Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (2025)

Starting the year off right is SO important for any class, but especially in Algebra 1, in particular. Everything that is done in the first unit lays the foundation for everything to come throughout the rest of the year, so there is is a lot riding on starting the year strong.

Here’s what to include in your first unit of Algebra 1 to start the year off right…

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (1)

Students NEED to have a strong foundation, or else they’ll be fighting an uphill battle all year, which is no good. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what topics are most important for students to know (from vocabulary to skills), so that each following unit has a strong foundation. Here are all of the notes I used with my students during the 1st unit of Algebra 1.

If you want to look inside any of the pages included in this unit, you can take a look at these topic-specific posts for a more detailed look!

  • 1.0 – Notebook Setup
  • 1.1 – The Real Number System, Classifying Real Numbers, & Closure
  • 1.2 – Properties of Real Numbers
  • 1.3 – Order of Operations
  • 1.4 – Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
  • 1.5 – Combining Like Terms
  • 1.6 – The Distributive Property
  • 1.7 – Translating Algebraic Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
  • 1.8 – Solving 1-Step & 2-Step Equations
  • 1.9 – Solving 2-Step Inequalities

How do I set up an interactive notebook?

If you need suggestions about what to put on the first few pages, check out this post.

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (2)

1.1 – The Real Number System, Classifying Real Numbers & Closure

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (3)

Classifying real numbers is so much more important that we often give it credit. Math is very much a foreign language class as much it is a class about patterns, persevering, and problem solving. Without knowing the language of the land, math class can be so much more difficult than it needs to be and needlessly can lose students who are otherwise capable.

I like to start by explicitly teaching vocabulary and helping students look at distinguishing the similarities and differences between sets of numbers. This also embeds several opportunities to review representations of numbers from middle school.

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (4)

I’m all about making my notebooks highly visual for students, so including flowcharts are a MUST. I often put them before the notes for a topic as a visual introduction and reference sheet for students. You can get this classifying real numbers flowchart here.

I always start the next class with a recap warm-up of the prior day’s lesson. I use this as an opportunity to encourage students to start using their notes to refer back to, and I can use it as an opportunity to catch misconceptions and iron out any lingering questions students might have from the day before.

1.2 – Properties of Real Numbers

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (5)

Properties of real numbers may seem like a bit of a snooze fest for notes, but I have this foldable set up where students can help build examples to demonstrate each property which makes it much more lively. This is a great way to help students start thinking mathematically after being on vacation for the summer. Again, the next day we do a recap warm-up where students apply their learning from the day before and are encouraged to use their notes. This helps to start building the notion that their notebook is meant to be used and referred back to, over and over, day after day.

It’s one thing to say that students should use their notebook as a tool. It’s another to explicitly teach it and integrate it into our daily class routine. Studying and referring back to notes actually needs to be explicitly taught, and Turing it into a daily warm-up habit goes a long way.

1.3 – Order of Operations

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (6)

PEMDAS, GEMDAS, GEMS, BEDMAS…whatever you call it, I offer this order of operations “tips for success” page with that acronym. This is a quick reminder for students that emphasizes the different grouping symbols and the need to work from left to right.

The notes include common mistakes students could make as well as an opportunity to write some “notes to self” after completing each problem that had a potential common mistake in it.

1.4 – Evaluating Algebraic Expressions

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (7)

Evaluating algebraic expressions is a great topic to include in the first unit of the year. Not only does it reinforce order of operations, but the substitution property that students will need to use countless times. As always, we start the next day’s class with a recap warm-up to encourage students to refer back to their notes, and to allow me to iron out any misconceptions that may have developed.

1.5 – Combining Like Terms

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (8)

Combining like terms can seem like such a simple concept to us math teachers, but it is actually pretty tricky for students. This set of notes encourages students to think about what it is that they are doing, and forces them to face some common misconceptions along the way! Application problems like finding an expression for the perimeter of a shape are included!

1.6 – The Distributive Property

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (9)

This set of notes on the distributive property is sure to touch on common mistakes students might make…like having a 4+3(x+2) and students wanting to make it a 7(x+2) or what to do when there’s just a negative sign in front of parentheses like -(5x-4). These all trip students up, so we intentionally practice them to make it less scary.

1.7 – Translating Algebraic Expressions, Equations & Inequalities

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (10)

Color code. Color code. Color code. Please just read this post where I go into my method for teaching translating expressions, but, trust me, when I say: color-coding is ESSENTIAL.

I start off this topic by going over key words and phrases, and then our notes focus on applying our color-coding strategy to translate written expressions into algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities. This is such an important lesson to start off the year, because I like to incorporate equation writing into each unit.

1.8 – Solving 1-Step & 2-Step Equations

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (11)

Before we start solving equations, it’s of the utmost important that students know what a solution actually is. How can they check their work if they don’t even know what it is that they did?

We start by looking at the definition of a solution, which is any value that makes an equation true. We use replacement sets to help locate the solution(s) to two equations. One of them is even quadratic! It’s as simple as substituting and evaluating the expression (see how that skill always comes back!).

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (12)

We then move onto actually solving 1-step and 2-step equations. Lots of common stuck-points are included and students are encouraged to check their solutions on every 2-step equation. It takes quite a bit of practice for students to be comfortable checking their work, so constantly relating it back to that definition of a solution being a value that makes an equation true is a must!

1.9 – Solving 2-Step Inequalities

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (13)

For our last lesson of the unit, we do solving 2-step inequalities. Before doing any solving, we do a sign-flipping investigation that is meant to really build up the understanding of why it is necessary to flip the inequality symbol after multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number.

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (14)

We then move onto a foldable that covers the different types of endpoints, includes a reminder about flipping the sign, and lots of practice of solving, graphing, and writing the solution set.

Like your own copy of this download-and-done unit? Get this complete unit in one easy download!

What do all those symbols mean?

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (15)

Pages marked with the “understanding” symbol provide special opportunities to slow down a topic and build conceptual understanding so you can speed up later and in the long run. These will be essential in developing your students’ understanding of what it is that they are doing and why.

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (16)

Pages marked with the “flowchart” symbol are the perfect companion differentiation tool to help ensure that all students can find success. They are great study tools that students can refer back to over and over again and to turn to when they need help getting “un-stuck.” Use them to introduce a topic!

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (17)

Pages marked with the “bonus file” symbol provide extra utility to the interactive notebook. Starting an interactive notebook can feel really daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. These pages are those “extras” that make an interactive notebook function all the better, and make your life easier, too!

These understanding builders are included in all Algebra 1 interactive notebook kits.

Flowcharts are not included in notebook kits and are sold separately here.

Bonus files are special to the mega bundle of all Algebra 1 notebook kits, sold here.

Algebra 1 Unit 1 Interactive Notebook Pages – The Foundations of Algebra (2025)


What is the hardest subject in algebra 1? ›

According to study, the following algebra topics were found to be the most difficult for students to master:
  • 1) - Multiplying Polynomials by Monomials.
  • 2) - Modeling Using Exponential Functions.
  • 3) - Averaging Data with Different Units.
  • 4) - Converting Units for Derived Quantities.

How many students fail algebra 1? ›

In California, where standards call for Algebra I in grade 8, a 2011 EdSource report shows that nearly one-third of those who took the course—or 80,000 students—scored “below basic” or “far below basic.” In districts across the country, failure rates for Algebra I vary but run as high as 40 or 50 percent...

Is algebra 1 a hard class? ›

Generally, it can be a bit challenging compared to prior middle school math classes because it's typically the first class where you delve into more abstract concepts, especially when dealing with variables.

What are the foundations of algebra 1? ›

The content of the Foundations of Algebra course focuses on equations, inequalities, functions, polynomials, geometry, and statistics as well as the standards of mathematical practice.

Is algebra 1 or 2 harder? ›

What makes Algebra 2 harder than Algebra 1 is that it asks you to take the basic ideas you learned before and use them to solve problems that are a lot more challenging. You have to think more deeply and creatively to figure out these tougher problems.

Which math is hardest? ›

Which math subjects are considered the hardest in college?
  1. Real Analysis: This subject delves into the foundation of real numbers, sequences, series, continuity, and differentiation. ...
  2. Abstract Algebra: Also called Modern Algebra, this subject explores algebraic structures like groups, rings, and fields.
Mar 1, 2024

What is the most failed math class? ›

Algebra I is the single most failed course in American high schools. Thirty-three percent of students in California, for example, took Algebra I at least twice during their high school careers. And students of color or those experiencing poverty are overrepresented in this group.

Is algebra 1 in 8th grade bad? ›

Taking Algebra I before high school, such as in 8th grade, can set students up for a strong foundation of STEM education and open the door for various college and career options.

Why do kids fail algebra 1? ›

Algebra is overwhelming for many students because it's the first math class they take where they must wrestle with variables, abstract concepts, and creative problem solving. And there's often not enough done in the classroom to connect Algebra to their everyday lives and explain why it's worth understanding.

Can I skip algebra 1? ›

Check the course description at your hs to see exactly what Algebra 2 covers, but it should include linear, quadratic, exponential, polynomial, radical, rational, and logarithmic equations. Algebra I is incredibly easy, yet equally as fundamental. The skip is possible, granted you have decent math skills.

Is algebra 1 or geometry easier? ›

Geometry is standard to take after Algebra I, but before Algebra II and III. Geometry is not objectively easier. Neither topic is objectively easier. It depends on how you like to learn and what kind of teacher you have.

Can you skip math in high school? ›

The California Education Code (EC) specifies that beginning with the graduating class of 2003-04 and each subsequent year, pupils must meet the following minimum graduation requirements for mathematics: Complete at least two courses in mathematics in grades 9 to 12 inclusive.

Is algebra 1 for 9th grade? ›

9th grade math usually focuses on Algebra I, but can include other advanced mathematics such as Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry.

What is the easiest algebra class? ›

Algebra I (Essentials): Some schools offer an "Essentials" or "Fundamentals" version of Algebra I, which is often less rigorous and covers only the most foundational aspects of algebra. While it might be easier than the standard Algebra I course, it still requires a solid understanding of basic math concepts.

Is algebra 1 necessary? ›

Algebra 1 has often been described as a “gatekeeper” course. Its location in the scope and sequence of math standards has changed over time, but its importance has not. Access to advanced courses or a STEM career requires successful completion of Algebra 1.

Which subject is the hardest one? ›

Quantum Physics Courses

Of all scientific courses, Quantum Physics has been credited as the toughest course in the world.

Is algebra 1 harder than calculus? ›

We often consider calculus to be more difficult than algebra. Algebra courses explore the many operations, properties, and rules that can be used to manipulate equations. Calculus courses apply algebraic operations to functions in a more complex way.

Is geometry harder algebra 1? ›

So if you want to look at these three courses in order of difficulty, it would be algebra 1, geometry, then algebra 2. Geometry does not use any math more complicated than the concepts learned in algebra 1.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.