabbir Ahmed, Mohammad told reporters in Mumbai on Tuesday V V S Laxman, Sairaj Bahutule, Ramesh Powar, JP Yadav, A Rayadu, tors spared the Bang Khalil, Najaf Shah, Danish Kaneria, Abdul that the main agenda would be relat- galore from September 10-14. The Indi- part in the camp in the southern city of Reetinder Sodhi, Sarandeep Singh, Siddharth Trivedi and Amit Bhandari. -ladeshi batsman some con- Sattar, Kamran Akmal, J Nazir. Agencies ed to accounts and to finalise the an team will have a special practice Bangalore from August 14. date and venue of the AGM to be held next month. PTI Ajit Ninan Second leg of PGA: Defending champion Mukesh Kumar and Indian Does Sourav want a new agent? Open 2001 winner Vijay Kumar, would be among the cream of By Dinesh Chopra Group-Nimbus. A Nimbus source CAPTAIN SPEAK golfers seen in action in the second TIMES NEWS NETWORK confirmed to Times News Network leg of the 2003-2004 season’s Hero that talks were indeed on. “Yes, we New Delhi: India captain Sourav Honda Golf tour, beginning in are negotiating with Sourav but it is Ganguly is on the lookout for a new ‘Sledging is part Coiambatore from August 13. The only at a preliminary stage and we agent to market him. His present four-day “Cotton City open 2003,” can’t divulge the details at the mo- would also be the first leg of the representative, Percept D’Mark, de- of modern cricket’ Southern swing and the tournament nies such a move on his part. Sanjay ment,” the source said. Ganguly,who signed with Percept will precede the DHL Pro-Am. TNN Lal, Parcept’s CEO, said on Tuesday: New Delhi: Captain Sourav Gangu- “This, at best, is speculation. As far D’Mark in 2000, had his business in- ly has said his young team is pre- BETTING METER as we are concerned, the contract is terests managed by the late Mark pared to counter the notorious Aus- still there and shall go on. Ours is a Mascrenhas-owned WorldTel. His tralian sledging during India’s up- FOOTBALL fantastic relationship and it’s sur- contract with Percept is up for re- coming tour in November, saying Barclaycard Premiership 2003/4 newal in September. the “players have learnt to live with Manchester United 6/5 prising that such news is doing the Arsenal 9/4 rounds.” The reasons for Ganguly’s alleged it”. “It (sledging) happens. There are Chelsea 6/1 It is learnt that Ganguly has been fallout with Percept range from his a bit of words exchanged on the field Liverpool 6/1 demanding more share in the deals Newcastle United 8/1 negotiating with at least two differ- these days. It happens with every as per ent player management companies. to irregularities in payment of mon- team. But the players have learnt to And one of them is World Sports ey which Lal categorically denied. live with it,” Ganguly said. PTI No more Tests for Gough First Test will London: England fast effort I’ve put in over the last Among Gough’s highlights be held in bowler Darren Gough, ham- eight months to get back to in Test cricket were taking pered by a knee injury in re- this stage,’’ he said. ‘‘It has taking six for 42 against cent years, announced his re- become apparent to me, no South Africa in 1998 as Eng- Ahmedabad tirement from test cricket on matter what my heart, head land won the five-match se- TIMES NEWS NETWORK Tuesday.Gough, 32, made his or public want me to do, that ries 2-1. A year later, he Test match debut in 1994 and my knee will not allow me to recorded a first-innings hat- Kolkata: The first Test of the finished with 229 wickets. play Test match cricket. trick in the final Ashes Test forthcoming two-match series He’s eighth on the all-time ‘‘Obviously I’m sad, but I as the Aussies collapsed from against New Zealand has been England wicket-takers’ list. think every player knows 319 for five to 322 all out in a shifted from Kanpur to Gough has had three oper- when it’s time to step down.’’ span of 15 balls. Agencies Ahmedabad. The Test, sched- ations to his right knee since uled to be played from October injuring it against New 8-12, was originally set to be Zealand in February 2002, Darren Gough in Test cricket played in Kanpur. However, in limiting his appearances. view of the lack of prepared- T M R W A Best SR He remains available for ness of the newly-laid Green One-day matches. WI 8 785 31 25.32 5/109 47.19 Park wicket, the Board of Con- ‘‘I’ve come to a decision to NZ 4 513 25 20.52 5/40 42.0 8 trol for Cricket in India (BCCI) retire from Test match crick- Zim 4 681 22 21.56 4/40 42.56 has decided to shift the match et due to the injury sustained Aus 17 2280 74 30.81 6/49 52.82 to Ahmedabad. The second playing for England in New Pak 5 548 24 22.83 5/61 42.42 Test will be played in Mohali Zealand and — three opera- SA 16 1656 43 38.51 6/42 70.37 as scheduled. tions later — to the subse- SL 4 376 16 23.50 4/50 42.00 Announcing this at a Press quent rehab to get back to Total 58 6503 229 28.40 6/42 51.62 meet in Eden Gardens here on test match cricket to prove to Tuesday afternoon, the BCCI myself and to other people Leading bowlers for England president, Jagmohan Dalmiya, that I could give Test cricket B T W A Best SR said that in view of the recom- a go one more time,’’ he said. mendations of the BCCI Botham 102 383 28.40 8-34 56.96 Gough played in the first grounds and wickets commit- two Tests against South Willis 90 325 25.20 8-43 53.41 tee, the Board decided to move Africa this summer — the Trueman 67 307 21.58 8-31 49.44 the match away from Green second one ended on Sunday U’wood 86 297 25.84 8-51 73.61 Park. Dalmiya said: “Accord- at Lord’s — after almost a Statham 70 252 24.85 7-39 63.71 ing to the report submitted by two-year hiatus. Bedser 51 236 24.90 7-44 67.45 the members of the grounds ‘‘I’ve found the last two Caddick 62 234 29.91 7-46 57.94 and wickets committee, for the matches hard going both Gough 58 229 28.40 6-42 51.62 last six months, virtually no mentally and physically, not Snow 49 202 26.67 7-40 59.51 work has been done with re- just on playing days but also gard to the preparation of the against the backdrop of the Rajesh Kumar wicket at Green Park. Scenes from a guided tour of IOA’s Delhi By B Shrikant is he, why is he butting in,” asks an ig- give much importance to Common- TIMES NEWS NETWORK norant SAI official. A mental note is wealth Games. True to it, the DDCA of- made, the society may get eviction no- ficials stood at one gate while the convoy New Delhi: Yehan sookhe kapde se saaf tice soon! landed at another. At the end, a member karo aaur us kamre main kursiyan lag- “We could have the women’s hockey of the entourage was heard muttering: vao (Wipe this place with a dry cloth and team (having a camp in the Capital) “Why did we bring them here?” get some chairs in that room). practicing here. It would have made a 3:32 pm: The enthusiastic welcome at It’s 2.30 pm on Tuesday afternoon. Shivaji Stadium is teeming with sports good impression,” said a senior hockey the IG stadium more than makes up for administrators and last-minute adjust- official. Good suggestion, but where’s the DDCA fiasco. The delegation is giv- ments are on. A brief spell of rain has the time. Instead, the spanky clean floor en a tour of the indoor hall. Same at the sent their plans haywire and officials is wiped once again and people sent to nearby Yamuna velodrome. are in a tizzy. Floors are being wiped. water the Astro-turf, which already had 4.31 pm: The welcome group, SAI Flower pots shifted. The road near the one compliment from the rains. trainees, spring into action at the Na- entrance is being swept again, causing 2:50 pm: It’s time but the convoy is tional Stadium on orders from adminis- amusem*nt among casual onlookers nowhere to be seen. It reaches two min- trator A Bharadwaj. The floral welcome and regulars, prompting one to ask what utes late and around 15 minutes later, amuses Michal Hooper much, he show- the fuss was all about. The officials were the officials heave a sigh of relief as the ers some on fellow members. getting ready for an inspection by the convoy leaves for Ambedkar Stadium. If these were the scenes in the after- Commonwealth Games Federation 3:10 pm: Ten minutes for the arrival of noon, things were no different in the Evaluation Commission, here to exam- the entourage at the football stadium. No morning. A dress reharsal was conduct- ine India’s bid. last-minute hustle and bustle here. The ed early in the morning at the Jawahar- 2:40 pm: The tension is mounting. stadium is in far better condition than on lal Nehru Stadium which was the first Where are the garlands? Why didn’t normal days. Edgar Rogers has a close venue inspected by the commission. The someone bring them? Orders and sug- look at the turf and the crease deepens. members were taken around the stadi- gestions are coming out thick and fast. He is informed that the stadium has no um and informed of its salient features. ‘‘Please get someone to sweep the water floodlighting. He loses interest. At the end of the day,IOA officials in- off from near the entrance. And that 3:26 pm: Not much activity at the Fer- sisted the visitors were satisfied. But board needs some paint,” intones a sen- ozeshah Kotla — the next venue as per maybe... They have yet another day to ior Nehru Hockey Society official. “Who schedule. Indian cricket officials don’t make up for the lapses.

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22 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 TIMES SPORT The Times of India, New Delhi Chawla claims Bagan follow EB out of Cup another victim By Arup Chatterjee twice within the first couple of min- jointed when it came to playing as a TIMES NEWS NETWORK TIMES NEWS NETWORK utes, Khalid Siddique firing wide team. Too eager, perhaps. from top of the box and then Rahim With the all-conquering East Ben- New Delhi: Kamal Chawla Kolkata: It’s suddenly a season of Nabi hurrying with his shot from the gal out of the picture, the summit had continued his giant-killing surprises! Close on the heels of East left with goalkeeper Arindam Ghosh been showing clearer, but both teams run as he got the better of lo- Bengal’s shock exit from the Tata cal boy Manan Chandra in a hopeless stranded in no-man’s land. seemed to have forgotten the arduous Federation Cup, a 10-man army spelt Pool D league match in the Mohun Bagan replied a couple of path in their anxiousness to get to the out the message in black and white to S.Chand NSCI invitational minutes later,skipper Rennedy Singh summit. Mohun Bagan at a floodlit Salt Lake sending Jose Barreto through with a snooker championship here None managed to stitched together Stadium on Tuesday. nicely weighted pass but Sporting on Tuesday.The 4-3 (27-75, 72- a reasonable number of passes, the Mohammedan Sporting, showing goalkeeper Mohammed Rafeek was 37, 52-47, 33-58, 78-49, 57-67, 59- refreshing verve and nerve, edged out out in the nick of time to save the day. sporadic phases only littered with 22) victory, his second in the the defending champions in a penalty So it continued, a coast-to-coast misspasses and careless shots at goal. four-man group, has virtual- shootout, prevailing 5-4 after 120 min- contest where the scoring opportuni- It was lost on everyone that goals ly ensured a quarterfinal utes of play failed to produce a goal. ties presented themselves with un- mostly come riding the calm of an as- berth for Chawla, who had on As Basudeb Mondal’s kick sailed erring regularity but no one could sassin rather than the bubbly enthu- Monday shocked Asian past the goal to signal a spot in the fi- put the ball in the net. The players siasm of cheerleaders. Games gold medallist Rafat nal for Habib’s boys, the pent up emo- were all over the place, looking eager Though Shanawaz Iqbal was doing Habib in his first match. tions on the terraces erupted into but a good job of sticking to Barreto and, However, despite reaching wild celebrations. Victory was sweet- dis- thus, taking the sting out of the dan- the Capital only on Monday ened by the heightened anxiety of gerous Brazilian, Adenkule’s exit evening, Pankaj Advani did- having to watch their team fight with was a huge blow, not just in terms of n’t face much trouble in his a man short for more than half-an- numbers but because of the influence first match. The 19-year-old hour, Habib Adenkule having had to his big-bodied presence was having National champion got the walk after a second booking seconds in the Mohammedan Sporting de- better of Rishab Thukral 4-1, before the end of regulation time. fence. It is to their credit that they did a brief spell of loss of con- In the summit showdown on Satur- centration in the third frame not let their enthusiasm ebb away be- day, Habib’s boys will clash with the being the only irritant. cause of it but, instead, found the sec- winners of Wednesday’s clash be- Advani won 72-30, 72-3, 79- tween Mahindra United and Vasco ond wind to fight till the end. 73, 57-37, 60-51. Penalty scorers: Mohammedan Sporting: Hussain Sports Club of Goa. Mustafi, Amandeep Singh, Amjad Ali Khan, Akbar In another tie, Siddharth The match started in dramatic Singh, Arajan Ali. Mohun Bagan: Jose Barreto, Parikh defeated qualifier fashion with Mohammedan Sporting Rennedy Singh, Marcos Parreira, Sunil Chhetri (Miss: Anuj Uppal 34-59 15-69 58-29 coming tantalisingly close to scoring Basudeb Mondal). 60-35 51-43 65-25. AP Money matters: Churchill Brothers may be sold By Stanislaus D’Souza main clubs that influenced profes- TIMES NEWS NETWORK sional football in Goa after the team made the National Football League. Mumbai: Thrice National Football ‘‘We were instrumental in League runners-up Churchill changing the life of footballers in Brothers are up for sale! The price: Goa. It is because of Churchill Rs. 5 crores. That’s the value of the Brothers that Goa footballers are popular Goan club, among the best paid better salaries,’’ said in Goa and India football, owned by Churchill Alemao, patron of the the Churchill family of Goa. club. Churchill Brothers, now 30 years Being a family owned club, old, spearheaded by former Goa Churchill is feeling the crunch of chief minister Churchill Alemao is running the show as the demands finding the demands of running a of top players is Rs. 8 lakhs and up- professional club too hot to handle wards— foreign players inclusive. inspite of achieving a clutch of ma- ‘‘Sustaining such hefty sums to pay jor titles over a decade. the players is near impossible, un- To meet the rising expenses less big-time funds are forthcoming Churchill has roped in Mumbai’s from corporates,’’ said Churchill professional marketing people Per- whose three year contract with Zee cept D’Mark to handle their spon- TV ended over a season ago. sorship dilemma. However, the sell out is the last Churchill is probably one of the resort according to Churchill. Churchill record book Presently, he is looking for a Rs 1 crore sponsorship. ‘‘We will lend •National League (runners-up) the name of the sponsor,’’ said 1996, 2001, 2002. Churchill. •Goa Pro League Champs ‘‘I will not close down the club as (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001). I have the footballers to look after. I •Governor’s Cup of Goa believe we can win the National (thrice winners). League this season. I have already •TACA Goa Champions (3 given our star player, Ghanian years). Yakubu Yusif an advance pay- •Dubai International Shopping ment,’’ disclosed Churchill. Festival Tourney (runners-up 1996). Churchill has also approached •IFA Shield (runners-up 2003). the All India Football Federation •Rovers Cup (Bombay) (run- (AIFF) president, Priyaranjan Das David Beckham celebrates after scoring his first goal for Real Madrid in ners-up, thrice). Munshi, for assistance. ‘‘Das Mun- an exhibition match against FC Tokyo at Tokyo’s National Stadium on •Qualified for Asia Cup Club shi has promised me help as I in- Tuesday. Besides Beckham, Santiago Solari and Ronaldo scored one Championship twice. formed him of my predicament,’’ each as Real won 3-0. informs Churchill. Acceptances for Kolkata Humpy takes it out on Mokal TIMES NEWS NETWORK By Amit Karmarkar to R.B. Ramesh and draw Results (round 9): Rahul Shetty (7.5) New Delhi: Following are the acceptances for the TIMES NEWS NETWORK with Chandrashekar drew with R.B. Ramesh (8); Deepan Chakravarthy (6.5) lost to Shriram Jha Kolkata races scheduled for Thursday: Gokhale on Monday, Grand- Camballo Handicap: 0-30: 1,800m: 1.30pm: Destiny Dance 60, Predecessor (7.5); N.K. Mishra (7) drew with S. Nagpur: Prathamesh Mokal master Humpy thumped 60, Moon Quest 58.5, Sugar Daddy 58, Blue Chip 54, Frontier Flame 54. State of Pune may have got an In- Satyapragyan (7); K. Humpy (7) bt Treasure Handicap: 40-70: 1,000m: On The Bit 62, Sergeant Slipper 62, Bird’s Mokal with white pieces in Prathamesh Mokal (6.5), D.V. Prasad (6) Empire 57, Flossy 56.5, Excellent Striker 53, Athinai 51, Royal Command 48. ternational Master (IM) title an unconventional sequence lost to Pankaj Joshi (7); M.R. Venkatesh (7) Sunbird Cup: 20-50: 1,200m: Arian 60, Sea Legend 59.5, Amaryllis 58.5, Far for finishing joint first in the of Queen’s Indian defence in bt V.R. Kamble (6); K.V. Shantaram (7) drew Hope 56.5, Great Ambition 56.5, Stimulated 56.5, Flying Dash 52.5. Calcutta Asian junior championship just over 40 moves. with Rotkim Bandopadhyay (7); Rishipal Fillies Trial Stakes: 3 Y-O Only: 1,400m: Evangeline 55, Brighter Future 48.5, in Sri Lanka recently. But Singh (6.5) drew with Chandrashekjar Followme 48.5, Imperial Pearl 48.5, Land of Fantasy 48.5, Queen of The Nile The win took Humpy to Gokhale (6.5), V. Hariharan (7) drew with 45. Commuter Cup: 4 Y-O & over: 1,200m: Alcalde 60, Allabreva 60, River such privileges were not seven points in this 13-round Himanshu Sharma (7); V. Koshy (6.5) drew Melody 58.5, Arcaro 58, Immaculate 58. coming from top seed K. tournament. But she has with Argayadip Das (6.5), Debashish Races cancelled: The stewrads of the Delhi Race Humpy in the ninth round of some catching to do as for- Chakravarthy (6) lost to N. Sudhakar Babu Club have decided to call off the third day scheduled the National B chess champi- mer British champion (6.5); Manish Kumar (6.5) bt Ravi Hegde (5.5); Suvrajit Saha (6.5) bt Anupama for Friday, owning to rain which has rendered the onship at the Hedgewar Sm- Ramesh (8) is a point clear af- Gokhale (5.5), K. Ratnakaran (5.5) lost to L. track condition unsafe for racing. The next race day riti Bhavan here on Tuesday. ter a safe draw with Rahul Imocha (6.5); Saptarshi Roy (6.5) bt C. will be on Monday. Smarting from her defeat Shetty (7.5) on the top board. Praveen Kumar (5.5). CAPITAL SPORT THE SPORTING WORLD AT A GLANCE DSA league: Delhi Cantt. Football club scraped past AFP Cosmos Football Club 2-1 in a Group B match of the DSA ‘A’ division football championship at the Ambed- kar Stadium. Both teams were locked goalless at the interval. Minuted into the second session, Aditya Das put Cantt. in the lead only to be doubled by Bikram. Gaurav Puri converted from the spot to reduce the margin. In another match, Ahbab Football Club held Panchkuian Club to a 1-1 draw. Youngster Football Club got a walk-over against Royal Football Club. ASN triumph: ASN Senior Secondary School, Mayur Vihar won the East Delhi Zone II table tennis tournament in the senior girls section. ASN defeated Ryan International School 3-0. Leepakshi beat Mukta 11-7, 11-8 while Lakshmi beat Hina 14-12, 12-10. In the last match, Iman beat Aditi 11-7, 11-76. Earlier in the semis, ASN had defeated Harvard Academy School 3-0. Shsahsnk claims gold: Shristhi Chaudhury and Shashank Bansal of Sachdeva Public School, Rohini claimed the gold in the 6th RSA Roller Skating race at Paschim Vihar, DDA Sports Complex. Abhilasa won a silver while Dhariya Gupta sculpted the bronze. State badminton: Seasoned suttlers Davinder Dhillon and Ajay Kanwar advanced to the second round of the Delhi state badminton championships underway at the Indira Gandhi indoor stadium. Dhillon beat Ujwal Kharbanda 15-11, 15-9 in the first round match on Monday. Other Results: Men’s singles: Ajay Kanwar bt Ashwani Kumar 15-11, 15-3, Vijay Sharam bt Keshav Sharma 13-15, 15-6, 15-4, Apoorv Vij bt Sunil Kumar 15-6, 15-1. Boys’ singles (U-16) Mayank Garg bt Raghav Arora 15-8, 9-15, 15-1. Mohit Khanna bt Yashdeep 15-10, 7-15, 15-10, Lakshay Manjani bt Hemant Joshi 15-11, 15-13. Boys’s singles (U-13): Yakshup Chopra bt Raunak Kapoor 21-8, Raj Kumar bt Chetan Chopra 21-15, Atul Chuhan bt Nishant Kumar 21-2. Argentina’s Je Masaro clings to the hoop after scoring a dunk against Puerto Rico in the XIV Pan American Games in Santo Domingo on Monday. Jindal basketball: Apeejay Saket beat Cambridge TENNIS to Martin (Spa) 6-0 7-6 (7-5), (8) Rainer WTA Tour JP Morgan Chase Open pre- school 37-23 in the group A match of the Jindal bas- WTA Tour Nordea Nordic Light Open, Schuettler (Ger) bt Mikhail Youzhny (Rus) sented by Audi, Los Angeles, Califor- ketball tournament. Meanwhile in group B matches, Helsinki, Finland — 1st round: 6-2 6-4, Jose Acasuso (Arg) bt Fabrice nia — 1st round: Rita Grande (Ita) bt DPS RK Puram beat Apeejay Sheikh Sarai 48-29 while Ludmila Cervanova (Svk) bt (6) Anca Bar- Santoro (Fra) 2-6 6-3 6-4, Juan Ignacio Janette Husarova (Svk) 6-3 5-7 6-4, Em- Modern school beat St Xevier’s 51-41. na (Ger) 6-3 6-4, Vera Douchevina (Rus) Chela (Arg) bt Agustin Calleri (Arg) 5-7 6- ilie Loit (Fra) bt Yoon Jeong Cho (Kor) 6- bt Iveta Benesova (Cze) 6-4 6-7 (5-7) 6- 4 6-4, Arnaud Clement (Fra) bt (4) Carlos 3 6-2, Maria Sharapova (Rus) bt Katari- Rameez’s hat-tirck: Leg spinner Rameez Nimat’s 1, (8) Karolina Sprem (Cro) bt Cristina Moya (Spa) 7-6 (7-4) 4-6 6-3, Younes El na Srebotnik (Slo) 6-3 6-1, Saori Obata (4/19) hattrick helped Balwant Rai Cricket Academy to Torrens-Valero (Spa) 6-0 6-0, (3) Denisa Aynaoui (Mor) bt Mardy Fish (USA) 6-3 6- (Jpn) bt Virginie Razzano (Fra) 2-6 6-2 6- beat Laxmi Nagar Cricket Club bt three runs in the 7th Chladkova (Cze) bt Gala Leon Garcia 7 (6-8) 6-3, Ramon Delgado (Par) bt Ivan 3, Tara Snyder (USA) bt Marion Bartoli Suba Ganda Singh Cup. (Spa) 6-3 6-2. Ljubicic (Cro) 7-6 (7-0) 7-6 (7-3), Paul- (Fra) 6-3 4-2 ret, Elena Likhovtseva (Rus) Balwant Rai CA: 87 all out in 21.1 overs (Shivan Sharama 21) beat ATP Tennis Masters Series, Montreal, Henri Mathieu (Fra) bt Scott Draper (Aus) bt Akiko Morigami (Jpn) 6-1 6-1, Shi- Laxmi Nagar Club: 84 all out in 23 overs (Vikram Sabharwal 2/16; Canada — 1st round: 7-6 (7-5) 6-4, (1) Andre Agassi (USA) bt nobu Asagoe (Jpn) bt Els Callens (Bel) 6- Rameez Naimat 4/19). (11) Paradorn Srichaphan (Tha) bt Alber- Frederic Niemeyer (Can) 6-4 6-2. 3 3-6 6-3.

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24 Wednesday,August 6, 2003 TIMES SPORT The Times of India, New Delhi

GRAFFITI AP Anand wins one but Lewis makes Klitschko angry: Vitali Klitschko react- ed angrily to Lennox Lewis’ lawyer telling his camp the needs a few more discussed fight between the Dortmund: Former World honours in this six-players dou- two heavyweights won’t take Champion Viswanthan Anand ble round-robin place this year after all.The warded off his blues and scored tournament. two sides were in negotia- tions over Lewis taking on an emphatic victory over Grand- Naiditsch re- the Ukrainian again for his master Arkadi Naiditsch of Ger- mained on 2 WBA title on December 6, many in the fifth round of the points while Rad- possibly in Madison Square Dortmund Sparkassen Chess jabov moved to Garden. It would be a re- meeting here. the same score af- match of the British champi- Grandmaster Viktor Bologan ter his draw. Leko on’s disputed June 21 win in of Moldova continued to lead the Anand was on 1.5 but his Los Angeles.”I’m surprised. tables after getting an easy draw game against After all, he demanded an against youngest participant Kamnik was still on and could examination from a specialist Timour Radjabov of Azerbaijan. get him a full point. that my cut has healed. Ap- Bologan took his tally to a re- Anand finally struck with parently he’s got more re- markable 4 points out of a possi- black after giving an exhibition spect for me than he indicat- ble 5 and is likely to maintain his of his superior middle game ed,” Klitschko said. “I’m full point superiority over near- technique. Naiditsch was no ready and I think it is very est contender Grandmaster match for the Indian giant in a sad.” Vladimir Kramnik of Russia who complex battle arising out of a O’Neill confident:Celtic was engrossed in a tense battle Sicilian Nazdorf. The German manager Martin O’Neill will against GM Peter Leko of Hun- hope, or their best talent as he is skip his team’s Champions gary when reports last came in. sometimes referred to, was in a League qualifier against FBK Anand took his tally to 2 fix just when the game was out of Kaunas on Wednesday to fly points and will need to score known theoretical discussions to Finland for a spying mis- heavily in the rounds to come if and was outplayed in all its de- sion on his next round oppo- he has to be in contention for top partments thereafter. PTI nents confidently expecting his highly-paid side not to slip up against the unherald- Prakash is ed Lithuanians. With the Scottish giants defending a comfortable 4-0 lead from The mascot of Puerto Rico’s volleyball team waves their India No 1 national flag during the match against Cuba in the XIV their second qualifying round New Delhi: Prakash Amri- first leg game, O’Neill will Pan-American Games in Santo Domingo on Monday. traj has pushed behind Rohan miss the Parkhead return to head on a curb while walking side of the road and collided Bopanna to become India’s instead watch MTK Bu- to a restaurant with his wife with a truck. “It’s with great dapest defend a 3-1 lead at new number one tennis play- and two other couples, his sadness that we have er, according to latest entry HJK Helsinki. One of those wife Caroline Gola said. ‘‘It learned of the death of this rankings released by the ATP two sides will stand in was so unbelievable,’’ she talented athlete and jack of Celtic’s way of making it said. ‘‘I never thought any- all trades,” the federation Tour on Tuesday. through to the group stages thing like this could happen said in a statement. Amritraj is now ranked 319 of the Champions League - to him. ‘‘The doctors are do- fa*gernes holds the national with 96 points, a jump of 32 where a 10-million-dollar ing everything for him that record for javelin throwing positions from last week’s windfall is guaranteed. they can. ‘‘It’s in God’s and was fourth in the 1999 ranking following his first hands.’’ world championships in round victory over Marat Gola in coma: Basketball Seville. Safin in a $380,000 ATP event Hall of Famer Tom Gola was fa*gernes killed in acci- in Los Angeles. comatose and in serious dent: Javelin thrower and Clichy joins Arsenal: Harsh Mankad is the third boxer Paal Arne fa*gernes, Teenage French full back condition Monday with a highest ranked Indian at 356 head injury sustained in a fall the bad boy of Norwegian Gael Clichy has joined Arse- with 81 points. He improved last month. His wife, Caroline sport, has been killed in a nal on a permanent basis informed that the 70-year-old traffic accident, the Norwe- from AS Cannes, the premier by eight positions from his Gola has been in a coma gian athletics federation an- league club says.The 18- previous 364 after reaching since being admitted to the nounced Tuesday. The 29- year-old has been on trial the second round of Denver Hospital of the University of year-old fa*gernes, who was with Arsenal during their pre- event. Leander Paes is ranked Pennsylvania after falling on as well known for his sport- season preparations and 988, with five points from one July 25. Gola, college bas- ing achievements as his run- joined the first team at their tournament played in the year ketball’s leading rebounder, ins with the law, was killed Austrian training camp last so far. Amritraj so far has 2-4 lost his balance and hit his after he drove on the wrong month. win/loss record on the ATP Tour. PTI Failure will mean more spending for Chelsea London: Chelsea’s Russian oil would receive so much atten- billionaire owner Roman tion, but then football is like a Abramovich said Monday if religion in England and I sup- his expensively assembled pose it was merited.” side failed on the pitch he Abramovich rejected criti- would go out and spend more. cism from some Russians that The 36-year-old told the BBC he should have invested the in his first televison interview money in a team in his home- since buying the club for land. “Some people, who call £140million ($160million) last themselves Russian patriots, month that he had also been thought I should have spent the surprised by the amount of at- money in Russian sport. tention he had received since “However it is not a free taking over. country like in England and “I haven’t thought about we are not used to people how much money I am going to spending money on sports spend,” he said. teams.” Abramovich has lav- “But if I think we need an- ished 36.9 million pounds other player because we are since he bought the club on not getting the results on the new signings. Their four new pitch then I will spend the recruits are Wayne Bridge , money required. Irish winger Damien Duff , “I must say I didn’t realise midfielder Geremi and Glen that my buying of Chelsea Johnson. AFP

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.